General Government: Detailed classification of revenue and output [GFQ03]


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Updated by provider on January 19, 2024 (11:00 AM)

Statistic [STATISTIC]
Item [C03181V03845]

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[STATISTIC] Statistic
  • [GFQ03] General Government: Detailed classification of revenue and output
[C03181V03845] Item
  • [01] Revenue - Total Revenue - ESA2010 Code (TR)
  • [02] Revenue - Taxes and social contributions - ESA2010 Code (D2 + D5 + D91 + D61)
  • [03] Revenue - Total Taxes - ESA2010 Code (D2 + D5 + D91)
  • [04] Revenue - Indirect taxes (taxes on production and imports) - ESA2010 Code (D2)
  • [05] Revenue - Taxes on products - ESA2010 Code (D21)
  • [06] Revenue - Taxes on products of which Value-Added Tax - ESA2010 Code (D211)
  • [07] Revenue - Other taxes on production - ESA2010 Code (D29)
  • [08] Revenue - Direct taxes - ESA2010 Code (D5)
  • [09] Revenue - Taxes on income, profits and capital gains - ESA2010 Code (D51)
  • [10] Revenue - Other current direct taxes - ESA2010 Code (D59)
  • [11] Revenue - Capital taxes - ESA2010 Code (D91)
  • [12] Revenue - Total Social contributions - ESA2010 Code (D61)
  • [13] Revenue - Actual social contributions - ESA2010 Code (D611 + D613)
  • [14] Revenue - Employers' imputed social contributions - ESA2010 Code (D612)
  • [15] Revenue - Sales of goods and services - ESA2010 Code (P10)
  • [16] Revenue - Sales of market establishments (= market output) - ESA2010 Code (P11)
  • [17] Revenue - Imputed sales related to production of own-use capital assets (= output for own final use) - ESA2010 Code (P12)
  • [18] Revenue - Incidental sales and fees of non-market establishments - ESA2010 Code (P131)
  • [19] Revenue - Investment income - ESA2010 Code (D4)
  • [20] Revenue - Interest (excluding FISIM) - ESA2010 Code (D41)
  • [21] Revenue - Dividends/Other Investment Income - ESA2010 Code (D42 + D44)
  • [22] Revenue - Current transfer revenue - ESA2010 Code (D39 + D7)
  • [23] Revenue - Subsidies - ESA2010 Code (D39)
  • [24] Revenue - Other current transfers - ESA2010 Code (D7)
  • [25] Revenue - Non-life insurance claims - ESA2010 Code (D72)
  • [26] Revenue - Other current transfers - Other Domestic - ESA2010 Code (D7N_S1)
  • [27] Revenue - Other current transfers - From Rest of World - ESA2010 Code (D7N_S2)
  • [28] Revenue - Capital transfer revenue - ESA2010 Code (D9N)
  • [29] Output - Output - ESA2010 Code (P1)
  • [30] Output - Market output (sales of market establishments) - ESA2010 Code (P11)
  • [31] Output - Output for own final use - ESA2010 Code (P12)
  • [32] Output - Non-market output - ESA2010 Code (P13)
  • [33] Output - Non-market compensation of employees - ESA2010 Code (D1_nonmarket)
  • [34] Output - Total compensation of employees - ESA2010 Code (D1)
  • [35] Output - Compensation of employees of market establishments - ESA2010 Code (D1_market)
  • [36] Output - Compensation related to production of own-use capital assets - ESA2010 Code (D1_own-use)
  • [37] Output - Non-market intermediate consumption - ESA2010 Code (P2_nonmarket)
  • [38] Output - Total intermediate consumption - ESA2010 Code (P2)
  • [39] Output - Intermediate consumption of market establishments - ESA2010 Code (P2_market)
  • [40] Output - Intermediate consumption related to production of own-use capital assets - ESA2010 Code (P2_own-use)
  • [41] Output - Non-market consumption of fixed capital - ESA2010 Code (P51c_nonmarket)
  • [42] Output - Total consumption of fixed capital - ESA2010 Code (P51c_nonmarket)
  • [43] Output - Consumption of fixed capital by market establishments - ESA2010 Code (P51c_market)
  • [44] Output - Consumption of fixed capital related to production of own-use capital assets - ESA2010 Code (P51c_own_use)
  • [45] Output - Other taxes on production, payable - ESA2010 Code (D29_pay)
  • [46] Output - Other subsidies on production, receivable - ESA2010 Code (D39_rec)
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