Euro area19 trade by BEC product group since 1999 [ext_st_ea19bec]

Documentation on provider website

Updated by provider on February 15, 2023 (2:38 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]
Stock or flow [stk_flow]
External trade indicator [indic_et]
Geopolitical entity (partner) [partner]
Basic classes of goods in the System of National Accounts (SNA) in terms of Broad Economic Categories (BEC) [bclas_bec]

Dataset has 405 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [M] Monthly
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
  • [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
[stk_flow] Stock or flow
  • [BAL_RT] Balance for values / Ratio for indices
  • [EXP] Exports
  • [IMP] Imports
[indic_et] External trade indicator
  • [IVOL_NSA] Volume indices - unadjusted data (2015=100)
  • [IVOL_NSA_RT12] Growth rate M/M-12 of the volume Indices - unadjusted data
  • [IVOL_SCA] Seasonally and calendar adjusted volume indices (2015=100)
  • [IVOL_SCA_RT1] Growth rate M/M-1 of the seasonally and calendar adjusted volume Indices
  • [IVU] Unit value index (2015=100)
  • [IVU_RT1] Growth rate M/M-1 of the unit-value indices
  • [IVU_RT12] Growth rate M/M-12 of the unit-value indices
  • [TRD_VAL] Trade value in million ECU/EURO
  • [TRD_VAL_RT12] Growth rate M/M-12 of the trade value
  • [TRD_VAL_SCA] Seasonally and calendar adjusted trade value in million ECU/EURO
  • [TRD_VAL_SCA_RT1] Growth rate M/M-1 of the seasonally and calendar adjusted trade value
[partner] Geopolitical entity (partner)
  • [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
  • [EU27_2020_NEA19] EU27 countries (from 2020) not in EA19 (from 2015) - 8 countries
  • [EXT_EA19] Extra-euro area - 19 countries (from 2015)
[bclas_bec] Basic classes of goods in the System of National Accounts (SNA) in terms of Broad Economic Categories (BEC)
  • [CAP] Capital goods
  • [CONS] Consumption goods
  • [CONS_TRA] Consumption goods, motor spirit and passenger motor cars
  • [INT] Intermediate goods
  • [TOTAL] Total
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