[NIPA-T61400C] Table 6.14C. Inventory Valuation Adjustment to Nonfarm Incomes by Legal Form of Organization and by Industry - LastRevised: September 27, 2024
Updated on DBnomics on September 28, 2024 (11:45 AM).
[concept] Concept
- [communications] Communications
- [construction] Construction
- [corporate-business] Corporate business
- [durable-goods] Durable goods
- [electric-gas-and-sanitary-services] Electric, gas, and sanitary services
- [inventory-valuation-adjustment-to-nonfarm-incomes] Inventory valuation adjustment to nonfarm incomes
- [manufacturing] Manufacturing
- [mining] Mining
- [noncorporate-business] Noncorporate business
- [nondurable-goods] Nondurable goods
- [other] Other
- [retail-trade] Retail trade
- [transportation] Transportation
- [transportation-and-public-utilities] Transportation and public utilities
- [wholesale-trade] Wholesale trade
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annually
[metric] Metric
- [millions-of-current-dollars] Millions of current Dollars
[unit] Unit
- [level] Level
Search filters
Concept [concept] (15)
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Metric [metric] (1)
Unit [unit] (1)
This dataset has 23 series:
- from
- 1987=-17,050
- to
- 2000=-18,539
- min:
- -23,374
- max:
- 17,024
- avg:
- -6,903
- σ:
- 12,500.457
- from
- 1987=-103
- to
- 2000=-796
- min:
- -796
- max:
- 433
- avg:
- -68.071
- σ:
- 260.539
- from
- 1987=-7,524
- to
- 2000=-9,940
- min:
- -11,330
- max:
- 7,705
- avg:
- -1,705.786
- σ:
- 6,206.903
- from
- 1987=-4,318
- to
- 2000=-5,844
- min:
- -6,717
- max:
- 3,480
- avg:
- -1,842.286
- σ:
- 3,002.406
- from
- 1987=-3,206
- to
- 2000=-4,096
- min:
- -6,658
- max:
- 5,790
- avg:
- 136.5
- σ:
- 3,642.604
- from
- 1987=-1,486
- to
- 2000=-595
- min:
- -1,560
- max:
- 1,278
- avg:
- -229.643
- σ:
- 776.377
- from
- 1987=-16,239
- to
- 2000=-16,809
- min:
- -22,174
- max:
- 15,743
- avg:
- -6,296.214
- σ:
- 11,726.643
- from
- 1987=-811
- to
- 2000=-1,730
- min:
- -1,730
- max:
- 1,281
- avg:
- -606.786
- σ:
- 831.565
- from
- 1987=-327
- to
- 2000=-159
- min:
- -480
- max:
- 354
- avg:
- -115.214
- σ:
- 231.949
- from
- 1987=-251
- to
- 2000=68
- min:
- -386
- max:
- 68
- avg:
- -124.929
- σ:
- 128.2
Series code | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 |
[A1830C-A] | -17050 | -23374 | -17668 | -14010 | 4807 | -3358 | -4452 | -13174 | -19753 | 2667 | 15077 | 17024 | -4839 | -18539 |
[A1836C-A] | -103 | -225 | -95 | -53 | 68 | 15 | -48 | -117 | -167 | 156 | 144 | 433 | -165 | -796 |
[A672RC-A] | -7524 | -11330 | -6247 | -4369 | 5816 | 806 | 693 | -5140 | -6453 | 5370 | 6853 | 7705 | -121 | -9940 |
[A673RC-A] | -4318 | -4672 | -3027 | -3732 | 3480 | -317 | -335 | -3202 | -6717 | -420 | 1181 | 2560 | -429 | -5844 |
[A674RC-A] | -3206 | -6658 | -3220 | -637 | 2336 | 1123 | 1028 | -1938 | 264 | 5790 | 5672 | 5145 | 308 | -4096 |
[A676RC-A] | -1486 | 604 | -1165 | -1560 | 1278 | 45 | 251 | -52 | -100 | -631 | 249 | 352 | -405 | -595 |
[B058RC-A] | -16239 | -22174 | -16348 | -12892 | 4927 | -2821 | -4021 | -12436 | -18284 | 3071 | 14090 | 15743 | -3954 | -16809 |
[B179RC-A] | -811 | -1200 | -1320 | -1118 | -120 | -537 | -431 | -738 | -1469 | -404 | 987 | 1281 | -885 | -1730 |
[B1831C-A] | -327 | -33 | -308 | -480 | 354 | -31 | 198 | -135 | -271 | -418 | 39 | 131 | -173 | -159 |
[B1832C-A] | -251 | -237 | -87 | -14 | -25 | -169 | -386 | -274 | -86 | -152 | -18 | 55 | -173 | 68 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 23