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[RAMSDSNIYrkstUtbnR] Gainfully employed 16+ years by region of work (RAMS) by industrial classification SE-SIC92, status in employment, level of education, sex, observations and year

Updated on DBnomics on April 8, 2022 (1:30 PM).

Search filters
industrial classification SE-SIC92 [SNI92] (44)
status in employment [Yrkesstallning] (3)
level of education [UtbildningsNiva] (6)
sex [Kon] (2)
observations [ContentsCode] (1)

This dataset has 1,584 series:

Series code 19931994199519961997199819992000200120022003
[00.ANST.US.1.AM0207A7] 448 193 687 516 431 713 250 222 241 252 130
[00.ANST.US.2.AM0207A7] 123 37 235 229 239 238 191 158 213 170 141
[00.EGFÖR.21.1.AM0207A7] 12646 13512 11722 9825 10334 9897 8222 7255 6565 6500 4357
[00.EGFÖR.21.2.AM0207A7] 5532 5647 5283 4602 4974 4399 3895 3196 2847 2728 1830
[00.EGFÖR.3.1.AM0207A7] 9556 9776 9139 8236 8732 8386 7429 7005 6639 6621 4589
[00.EGFÖR.3.2.AM0207A7] 5239 5383 5314 4911 5342 4791 4320 4025 3645 3635 2476
[00.EGFÖR.4.1.AM0207A7] 4571 4927 4770 4547 4857 4655 4203 4112 4019 4031 2840
[00.EGFÖR.4.2.AM0207A7] 3205 3337 3339 3099 3310 2955 2693 2593 2446 2491 1726
[00.EGFÖR.5.1.AM0207A7] 2507 2852 2787 2704 2899 2847 2597 2488 2375 2440 1713
[00.EGFÖR.5.2.AM0207A7] 1818 2015 2139 2103 2301 2070 1961 1813 1724 1754 1205