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[tec00112] Employment, domestic concept - Total

Updated by provider on April 20, 2024 (9:00 AM).

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This dataset has 39 series:

Series code 201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.AT] 4205.16 4219.77 4259.9 4285.54 4341.33 4412.56 4487.09 4535.09 4463.1 4553.18 4672.31 4715.99
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.BE] 4572.4 4559 4577.1 4617.3 4675.2 4748.5 4818.1 4895.2 4898.4 4992.3 5096 5136.7
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.BG] 3436.39 3421.58 3434.17 3446.21 3463.35 3525.35 3521.64 3533.58 3451.74 3458.41 3446.69 3480.72
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.CH] 4679.47 4736.05 4825.25 4899.15 4967.27 5012.55 5064.55 5101.73 5076.21 5105.42 5181.21 5301.17
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.CY] 392.81 370.85 363.41 369.12 386.31 407.14 428.9 445.14 439.86 453.76 467.28 474.25
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.CZ] 5064.62 5080.93 5108.97 5181.91 5264.3 5345.81 5417.11 5430.34 5337.2 5357.69 5437.66 5478.86
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.DE] 42019 42350 42721 43122 43661 44251 44866 45276 44915 44984 45596 45933
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.DK] 2766.81 2766.4 2790.51 2829 2876.45 2919.56 2962.78 3005.48 2981.46 3051.88 3167.89 3214.26
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.EA19] 149977.95 149256.37 150348.92 151743.46 153883.6 156286.61 158842.43 160942.82 158638.17 160923.08 164587.27 166950.35
[A.THS_PER.TOTAL.EMP_DC.EA20] 151524.32 150758.98 151891.26 153305.2 155449.12 157890.49 160487.77 162638.59 160313.7 162618.57 166322.31 168716.97