Production in services - monthly data [sts_sepr_m]

Documentation on provider website

Updated by provider on April 13, 2024 (9:00 AM)

Time frequency [freq]
Business trend indicator [indic_bt]
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) [nace_r2]
Seasonal adjustment [s_adj]
Unit of measure [unit]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]

Dataset has 6,471 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2015-012015-022015-032015-042015-052015-062015-072015-082015-092015-102015-112015-122016-012016-022016-032016-042016-052016-062016-072016-082016-092016-102016-112016-122017-012017-022017-032017-042017-052017-062017-072017-082017-092017-102017-112017-122018-012018-022018-032018-042018-052018-062018-072018-082018-092018-102018-112018-122019-012019-022019-032019-042019-052019-062019-072019-082019-092019-102019-112019-122020-012020-022020-032020-042020-052020-062020-072020-082020-092020-102020-112020-122021-012021-022021-032021-042021-052021-062021-072021-082021-092021-102021-112021-122022-012022-022022-032022-042022-052022-062022-072022-082022-092022-102022-112022-122023-012023-022023-032023-042023-052023-062023-072023-082023-092023-102023-112010-012010-022010-032010-042010-052010-062010-072010-082010-092010-102010-112010-122011-012011-022011-032011-042011-052011-062011-072011-082011-092011-102011-112011-122012-012012-022012-032012-042012-052012-062012-072012-082012-092012-102012-112012-122013-012013-022013-032013-042013-052013-062013-072013-082013-092013-102013-112013-122014-012014-022014-032014-042014-052014-062014-072014-082014-092014-102014-112014-122005-032005-042005-052005-062005-072005-082005-092005-102005-112005-122006-012006-022006-032006-042006-052006-062006-072006-082006-092006-102006-112006-122007-012007-022007-032007-042007-052007-062007-072007-082007-092007-102007-112007-122008-012008-022008-032008-042008-052008-062008-072008-082008-092008-102008-112008-122009-012009-022009-032009-042009-052009-062009-072009-082009-092009-102009-112009-12
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.BG 81.2 84.5 94.4 94.9 94.6 103.1 111.6 106.8 103.8 106.3 102.3 116.5 87.3 91.7 101.5 100.4 99.8 111.6 113.1 113.2 109.5 107.7 111.5 127.5 95.7 97.9 111.1 106.1 109.4 116.4 122 122.1 118.3 119.3 120.4 132.1 104.9 105 119.1 115.4 118.8 125.4 131.3 128.5 125.9 129.4 127.4 140.4 114.1 115.3 125.8 123.6 125.8 131.8 139.9 139.5 135.6 135.1 133.9 151.2 124.2 129.4 124.2 109 109.2 121.7 130.8 129.6 134.2 133.7 133 141.6 114.5 122.4 142.1 134.6 134.1 147.7 157.6 156.9 152.2 152.1 152.6 163.3 128.5 131.4 151.9 143.4 145.5 154.9 156.5 156 151.6 151.4 151.7 161.4 133.3 134.6 153.2 141.1 147.2 158.7 156.1 156.6 152 155.2 155.4
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.CZ 85.4 87.1 101.8 96.8 98.8 105.3 97.9 95.8 102.6 106.1 106.2 116.2 87.8 88.4 102.2 96.6 98 107 99.9 98.5 104.6 107.9 108.2 117.7 91.1 91.9 108.1 101.8 105.8 111 103.9 101.5 107 110.9 111.7 122.2 97.7 95.8 111.7 104.6 107.7 115.7 108.7 104.1 111.6 114 113.2 123.2 101.8 98.8 115.5 107.8 110.4 116.2 109.2 105.3 112.2 116 114.4 125.3 102.4 100.6 105.7 89.1 94.4 103.8 102 98.7 105.3 109 107 116 96.8 94 109.7 102.7 106.4 115.1 109.7 104.8 110.9 117.8 120.6 125.1 106.8 103.5 121.3 109.9 111.8 117.1 111.4 108.3 111.2 115.8 117.5 124.1 108.9 103.3 118.2 104.9 107.8 114.4 105.4 100.9 105 110.1 111.7
