[NIPA-T62100C] Table 6.21C. Undistributed Corporate Profits by Industry - LastRevised: September 27, 2024
Updated on DBnomics on September 28, 2024 (11:45 AM).
[concept] Concept
- [agricultural-services-forestry-and-fishing] Agricultural services, forestry, and fishing
- [agriculture-forestry-and-fishing] Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
- [amusement-and-recreation-services] Amusement and recreation services
- [apparel-and-other-textile-products] Apparel and other textile products
- [auto-repair-services-and-parking] Auto repair, services, and parking
- [business-services] Business services
- [chemicals-and-allied-products] Chemicals and allied products
- [coal-mining] Coal mining
- [commercial-and-mutual-depository-institutions] Commercial and mutual depository institutions
- [communications] Communications
- [construction] Construction
- [depository-institutions] Depository institutions
- [domestic-industries] Domestic industries
- [durable-goods] Durable goods
- [educational-services] Educational services
- [electric-gas-and-sanitary-services] Electric, gas, and sanitary services
- [electronic-and-other-electric-equipment] Electronic and other electric equipment
- [fabricated-metal-products] Fabricated metal products
- [farms] Farms
- [federal-reserve-banks] Federal Reserve banks
- [finance-insurance-and-real-estate] Finance, insurance, and real estate
- [food-and-kindred-products] Food and kindred products
- [furniture-and-fixtures] Furniture and fixtures
- [health-services] Health services
- [holding-and-other-investment-offices] Holding and other investment offices
- [hotels-and-other-lodging-places] Hotels and other lodging places
- [industrial-machinery-and-equipment] Industrial machinery and equipment
- [instruments-and-related-products] Instruments and related products
- [insurance-agents-brokers-and-service] Insurance agents, brokers, and service
- [insurance-carriers] Insurance carriers
- [leather-and-leather-products] Leather and leather products
- [legal-services] Legal services
- [less-payments-to-the-rest-of-the-world] Less: Payments to the rest of the world
- [local-and-interurban-passenger-transit] Local and interurban passenger transit
- [lumber-and-wood-products] Lumber and wood products
- [manufacturing] Manufacturing
- [metal-mining] Metal mining
- [mining] Mining
- [miscellaneous-manufacturing-industries] Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
- [miscellaneous-repair-services] Miscellaneous repair services
- [motion-pictures] Motion pictures
- [motor-vehicles-and-equipment] Motor vehicles and equipment
- [nondepository-institutions] Nondepository institutions
- [nondurable-goods] Nondurable goods
- [nonmetallic-minerals-except-fuels] Nonmetallic minerals, except fuels
- [oil-and-gas-extraction] Oil and gas extraction
- [other] Other
- [other-services] Other services
- [other-transportation-equipment] Other transportation equipment
- [paper-and-allied-products] Paper and allied products
- [personal-services] Personal services
- [petroleum-and-coal-products] Petroleum and coal products
- [pipelines-except-natural-gas] Pipelines, except natural gas
- [primary-metal-industries] Primary metal industries
- [printing-and-publishing] Printing and publishing
- [radio-and-television] Radio and television
- [railroad-transportation] Railroad transportation
- [real-estate] Real estate
- [receipts-from-the-rest-of-the-world] Receipts from the rest of the world
- [rest-of-the-world] Rest of the world
- [retail-trade] Retail trade
