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[hlth_cd_anr] Causes of death - absolute number

Updated by provider on February 9, 2021 (7:44 AM).

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Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Sex [sex] (3)
Age class [age] (22)
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10 2010) [icd10] (87)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (36)

This dataset has 204,204 series:

Series code 19941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.IS] 818 940 887 857 882 937 918 801 886 925 861 893 944 941 1005 969 NA
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.IT] 269116 270294 270524 276247 283758 281840 279407 277860 281094 299071 NA NA 282231 292030 297443 301819 299547
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.LT] 21152 21023 20048 19541 19564 19031 18511 18828 19256 19131 19473 20415 21004 20941 20914 20204 20584
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.LU] 1852 1801 1872 1941 1863 1825 1820 1856 1823 2005 1699 1814 1885 1895 1806 1800 1811
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.LV] NA NA 16842 16858 17293 16391 16050 16454 16108 16544 16139 16177 16448 16687 15582 15368 15489
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.MK] NA NA NA NA NA 7578 7926 7606 8071 8174 8297 8591 8630 9250 9010 9020 8945
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.MT] 1319 1336 1315 1356 1464 1554 1460 1441 1427 1569 1508 1554 1549 1501 1575 1549 1521
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.NL] 66443 67439 68553 68541 69273 71615 71754 72058 73357 72924 70194 70040 70078 68225 70234 68870 70081
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.NO] 21718 22158 21792 22364 22121 22698 22342 22343 22784 21955 21232 21087 21621 21745 21400 21478 21466
[A.NR.F.TOTAL.A-R_V-Y.PL] 181628 180398 182013 NA NA 177399 172638 170359 167831 171320 168835 171499 171388 174991 177058 181114 178645