[A1072C-A] Equals: Net exports of goods and services and net receipts of income, NIPAs (5+11+16-26-30-35) (line 45)
Updated on DBnomics on September 28, 2024 (11:45 AM)
- from
- 1986=-114,912
- to
- 1998=-145,303
- min:
- -145,303
- max:
- 2,976
- avg:
- -68,427.846
- σ:
- 42,231.979
Loading chart
Period | Value |
1986 | -114912 |
1987 | -127285 |
1988 | -86735 |
1989 | -61950 |
1990 | -43161 |
1991 | 2976 |
1992 | -3662 |
1993 | -34015 |
1994 | -69521 |
1995 | -61812 |
1996 | -65511 |
1997 | -78671 |
1998 | -145303 |
Dimension | Dimension value |
[concept] Concept | [equals-net-exports-of-goods-and-services-and-net-receipts-of-income-nipas-5-11-16-26-30-35] Equals: Net exports of goods and services and net receipts of income, NIPAs (5+11+16-26-30-35) |
[FREQ] Frequency | [A] Annually |
[metric] Metric | [millions-of-current-dollars] Millions of current Dollars |
[unit] Unit | [level] Level |