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[educ_uoe_enra21] Pupils from age 3 to the starting age of compulsory education at primary level by sex - % of the population of the corresponding age

Updated by provider on May 14, 2024 (9:00 AM).

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Time frequency [freq] (1)
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Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (37)

This dataset has 111 series:

Series code 2017201820192020202120222013201420152016
[A.F.PC.LI] 54.6 47.6 51.6 48.5 49.2 50.3 NA NA NA NA
[A.F.PC.LT] 88.8 88.9 89.5 91 92.2 96.7 83.7 86.4 87.6 88.2
[A.F.PC.LU] 87.4 86.8 88.1 89.1 89.4 90.5 90.1 89 86.1 84.7
[A.F.PC.LV] 94.9 94.4 94.8 94.6 95 96.1 91.5 93.1 93.5 94.2
[A.F.PC.MK] 36.9 40.4 42.6 30.6 35 43.4 30 31 32.3 43.2
[A.F.PC.MT] 93.1 93.4 91.7 89.5 86.3 87.2 99.2 94.3 96.1 94
[A.F.PC.NL] 94.5 90 90.5 92.3 94.5 92.6 94.1 92 93.4 93.8
[A.F.PC.NO] 96.8 96.8 97 97.2 97.6 97.8 96.8 96.7 96.8 96.5
[A.F.PC.PL] 86.4 88.6 90.7 91.3 90.8 92.9 76.8 80.1 84.6 87.9
[A.F.PC.PT] NA NA 91.9 92.3 90 96.5 87.2 86.9 88.3 88.2