Pupils and students enrolled by education level, programme orientation, completion and sex [educ_uoe_enra16]

Documentation on provider website

Updated by provider on January 17, 2024 (10:00 AM)

Time frequency [freq]
Unit of measure [unit]
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011) [isced11]
Sex [sex]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]

Dataset has 6,750 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[freq] Time frequency
  • [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
  • [NR] Number
[isced11] International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011)
  • [ED3] Upper secondary education
  • [ED34] Upper secondary education - general
  • [ED341] Upper secondary education - general, insufficient for level completion or partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED342] Upper secondary education - general, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED343] Upper secondary education - general, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED344] Upper secondary education - general, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED35] Upper secondary education - vocational
  • [ED351] Upper secondary education - vocational, insufficient for level completion or partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED352] Upper secondary education - vocational, sufficient for partial level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED353] Upper secondary education - vocational, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED354] Upper secondary education - vocational, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED4] Post-secondary non-tertiary education
  • [ED44] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - general
  • [ED441] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - general, insufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED443] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - general, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED444] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - general, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED45] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - vocational
  • [ED451] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - vocational, insufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED453] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - vocational, sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED454] Post-secondary non-tertiary education - vocational, sufficient for level completion, with direct access to tertiary education
  • [ED5] Short-cycle tertiary education
  • [ED54] Short-cycle tertiary education - general/academic
  • [ED541] Short-cycle tertiary education - general/academic, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED544] Short-cycle tertiary education - general/academic, sufficient for level completion
  • [ED55] Short-cycle tertiary education - vocational/professional
  • [ED551] Short-cycle tertiary education - vocational/professional, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED554] Short-cycle tertiary education - vocational/professional, sufficient for level completion
  • [ED6] Bachelor's or equivalent level
  • [ED64] Bachelor's or equivalent level - academic
  • [ED641] Bachelor's or equivalent level - academic, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED641_651_661] Bachelors's or equivalent level - all programmes, insufficient for level completion (levels 641, 651 and 661)
  • [ED645] Bachelor's or equivalent level - academic, first degree (3-4 years)
  • [ED645_655_665] Bachelors's or equivalent level - all programmes, first degree (3-4 years) (levels 645, 655 and 665)
  • [ED646] Bachelor's or equivalent level - academic, long first degree (more than 4 years)
  • [ED646_656_666] Bachelors's or equivalent level - all programmes, long first degree (more than 4 years) (levels 646, 656 and 666)
  • [ED647] Bachelor's or equivalent level - academic, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme)
  • [ED647_657_667] Bachelors's or equivalent level - all programmes, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme) (levels 647, 657 and 667)
  • [ED65] Bachelor's or equivalent level - professional
  • [ED651] Bachelor's or equivalent level - professional, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED655] Bachelor's or equivalent level - professional, first degree (3-4 years)
  • [ED656] Bachelor's or equivalent level - professional, long first degree (more than 4 years)
  • [ED657] Bachelor's or equivalent level - professional, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme)
  • [ED7] Master's or equivalent level
  • [ED74] Master's or equivalent level - academic
  • [ED741] Master's or equivalent level - academic, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED741_751_761] Master's or equivalent level - all programmes, insufficient for level completion (levels 741, 751 and 761)
  • [ED746] Master's or equivalent level - academic, long first degree (at least 5 years)
  • [ED746_756_766] Master's or equivalent level - all programmes, long first degree (at least 5 years) (levels 746, 756 and 766)
  • [ED747] Master's or equivalent level - academic, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme)
  • [ED747_757_767] Master's or equivalent level - all programmes, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme) (levels 747, 757 and 767)
  • [ED748] Master's or equivalent level - academic, second or further degree (following a Master's or equivalent programme)
  • [ED748_758_768] Master's or equivalent level - all programmes, second or further degree (following a Master's or equivalent programme) (levels 748, 758 and 768)
  • [ED75] Master's or equivalent level - professional
  • [ED751] Master's or equivalent level - professional, insufficient for level completion
  • [ED756] Master's or equivalent level - professional, long first degree (at least 5 years)
  • [ED757] Master's or equivalent level - professional, second or further degree (following a Bachelor's or equivalent programme)
  • [ED758] Master's or equivalent level - professional, second or further degree (following a Master's or equivalent programme)
[sex] Sex
  • [F] Females
  • [M] Males
  • [T] Total
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
  • [AL] Albania
  • [AT] Austria
  • [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • [BE] Belgium
  • [BG] Bulgaria
  • [CH] Switzerland
  • [CY] Cyprus
  • [CZ] Czechia
  • [DE] Germany
  • [DK] Denmark
  • [EE] Estonia
  • [EL] Greece
  • [ES] Spain
  • [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
  • [EU28] European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
  • [FI] Finland
  • [FR] France
  • [HR] Croatia
  • [HU] Hungary
  • [IE] Ireland
  • [IS] Iceland
  • [IT] Italy
  • [LI] Liechtenstein
  • [LT] Lithuania
  • [LU] Luxembourg
  • [LV] Latvia
  • [ME] Montenegro
  • [MK] North Macedonia
  • [MT] Malta
  • [NL] Netherlands
  • [NO] Norway
  • [PL] Poland
  • [PT] Portugal
  • [RO] Romania
  • [RS] Serbia
  • [SE] Sweden
  • [SI] Slovenia
  • [SK] Slovakia
  • [TR] Türkiye
  • [UK] United Kingdom
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