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.DE 90.6 88 102 97.6 97.1 101 102.2 96.4 101.9 103 103.9 116.2 94.1 92.1 105.8 101 100.7 104.4 103 99.2 104.3 107.8 107.6 116.9 95.5 94 108.9 103.1 104.2 108.4 106.7 102.8 108.5 109.8 111.1 123.1 99.4 95.4 109.3 106 106.4 109.3 109.2 103.5 109.4 111.8 112.5 124.9 101.5 97.4 112.1 106.9 105.5 111.8 109.8 104.9 109.9 112.7 114.3 125.3 102.8 99.2 107.1 91.8 95.4 101.6 103.9 99.7 104 109.1 109.2 120.4 93.1 90.8 109.6 101.6 103.6 109.2 109.3 104.8 108.9 113.8 116.2 127.6 101.9 101 115.9 109.5 112.3 115.6 115.2 109.8 116.1 117.8 119.6 130.7 102.7 102 117.8 110.2 114.9 117.1 116.4 110.9 115.3 117.3 119.4
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.EA19 92.7 89.5 101.5 97.6 97.4 101.9 97.2 99.7 101.5 102.3 101.9 116.7 96.2 93.4 104.8 100.2 101.1 104.5 98.4 103 103.8 106.5 105.6 119 98.7 95.6 108.9 103.3 105.6 108.9 103.3 107.8 108.7 110 110.1 126.4 104 98.5 110.8 110.7 112.3 112.1 106.5 111.7 111 114.9 114.9 128.8 106.6 101.6 114.7 111.3 110.1 115.5 107.4 114.1 113.9 116.5 115.7 131 109 102.6 105.6 89.1 94.6 104.8 101.2 107.8 108.1 111.7 108.2 125.8 100.4 96.2 112.3 105 107.1 115.2 108.1 115.8 115.1 118.9 120.6 135.6 110.9 108.1 122.3 116.6 118.6 125.1 117.3 126 126 127.7 128 143.8
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.EA20 92.5 89.4 101.4 97.6 97.4 102 97.5 99.9 101.6 102.3 101.8 116.6 96 93.3 104.7 100.2 101.1 104.6 98.6 103.2 103.9 106.4 105.5 118.9 98.6 95.5 108.8 103.3 105.6 109 103.5 108 108.8 110 110 126.2 103.8 98.4 110.7 110.6 112.4 112.3 106.8 111.9 111.1 114.8 114.7 128.7 106.5 101.5 114.6 111.3 110.2 115.6 107.7 114.4 114 116.5 115.6 130.9 108.9 102.5 105.5 88.9 94.4 104.8 101.4 107.9 108.1 111.5 108.1 125.6 100.2 96.1 112.2 105.3 107.3 115.3 108.5 116.1 115.4 119 120.5 135.6 110.9 108.1 122.3 117.1 119 125.3 117.7 126.3 126.3 127.7 127.9 143.7
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.EE 111.8 110.9 122.1 105.9 112.7 118.7 122.6 120.4 127 132.4 130.8 147 114.4 114.8 131.8 131.6 135.5 141.2 138.9 139.6 146.6 146.2 148.1 162.5 137.5 132.4 156.5 151.6 158 156.6 152 151.6 156.2 157.7 155 173.2 137.7 133.8 155.8 149.1 160.7 156.2 158.5 156 155.8 158.6 154
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.EU27_2020 92.1 89.2 101.2 97.5 97.4 102.1 97.7 99.9 101.7 102.5 102 116.5 95.4 93 104.5 100.1 101 104.7 99.1 103.3 104.2 106.7 105.9 119.1 98.1 95.4 108.9 103.4 106 109.3 104.2 108.3 109.3 110.6 110.7 126.5 103.6 98.5 111 110.7 112.7 113 107.8 112.4 111.9 115.6 115.6 129.2 106.6 101.9 115.2 111.9 111.1 116.5 109 115.1 115.1 117.7 116.8 131.7 109.3 103.4 106.4 89.8 95.3 105.6 102.7 108.7 109.4 112.9 109.5 126.5 101.9 97.1 113.2 106.5 108.6 116.6 110.3 117.3 116.9 120.6 122.2 136.8 111.7 109.1 123.6 118.3 120.3 126.7 119.5 127.5 127.6 129.2 129.5 144.8
