DBnomics, the world's economic database


Please reach out if you have any questions: Open DBnomics forum


Here are some articles written on DBnomics, or projects built with data from DBnomics.


What if I told you that you can build a panel dataset of 3 variables for almost 200 countries and around 60 years in less than four minutes?


Researchers have long relied upon the St. Louis Fed’s FRED and ALFRED databases for (primarily) US series. Now, Banque de France, CEPREMAP and France Stratégie have launched a new free database of international macro data, DBnomics.

Repec Ideas

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DB.nomics is a web-based platform that aggregates and maintains time series data from various statistical agencies across the world.

Portal of IE

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The aggregator aims to benefit both public administration and businesses by presenting itself as an economic indicator tool allowing the monitoring of recent economic information, notably with the creation of dashboards. Journalists will be able to benefit from it by using it for fact-checking, as will the academic world, researchers, students and even bloggers, who will be able to use it in their research and work.

DBnomics on Progedo

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Progedo, the star research infrastructure (IR*) aimed at developing a data culture and promoting and structuring a data policy for surveys in social science research, presents the DBnomics project.

Tout Économie

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The project aims to contribute to the OpenData movement by facilitating access to public economic data. It also seeks to ensure permanent archiving of data even when they have disappeared from the original producer's site.

France stratégie

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Adapted to the needs of each user, the site offers different search systems among data from INSEE, Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the IMF, the World Bank...