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[prc_rem_nr] National civil servants in central public administration

Updated by provider on November 30, 2022 (6:42 PM).

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This dataset has 56 series:

Series code 2004-B22005-B22006-B22007-B22008-B22009-B22010-B22011-B22012-B22013-B22014-B22015-B22016-B22017-B22018-B22019-B22020-B22021-B22022-B2
[S.NR.SPL.AT] 38543 38543 37280 36847 37903 37823 37494 37130 44197 16489 17718 17741 17714 18987 18443 16863 15691 14892 14142
[S.NR.SPL.BE] 62195 62045 62045 26851 28687 28263 30539 30836 34697 28681 31297 28425 25653 23958 10719 11389 14321 17615 19784
[S.NR.SPL.BG] NA NA NA 50162 36721 34909 31712 31712 36980 30491 34718 33536 34921 35642 36218 37010 35470 36068 35362
[S.NR.SPL.CY] 10589 10468 10738 11306 12181 12816 12957 13549 13136 9279 8656 8445 8383 8264 8112 8302 8415 9865 10082
[S.NR.SPL.CZ] 18308 19019 18732 18126 17697 18042 18051 16978 17011 17088 16165 17058 17574 17503 19495 20122 20401 20389 20425
[S.NR.SPL.DE] 13047 12907 12792 12806 12534 12600 12588 12613 13280 12980 12376 15437 15750 16790 17042 18383 19369 21298 21458
[S.NR.SPL.DK] 8137 7745 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 7832 11155 10577 11493 12197 11816 12349
[S.NR.SPL.EE] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8260 8260 5370 6635 6934 6765 6634 6508 6459 6424 6333 6193
[S.NR.SPL.EL] 78184 77538 77321 77321 76759 77716 77716 73618 69993 58300 66857 67947 70560 70560 75905 75112 74661 73242 70811
[S.NR.SPL.ES] 78006 81332 80327 80327 57950 55704 52616 44783 34897 37213 36554 35461 34618 32714 32533 32711 33004 33764 33588