[ACOSS] | Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité sociale | FRANCE |
[AFDB] | African Development Group | Africa |
[AIH] | Africa Information Highway | AFRICA |
[AMECO] | Annual macro-economic database of the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs | EU |
[Apple] | Apple | World |
[AQICN] | The World Air Quality Index Project | World |
[BCB] | Banco Central do Brasil | BR |
[BCEAO] | Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest | West Africa |
[BDF] | Banque de France | FR |
[BEA] | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis | US |
[BI] | Bank Indonesia | ID |
[BIS] | Bank for International Settlements | World |
[BLS] | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics | US |
[BOC] | Bank of Canada | Canada |
[BOE] | Bank of England | GB |
[BOJ] | Bank of Japan | JP |
[BUBA] | Bundesbank | DE |
[CBO] | Congressional Budget Office macro economic database | US |
[CEPII] | Centre d'études prospectives et d'informations internationales | World |
[CEPREMAP] | Centre pour la recherche économique et ses applications | |
[citymapper] | Citymapper | World |
[CSO] | Central Statistics Office of Ireland | IE |
[DARES] | Direction de l'Animation de la Recherche des Etudes et des Statistiques | FR |
[DESTATIS] | Federal Statistical Office Germany | DE |
[DGDDI] | French customs | France |
[DREES] | Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques | FR |
[EC] | European Commission | Europe |
[ECB] | European Central Bank | EA |
[EIA] | U.S. Energy Information Agency | US |
[ELSTAT] | Helenic Statistical Authority | GR |
[ENEDIS] | Enedis | France |
[ENTSOE] | European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity | World |
[ESRI] | Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | JP |
[Eurostat] | Eurostat | EU |
[FAO] | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | UN |
[FED] | Federal Reserve Board of Governors | US |
[FH] | Freedom House | World |
[FHFA] | Federal Housing Finance Agency | US |
[Franc-zone] | Statistic on zone franc member countries | FRA |
[GGDC] | Groningen Growth and Development Center, University of Groningen | World |
[Google] | Google | World |
[ICE] | Intercontinental Exchange | |
[ILO] | International Labour Organization | World |
[IMF] | International Monetary Fund | World |
[INDEC] | Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos | AR |
[INE-SPAIN] | Instituto Nacional de Estadistica | ES |
[INEGI] | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía | MX |
[INEPT] | Statistics Portugal | PT |
[INSEE] | Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques | FR |
[IPP] | Institut des Politiques Publiques | |
[ISM] | Institute for Supply Management | US |
[ISTAT] | Italian National Institute of Statistics | IT |
[JHU] | Johns Hopkins University | US |
[JILPT] | Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training | JP |
[JRC] | Joint Research Center | Europe |
[LBMA] | The London Bullion Market | GB |
[meteofrance] | Météo-France | France |
[METI] | Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | JP |
[MOSPI] | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation | IN |
[NAR] | U.S. National Association of Realtors | US |
[NBB] | National Bank of Belgium | BE |
[NBS] | National Bureau of Statistics of China | CN |
[ND_GAIN] | Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative | World |
[OAG] | Official Aviation Guide | World |
[OBR] | Office for Budget Responsibility | UK |
[OECD] | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | World |
[ONS] | Office for National Statistics | GB |
[openfisca-tunisia] | OpenFisca-Tunisia | |
[OpenTable] | Open Table | World |
[oppins] | Opportunity Insights | USA |
[pole-emploi] | Pôle Emploi | FR |
[RBA] | Reserve Bank of Australia | AU |
[ROSSTAT] | Russian Federation Federal State Statistics Service | RU |
[RTE] | Réseau de transport d'électricité | France |
[SAFE] | State Administration of Foreign Exchange | CN |
[SAIS-CARI] | China Africa Research Initiative | Africa |
[SAMA] | Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority | SA |
[SARB] | South African Reserve Bank | ZA |
[SCB] | Statistics Sweden | SE |
[SCSMICH] | Surveys of Consumers, University Michigan | US |
[SECO] | State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland | CH |
[STATCAN] | Statistics Canada | CA |
[STATJP] | Statistics Japan, Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication | JP |
[STATPOL] | Statistics Poland | PL |
[TCMB] | Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasi | TR |
[UNCTAD] | United Nation Conference on Trade and Development | World |
[UNDATA] | United Nations | World |
[UNDP] | United Nations Development Programme | World |
[UNESCO] | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | World |
[UNIDO] | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | Austria |
[WB] | World Bank | World |
[WHO] | World Health Organization | WORLD |
[WTO] | World Trade Organization | World |