[NIPA-T31900] Table 3.19. Relation of State and Local Government Current Receipts and Expenditures in the National Income and Product Accounts to Census Bureau 'Government Finances' Data, Fiscal Years - LastRevised: December 13, 2024
Updated on DBnomics on December 14, 2024 (12:23 PM).
[concept] Concept
- [administrative-expenses] Administrative expenses
- [benefits-paid] Benefits paid
- [capital-gains-net-of-losses] Capital gains net of losses
- [capital-transfers-received] Capital transfers received
- [census-total-expenditures] Census total expenditures
- [census-total-revenue] Census total revenue
- [census-total-revenue-less-census-total-expenditures-1-26] Census total revenue less Census total expenditures (1-26)
- [certain-dividends] Certain dividends
- [certain-grant-programs] Certain grant programs
- [contributions-from-general-government-employers-to-own-defined-benefit-pension-plans] Contributions from general government employers to own defined-benefit pension plans
- [contributions-to-defined-benefit-pension-plans] Contributions to defined-benefit pension plans
- [corporate-profits-taxes-timing-differences] Corporate profits taxes timing differences
- [current-expenditures-of-government-enterprises] Current expenditures of government enterprises
- [current-surplus-of-indian-tribal-government-enterprises] Current surplus of Indian tribal government enterprises
- [dividends-received] Dividends received
- [employer-contributions-to-own-social-insurance-funds] Employer contributions to own social insurance funds
- [equals-state-and-local-government-current-expenditures-nipas] Equals: State and local government current expenditures, NIPAs
- [equals-state-and-local-government-current-receipts-nipas] Equals: State and local government current receipts, NIPAs
- [equals-state-and-local-government-net-saving-national-income-and-product-accounts-25-47] Equals: State and local government net saving, national income and product accounts (25-47)
- [financial-transactions] Financial transactions
- [government-sales-included-in-census-total-revenue] Government sales included in Census total revenue
- [imputed-banking-and-insurance-services] Imputed banking and insurance services
- [imputed-interest-for-unfunded-actuarial-liability] Imputed interest for unfunded actuarial liability
- [imputed-interest-received-and-net-insurance-settlements] Imputed interest received and net insurance settlements
- [indian-tribal-government-expenditures] Indian tribal government expenditures
- [insurance-claims-included-in-census-total-revenue] Insurance claims included in Census total revenue
- [interest-received] Interest received
- [less-coverage-differences] Less: Coverage differences
- [less-netting-and-grossing-differences] Less: Netting and grossing differences
- [less-other-coverage-differences-8-9-11-12-13-14-15-33-35-36-37-38-39] Less: Other coverage differences (8+9+11+12+13+14+15-33-35-36-37-38-39)
- [less-state-and-local-employee-retirement-plans-3-28] Less: State and local employee retirement plans (3-28)
- [less-statistical-differences-expenditure] Less: Statistical differences, expenditure
- [less-statistical-differences-revenue] Less: Statistical differences, revenue
- [less-timing-and-other-differences-21-46-22-45] Less: Timing and other differences (21+46-22-45)
- [net-investment] Net investment
- [other] Other
- [other-timing-differences-and-other] Other timing differences and other
- [plus-timing-and-other-differences] Plus: Timing and other differences
- [purchases-of-land] Purchases of land
- [sale-of-land] Sale of land
