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[ext_lt_intertrd] International trade of EU, the euro area and the Member States by SITC product group

Updated by provider on May 21, 2024 (9:00 AM).

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Time frequency [freq] (1)
External trade indicator [indic_et] (11)
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC Rev. 4, 2006) [sitc06] (8)
Geopolitical entity (partner) [partner] (4)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (29)

This dataset has 2,362 series:

Series code 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.EXT_EA20.EA20] 53.8 54.9 57.2 63.1 69.4 72 75.2 72.3 80.6 86.2 89.2 92.8 96.2 100 103.3 106.5 107.9 111.7 111.2 114.3 115 107.5
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.EXT_EU27_2020.EU27_2020] 54.7 56 57.8 62.8 68.5 69.9 72.4 69.3 78.5 84 88.4 93.1 96.6 100 103.8 106.9 108.4 112.9 113.8 116 116 109.4
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.AT] 54.6 63.1 68.3 76.8 82.8 86 89 83.5 88.3 91.2 93 94.1 98.2 100 103.2 107.6 110.7 115.3 116.1 119.9 120.3 120.3
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.BE] 73.5 74.7 78.3 82.3 83.5 86.8 90.2 87.4 88.9 90.8 92.8 93.1 95.6 100 103.9 106.3 106.4 108.1 106.3 112.6 109.5 106.1
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.BG] 22.4 21.7 27.5 32.5 33.9 36.5 53.1 59.3 73.8 79.7 82.5 102.1 97.7 100 113.3 114.1 119.7 135 125.5 136.2 129.1 149.5
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.CY] 37.7 41.6 54.6 58.3 59.6 67.8 69.3 65 70.1 81.7 81.3 98.4 100.8 100 122.1 137.9 154.4 164.5 174.3 177.3 186.1 172.6
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.CZ] 27.3 30.2 37.1 50.4 53.2 58.7 63 64.2 65.2 70.9 79 81.4 89.6 100 103.1 102.5 98.6 100.1 104.1 105.8 116.6 124.9
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.DE] 56.8 60 63.3 70.6 75.9 80.7 84 84.5 88.4 90.4 91.8 94.7 97.1 100 101.6 102.2 100.5 101.1 98 99.2 98.8 99.4
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.DK] 88.8 91.1 91.9 92.9 94.9 99.8 98.9 96.7 99.8 98.4 96.3 98 99.5 100 100.6 102.7 103.5 102.1 101.8 105.7 102.9 96.7
[A.IVOL_EXP.SITC0_1.WORLD.EE] 23.9 27 32.6 39.3 47.1 57.8 61.1 58.8 69.1 77.9 90.4 97.1 100.8 100 103.4 113.6 116.2 136.1 144.9 156.7 180.9 190.3