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.FI 90.7 89.7 102.7 99.5 102.2 103.5 92.8 97.2 100.5 103.6 102.1 115.4 93.1 92.5 104.5 101.9 104.4 105.7 95.4 99.1 103.8 108.6 105.8 119.3 97.7 94.5 107.8 106 110 110.4 100.7 103.8 108.4 112 110.6 124.9 100.8 97.2 111.7 108.2 113.4 113.9 102.7 106.7 110.4 114.6 112.5 127.6 102.6 99.7 112.6 111.7 114.7 116.4 105.4 109.7 114.5 116.9 113.2 129.5 105 101.7 110 100.4 101.9 108.4 100.3 105.2 110.4 112.6 110.5 123.2 100.8 97.3 110.3 109.9 113.5 117.6 106.3 110.5 116.4 118.7 118 133.2 106.6 101.2 116.8 114.4 118.4 120.8 107 114.5 119.4 120.1 118 133.2 109.9 102.7 117.7 116.2 120.2 120.9 106.5 112.9 116.8 118.3 116.1 81.4 81.3 93.1 91.1 96 99.3 84.9 91.9 97 100.1 98.9 109 86.4 87 98.7 97.6 99.9 101.4 90.9 95.4 100.3 104.8 102.1 111.7 90 90.5 104.1 98 102.5 101.6 90.3 94.4 99.6 102.3 99.6 112.9 87.9 87 98.5 96.6 100.1 99.9 89.3 94.5 98.4 101.3 98.6 113.1 90.4 87.6 99.4 98.2 100.5 101.7 90.2 96.4 100.7 103.6 100.1 113.9
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.FR 96.4 91.4 100.6 98 97.4 102.8 89.5 104.7 100.5 101.4 98.7 118.5 100.3 95.9 104.3 99.6 101 104.2 90.6 109.2 102.7 104.4 102.3 121.7 103.8 97.9 109.3 102.7 106.5 109.6 96.1 114.3 108.1 109.6 106.9 130.1 110 101.8 112.2 109.9 109.7 114.7 97.5 120 111.2 115.7 111.8 133 113.4 106 117.4 113.8 114 118.7 100.4 126.7 116.9 119.2 115.9 137.4 117.1 106 101.4 83.1 91.8 107.9 94.6 119.2 111.5 114.1 105.3 132.2 109.7 101.8 114.7 107.8 108.9 120.7 102.7 130.3 119.9 122.9 124 144.7 121.9 116.1 128.7 123.2 123.8 135.2 115.2 147.1 136.7 138.8 137.1 161.8 136.2 84.3 80.5 89.3 86.8 86.2 90.7 83.5 90.6 91 92.3 91 103.2 88.6 85 94.1 90.8 89.7 96 86.7 95.8 94.7 96.1 93.4 108.2 92 86 95.7 91.9 92.3 97.4 86.6 97.6 95.3 97.3 93 111.6 92.1 87.2 95.8 94.8 94.2 97.7 86.9 100.1 96.9 98.3 95.1 113.5 94.7 90 98.9 95.8 94.5 100.9 87.4 102.9 98.8 99.8 95.3 115.1 81.7 78.6 77.7 82.4 75.6 81 82.2 82.8 79.8 92.3 79.3 75.7 84.6 81.4 81 86.5 78.6 84.1 85.8 86.5 82 97.4 82.9 78.8 88 84.7 84.4 89.4 80.5 87.7 88.2 89.7 84.5 99.6 86.1 81.2 90.1 86.6 85.5 89.9 81.9 89.7 89.6 90.6 85.5 99.9 84.2 79.6 88.2 84.8 82.9 88.1 80 86.4 86.8 88.6 85.2 98.7
M.PROD.G-N_STS.CA.I15.HR 72.9 78.4 89.5 94.5 101.1 110 128 122.9 111.2 97.1 89 105.2 76.2 82 92.6 96.2 104.5 112.8 130.8 126.4 114.3 98.3 91.8 107.6 76.9 85 96.9 101.9 109.4 119.7 135.7 129.9 117.1 103.2 94.8 107.7 82.4 84.2 99.3 104.5 116.7 126.1 142 137.6 120.8 110.9 100 113.4 83.7 89 103.3 111.5 117.5 127.4 146 141.2 125.7 114.9 103.5 116.5 88.9 94.4 87.6 69.8 79.9 103 123 122.5 105.8 95.4 87.3 95.4 76.5 81.8 90.9 135 133.4 133.1 153 151 148.1 125.2 110.8 129.1 101.3 106.5 114.2 177.7 175.9 163 170 161.5 157.4 132.7 115.7 139.6 107.5 109.8 116.6 182 187 173.8 173.2 162.4 164.1 66.7 72 82.8 89.7 100.1 101.7 116.9 114.9 105.7 95.5 89.2 96 66.3 73 79.7 89.2 98 100 119.9 113.6 103.4 94.9 85.5 95.4 66.6 71.7 78 87.3 93.1 99.6 120.7 111.2 101.6 90.2 82 94 65.3 71.7 80.3 90.6 98.1 103.7 120.5 115.2 103.1 90.1 80 93.7 68.9 72.7 79.8 90.6 95.8 102.5 122.4 116 102.4 92.4 81.9 95.5
Dimension codes and labels
[freq] Time frequency
  • [M] Monthly
[indic_bt] Business trend indicator
  • [PROD] Volume index of production
[nace_r2] Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2)
