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[ext_lt_mainez] Extra-Euro area trade by partner and by SITC product group

Updated by provider on May 21, 2024 (9:00 AM).

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Time frequency [freq] (1)
External trade indicator [indic_et] (7)
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC Rev. 4, 2006) [sitc06] (8)
Geopolitical entity (partner) [partner] (240)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (1)

This dataset has 13,424 series:

Series code 2002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.ACP.EA20] -3618.4 -3994.2 -3668.1 -3478.5 -2723.8 -3304.4 -3105.3 -3717.6 -3648.2 -3719 -2281.9 -1957.7 -2415.7 -3874.9 -5548.8 -4999.5 -4914.8 -4354.9 -3833 -3456.8 -2547.1 -4127.2
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AD.EA20] 165.8 161.2 160.8 163.4 152 175.2 167.3 158 170.3 230.5 229.6 235.6 241.4 243.9 253.2 263 267 280.1 239.8 258.2 333.2 355.7
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AE.EA20] 447 411.5 457.6 616.5 748.8 785.8 973.6 955.8 1144 1264.3 1543.8 1640.1 1852.1 2097.3 2169.7 2001.8 1813.8 2009.6 1754.5 1896.7 2628.5 2656.3
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AF.EA20] 18 24 27.4 35.8 48.2 40.6 59.9 78.2 76.2 89.7 83.2 47.8 22.8 40.8 35.4 43.5 40.7 35.9 35.2 36.3 51.2 43.4
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AFR.EA20] -1971.9 -2898.7 -2138.4 -2292.4 -1471 -1816.7 -241.8 -1506.5 -485.6 371.5 1599.5 2186.1 1894.2 -27.5 -2724.8 -3359.1 -3223.7 -2580 -1687.5 -2579.8 -13.8 -4356.6
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AG.EA20] 3 -1.7 3 2.1 4.5 2.8 4.8 4.5 4.6 4.1 5.4 6.6 6 -5.3 6 7.9 8.9 9.6 7.4 10 16.2 13.8
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AI.EA20] 1 1.1 0.6 0.4 -0.4 1.1 1.2 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.8 1 1.3 1.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.1 0.7 1.1 1.2
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AL.EA20] 150.9 147.1 138.1 141.5 153.2 166.6 206.9 216.2 229.3 236.9 214.2 222.9 220.4 223.8 223.4 242.6 262.8 299.3 288.7 347 418.5 438.5
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AM.EA20] 19.4 18.4 23.1 26.9 29.6 40.7 43.7 33.2 49.6 63.4 71.4 69.1 61.2 42.8 40.4 62.3 59 51.6 44.2 50.9 116.1 125.1
[A.MIO_BAL_VAL.SITC0_1.AME.EA20] -7905.8 -8346.2 -9740.4 -10075.9 -10041.3 -14084.9 -17313.6 -14145.1 -14385.2 -17064.5 -14798 -14028.7 -14118.4 -13620.7 -11606 -10159.5 -9328.7 -7166.6 -7138.6 -4958.4 -10508.9 -6903.1