- [services-provided-without-payment-by-domestic-securities-brokers] Services provided without payment by domestic securities brokers
- [state-and-local-employee-retirement-plan-transactions] State and local employee retirement plan transactions
- [unemployment-insurance-fund-benefits-paid] Unemployment insurance fund benefits paid
- [unemployment-insurance-fund-contributions-and-earnings] Unemployment insurance fund contributions and earnings
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annually
[metric] Metric
- [millions-of-current-dollars] Millions of current Dollars
[unit] Unit
- [level] Level
Search filters
Concept [concept] (44)
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Metric [metric] (1)
Unit [unit] (1)
This dataset has 48 series:
- from
- 1959=53,972
- to
- 2022=4,737,986
- min:
- 53,972
- max:
- 5,737,398
- avg:
- 1,531,756.703
- σ:
- 1,441,028.847
- from
- 1959=6,205
- to
- 2022=209,210
- min:
- -416,621
- max:
- 1,537,403
- avg:
- 214,968.797
- σ:
- 285,345.566
- from
- 1959=1,871
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- -544,733
- max:
- 1,350,755
- avg:
- 148,299.906
- σ:
- 244,815.764
- from
- 1959=1,373
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 126,857
- avg:
- 35,962.875
- σ:
- 34,974.697
- from
- 1959=498
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 72,947
- avg:
- 31,321.031
- σ:
- 24,083.096
- from
- 1968=46
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 51,018
- avg:
- 15,259.2
- σ:
- 13,713.966
- from
- 1985=3,103
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- -676,798
- max:
- 1,110,545
- avg:
- 114,362.316
- σ:
- 253,431.428
- from
- 1959=1,827
- to
- 2022=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 103,762
- avg:
- 24,980.047
- σ:
- 21,727.046
- from
- 1959=-143
- to
- 2022=41,897
- min:
- -31,550
- max:
- 58,014
- avg:
- 8,933.203
- σ:
- 16,619.393
- from
- 1959=2,665
- to
- 2022=171,919
- min:
- 2,665
- max:
- 171,919
- avg:
- 34,394.328
- σ:
- 30,640.416
Series code | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
[L31901-A] | 53972 | 60277 | 64531 | 69492 | 75317 | 81455 | 88118 | 97619 | 106581 | 117581 | 132153 | 150106 | 166090 | 190798 | 217579 | 237916 | 264013 | 303287 | 337870 | 371607 | 404934 | 451537 | 506728 | 547719 | 593372 | 651997 | 720062 | 783378 | 844302 | 884117 | 953802 | 1032115 | 1080862 | 1189987 | 1270748 | 1331442 | 1417925 | 1513633 | 1614771 | 1720889 | 1794121 | 1942328 | 1890891 | 1806592 | 2047337 | 2434155 | 2528546 | 2742151 | 3068075 | 2620868 | 2098595 | 3180023 | 3440609 | 2992557 | 3432010 | 3629159 | 3416065 | 3408695 | 3930294 | 4101327 | 4072562 | 4279403 | 5737398 | 4737986 |
[L31902-A] | 6205 | 7067 | 7399 | 8148 | 9226 | 9960 | 10622 | 11420 | 11871 | 12268 | 14265 | 14519 | 14292 | 15309 | 18892 | 22466 | 25446 | 36086 | 37235 | 37240 | 42058 | 49426 | 61683 | 64645 | 77882 | 79780 | 91088 | 108273 | 120786 | 118226 | 124043 | 136910 | 131388 | 160970 | 178805 | 175670 | 191864 | 230656 | 270846 | 300049 | 298969 | 341419 | 177930 | 56722 | 208326 | 463941 | 422501 | 471740 | 650442 | 102493 | -416621 | 593793 | 741727 | 315174 | 671447 | 754698 | 397761 | 298627 | 719063 | 712630 | 512550 | 471074 | 1537403 | 209210 |
[L31903-A] | 1871 | 2099 | 2324 | 2560 | 2813 | 3073 | 3425 | 3744 | 4272 | 4865 | 5654 | 6493 | 7451 | 8470 | 10064 | 10900 | 12354 | 14533 | 14440 | 19026 | 21924 | 25440 | 30382 | 34143 | 42526 | 46180 | 53214 | 69365 | 79491 | 77819 | 81173 | 94268 | 87229 | 105853 | 112514 | 114357 | 122597 | 165176 | 198136 | 238386 | 237912 | 273901 | 102636 | -31505 | 120157 | 365319 | 316576 | 352521 | 533912 | -7832 | -544733 | 417467 | 554286 | 167078 | 465648 | 620275 | 248193 | 149056 | 567248 | 548933 | 354147 | 388640 | 1350755 | 0 |