  • [G-N_STS] Services required by STS regulation
  • [G-N_X_K] Services of the business economy (except financial and insurance activities)
  • [H] Transportation and storage
  • [H-N_STS] Services required by STS regulation (except section G)
  • [H-N_X_K] Services of the business economy (except trade and financial and insurance activities)
  • [H49] Land transport and transport via pipelines
  • [H50] Water transport
  • [H51] Air transport
  • [H52] Warehousing and support activities for transportation
  • [H53] Postal and courier activities
  • [I] Accommodation and food service activities
  • [I55] Accommodation
  • [I56] Food and beverage service activities
  • [J] Information and communication
  • [J58] Publishing activities
  • [J59] Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
  • [J60] Programming and broadcasting activities
  • [J61] Telecommunications
  • [J62] Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
  • [J63] Information service activities
  • [L] Real estate activities
  • [L68] Real estate activities
  • [M69] Legal and accounting activities
  • [M69_M702] Legal, accounting and management consultancy activities
  • [M70] Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
  • [M702] Management consultancy activities
  • [M71] Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
  • [M73] Advertising and market research
  • [M74] Other professional, scientific and technical activities
  • [M_STS] Professional, scientific and technical activities required by STS regulation
  • [N] Administrative and support service activities
  • [N77] Rental and leasing activities
  • [N78] Employment activities
  • [N79] Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities
  • [N80] Security and investigation activities
  • [N81] Services to buildings and landscape activities
  • [N812] Cleaning activities
  • [N82] Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
  • [N_STS] Administrative and support service activities required by STS regulation
[s_adj] Seasonal adjustment
  • [CA] Calendar adjusted data, not seasonally adjusted data
  • [NSA] Unadjusted data (i.e. neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data)
  • [SCA] Seasonally and calendar adjusted data
[unit] Unit of measure
  • [I15] Index, 2015=100
  • [I21] Index, 2021=100
  • [PCH_PRE] Percentage change on previous period
  • [PCH_SM] Percentage change compared to same period in previous year
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
  • [AT] Austria
  • [BG] Bulgaria
  • [CY] Cyprus
  • [CZ] Czechia
  • [DE] Germany
  • [DK] Denmark
  • [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
  • [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
  • [EE] Estonia
  • [EL] Greece
  • [ES] Spain
  • [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
  • [FI] Finland
  • [FR] France
  • [HR] Croatia
  • [HU] Hungary
  • [IE] Ireland
  • [IT] Italy
  • [LT] Lithuania
  • [LU] Luxembourg
  • [LV] Latvia
  • [MT] Malta
  • [NL] Netherlands
  • [PL] Poland
  • [RO] Romania
  • [SE] Sweden
  • [SI] Slovenia
  • [SK] Slovakia
  • [TR] Türkiye
Technical links