- [rubber-and-miscellaneous-plastics-products] Rubber and miscellaneous plastics products
- [security-and-commodity-brokers] Security and commodity brokers
- [services] Services
- [stone-clay-and-glass-products] Stone, clay, and glass products
- [telephone-and-telegraph] Telephone and telegraph
- [textile-mill-products] Textile mill products
- [tobacco-products] Tobacco products
- [transportation] Transportation
- [transportation-and-public-utilities] Transportation and public utilities
- [transportation-by-air] Transportation by air
- [transportation-services] Transportation services
- [trucking-and-warehousing] Trucking and warehousing
- [undistributed-corporate-profits] Undistributed corporate profits
- [water-transportation] Water transportation
- [wholesale-trade] Wholesale trade
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annually
[metric] Metric
- [millions-of-current-dollars] Millions of current Dollars
[unit] Unit
- [level] Level
Search filters
Concept [concept] (76)
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Metric [metric] (1)
Unit [unit] (1)
This dataset has 76 series:
- from
- 1987=71,746
- to
- 2000=23,660
- min:
- 23,660
- max:
- 171,985
- avg:
- 94,738.286
- σ:
- 45,178.781
- from
- 1987=1,041
- to
- 2000=43
- min:
- -946
- max:
- 1,041
- avg:
- -11.786
- σ:
- 489.372
- from
- 1987=-4,940
- to
- 2000=4,473
- min:
- -4,940
- max:
- 5,129
- avg:
- -1,157.286
- σ:
- 3,228.513
- from
- 1987=35,019
- to
- 2000=56,288
- min:
- 9,339
- max:
- 84,109
- avg:
- 46,392.286
- σ:
- 24,919.118
- from
- 1987=24,627
- to
- 2000=30,367
- min:
- 6,818
- max:
- 60,192
- avg:
- 32,410.929
- σ:
- 15,710.856
- from
- 1987=10,392
- to
- 2000=25,921
- min:
- -4,238
- max:
- 29,870
- avg:
- 13,981.5
- σ:
- 11,384.366
- from
- 1987=-3,086
- to
- 2000=-35,423
- min:
- -35,423
- max:
- 13,908
- avg:
- -2,313.071
- σ:
- 13,571.468
- from
- 1987=-2,731
- to
- 2000=-4,002
- min:
- -10,364
- max:
- -1,057
- avg:
- -4,742
- σ:
- 3,282.323
- from
- 1987=3,582
- to
- 2000=-35,196
- min:
- -35,196
- max:
- 12,583
- avg:
- 151.714
- σ:
- 13,824.345
- from
- 1987=15,348
- to
- 2000=-21,464
- min:
- -21,464
- max:
- 45,244
- avg:
- 12,357.286
- σ:
- 15,209.452
Series code | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 |
[A3402C-A] | 71746 | 95276 | 54563 | 39160 | 53383 | 83203 | 79007 | 139993 | 157558 | 155998 | 171985 | 85866 | 114938 | 23660 |
[A3403C-A] | 1041 | 213 | 177 | -101 | -445 | 11 | 84 | -700 | -412 | 600 | 21 | -946 | 249 | 43 |
[A3406C-A] | -4940 | -3537 | -4027 | -3275 | -4098 | -1396 | -2384 | -349 | -262 | 3478 | 5129 | -4123 | -891 | 4473 |
[A3412C-A] | 35019 | 59838 | 35104 | 24993 | 9339 | 9773 | 12232 | 45594 | 74238 | 70402 | 84109 | 55034 | 77529 | 56288 |
[A3413C-A] | 24627 | 36515 | 25734 | 14298 | 6818 | 12194 | 16470 | 38055 | 44369 | 46692 | 60192 | 49593 | 47829 | 30367 |
[A3425C-A] | 10392 | 23323 | 9370 | 10695 | 2521 | -2421 | -4238 | 7539 | 29870 | 23710 | 23917 | 5441 | 29701 | 25921 |
[A3436C-A] | -3086 | -631 | -6896 | -8787 | -1294 | -540 | 5967 | 13908 | 13201 | 12835 | 5328 | -1193 | -25772 | -35423 |
[A3437C-A] | -2731 | -3980 | -7985 | -10364 | -8306 | -10181 | -4891 | -1550 | -1057 | -1386 | -1373 | -1604 | -6978 | -4002 |
[A3445C-A] | 3582 | 5068 | 2742 | 5606 | 9453 | 10836 | 12583 | 10999 | 7130 | 5315 | -3182 | -5314 | -27498 | -35196 |
[A3451C-A] | 15348 | 11290 | 9378 | 7565 | 23699 | 45244 | 18616 | 24955 | 18011 | 10448 | 14746 | -11551 | 6717 | -21464 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 76