[L31904-A] | 1373 | 1498 | 1607 | 1731 | 1863 | 2008 | 2208 | 2375 | 2707 | 3072 | 3511 | 4034 | 4539 | 4999 | 6000 | 6400 | 7060 | 8206 | 8273 | 10871 | 11375 | 12225 | 14035 | 15004 | 16535 | 17149 | 18668 | 20400 | 21826 | 22722 | 24349 | 26267 | 28154 | 28416 | 29178 | 31291 | 34357 | 35863 | 38072 | 39173 | 40424 | 42028 | 42380 | 43195 | 47385 | 49765 | 53889 | 56877 | 61067 | 66035 | 68721 | 68993 | 73430 | 75781 | 81285 | 86565 | 92187 | 98714 | 107085 | 109394 | 116344 | 123829 | 126857 | 0 |
[L31905-A] | 498 | 601 | 717 | 829 | 950 | 1065 | 1217 | 1369 | 1565 | 1747 | 2024 | 2268 | 2653 | 3166 | 3688 | 3875 | 4427 | 5497 | 5178 | 6642 | 8774 | 11281 | 14516 | 16607 | 23011 | 25598 | 27427 | 31740 | 35691 | 39002 | 40007 | 48046 | 40712 | 46651 | 38895 | 43892 | 50462 | 63417 | 57525 | 72947 | 65010 | 68793 | 53557 | 48548 | 57858 | 65021 | 58682 | 67589 | 63017 | 60915 | 38900 | 39589 | 40707 | 38192 | 40949 | 43761 | 44922 | 41482 | 47556 | 61285 | 56439 | 53262 | 62335 | 0 |
[L31906-A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 46 | 119 | 191 | 259 | 305 | 376 | 625 | 867 | 830 | 989 | 1513 | 1775 | 1934 | 1831 | 2532 | 2980 | 3433 | 4016 | 4643 | 5330 | 6274 | 7986 | 9640 | 10969 | 12155 | 11246 | 11688 | 12728 | 14048 | 20439 | 20871 | 21760 | 22977 | 20709 | 18347 | 14813 | 18186 | 23732 | 26010 | 29736 | 31028 | 24444 | 22480 | 24825 | 27182 | 30242 | 32640 | 37728 | 28803 | 38879 | 41507 | 38412 | 41160 | 51018 | 0 |
[L31907-A] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 3103 | 12582 | 16644 | 9821 | 8831 | 10315 | 7394 | 18631 | 33195 | 27486 | 25050 | 51848 | 82100 | 105395 | 110718 | 140103 | -14010 | -141595 | 101 | 232347 | 180273 | 202045 | 380091 | -165811 | -676798 | 286406 | 415324 | 25923 | 313172 | 457310 | 73356 | -19943 | 373728 | 336746 | 142953 | 170389 | 1110545 | 0 |
[L31908-A] | 1827 | 2323 | 2519 | 2820 | 3181 | 3260 | 3244 | 3337 | 3285 | 2972 | 3049 | 3101 | 3096 | 3601 | 4964 | 5729 | 8155 | 15183 | 15296 | 13158 | 12941 | 13529 | 18571 | 16922 | 21583 | 16759 | 17640 | 18267 | 18925 | 17273 | 19704 | 18441 | 18025 | 27019 | 34649 | 29901 | 37225 | 33864 | 34780 | 23153 | 22234 | 23366 | 23341 | 27086 | 35335 | 38362 | 35367 | 36989 | 34186 | 34489 | 42115 | 75191 | 87578 | 50855 | 103762 | 34643 | 49303 | 43111 | 40547 | 38813 | 37202 | 44249 | 87328 | 0 |
[L31909-A] | -143 | -228 | -83 | -132 | -57 | -296 | -410 | -92 | -9 | -949 | -702 | -1535 | -1549 | -2458 | -2633 | -1368 | -3198 | -4308 | -4011 | -7245 | -6966 | -7135 | -6729 | -3819 | -2632 | -536 | 1677 | 151 | 1565 | 2871 | 2114 | 1655 | 1882 | 4141 | 7220 | 5826 | 4427 | 3477 | 8404 | 8940 | 7963 | 7148 | 9892 | 13045 | 8657 | 11650 | 14424 | 23167 | 26860 | 22966 | 31164 | 34059 | 26248 | 28333 | 30680 | 30505 | 36351 | 44183 | 41439 | 58014 | 54555 | -31550 | 4948 | 41897 |
[L31910-A] | 2665 | 3006 | 2786 | 3041 | 3321 | 4016 | 4467 | 4498 | 4537 | 5518 | 6550 | 6107 | 5999 | 6446 | 7147 | 7890 | 9054 | 10853 | 12161 | 12786 | 14016 | 16854 | 18104 | 16263 | 16614 | 17720 | 19561 | 21835 | 21328 | 21195 | 22101 | 22792 | 24571 | 24924 | 25881 | 28235 | 30832 | 31708 | 33199 | 33692 | 36466 | 41458 | 45432 | 52957 | 49790 | 52448 | 58148 | 59610 | 56509 | 59888 | 61213 | 71403 | 75402 | 72257 | 73162 | 69981 | 67578 | 69652 | 71531 | 70809 | 71913 | 76568 | 80870 | 171919 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 48