[NIPA-T71900] Table 7.19. Comparison of Income and Outlays of Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households with Revenue and Expenses as Published by the Internal Revenue Service - LastRevised: December 10, 2024
Updated on DBnomics on December 14, 2024 (12:23 PM).
[concept] Concept
- [adjustment-for-different-accounting-periods] Adjustment for different accounting periods
- [adjustment-for-other-accounting-differences] Adjustment for other accounting differences
- [capital-consumption-adjustment] Capital consumption adjustment
- [capital-gains-or-losses] Capital gains or losses
- [equals-bea-derived-gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-and-current-transfer-payments] Equals: BEA-derived gross output of nonprofit institutions and current transfer payments
- [equals-bea-derived-nonprofit-institution-income-and-receipts-from-sales] Equals: BEA-derived nonprofit institution income and receipts from sales
- [equals-irs-derived-gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-and-current-transfer-payments] Equals: IRS-derived gross output of nonprofit institutions and current transfer payments
- [equals-irs-derived-nonprofit-institution-income-and-receipts-from-sales] Equals: IRS-derived nonprofit institution income and receipts from sales
- [expenses-of-nonprofit-institutions-irs] Expenses of nonprofit institutions, IRS
- [gap-irs-less-bea-gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-and-current-transfer-payments] Gap, IRS less BEA gross output of nonprofit institutions and current transfer payments
- [gap-irs-less-bea-nonprofit-institution-income-and-receipts-from-sales] Gap, IRS less BEA nonprofit institution income and receipts from sales
- [government-hospitals-and-schools] Government hospitals and schools
- [gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-nipas] Gross output of nonprofit institutions, NIPAs
- [less-nonprofit-institution-expenses-recorded-by-the-irs-not-included-in-gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-and-current-transfer-payments] Less: Nonprofit institution expenses recorded by the IRS not included in gross output of nonprofit institutions and current transfer payments
- [less-nonprofit-revenue-recorded-by-the-irs-not-included-in-nonprofit-institution-income-and-receipts-from-sales] Less: Nonprofit revenue recorded by the IRS not included in nonprofit institution income and receipts from sales
- [nonprofit-institution-income-nipas] Nonprofit institution income, NIPAs
- [nonresident-institutions] Nonresident institutions
- [other-accounting-differences] Other accounting differences
- [other-organizations] Other organizations
- [other-out-of-scope-activity] Other out-of-scope activity
- [plus-gross-output-of-nonprofit-institutions-and-current-transfer-payments-not-recorded-by-the-irs] Plus: Gross output of nonprofit institutions and current transfer payments not recorded by the IRS
- [plus-nonprofit-institution-current-transfer-payments-nipas] Plus: Nonprofit institution current transfer payments, NIPAs
- [plus-nonprofit-institution-income-not-recorded-by-the-irs] Plus: Nonprofit institution income not recorded by the IRS
- [plus-receipts-from-sales-of-goods-and-services-by-nonprofit-institutions-nipas] Plus: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofit institutions, NIPAs
- [religious-organizations] Religious organizations
- [revenue-of-nonprofit-institutions-irs] Revenue of nonprofit institutions, IRS
- [transfer-receipts-from-nonprofit-institutions] Transfer receipts from nonprofit institutions
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annually
[metric] Metric
- [millions-of-current-dollars] Millions of current Dollars
[unit] Unit
- [level] Level
Search filters
Concept [concept] (27)
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Metric [metric] (1)
Unit [unit] (1)
This dataset has 33 series:
- from
- 1992=396,390
- to
- 2023=2,039,891
- min:
- 396,390
- max:
- 2,039,891
- avg:
- 1,043,793.219
- σ:
- 471,366.219
- from
- 1992=308,456
- to
- 2023=1,485,825
- min:
- 308,456
- max:
- 1,485,825
- avg:
- 771,071.438
- σ:
- 337,047.632
- from
- 1992=133,182
- to
- 2023=550,556
- min:
- 133,182
- max:
- 593,402
- avg:
- 321,811.594
- σ:
- 130,102.135
- from
- 1992=23,153
- to
- 2023=191,295
- min:
- 23,153
- max:
- 191,295
- avg:
- 94,104.781
- σ:
- 48,179.437
- from
- 1992=25,439
- to
- 2023=118,909
- min:
- 25,439
- max:
- 118,909
- avg:
- 74,867.094
- σ:
- 29,258.446
- from
- 1992=144
- to
- 2021=-2,696
- min:
- -3,305
- max:
- 953
- avg:
- -1,146.033
- σ:
- 1,026.405
- from
- 1992=-4,097
- to
- 2021=-13,360
- min:
- -13,360
- max:
- -4,097
- avg:
- -6,864.433
- σ:
- 2,392.25
- from
- 1992=682,094
- to
- 2021=3,469,206
- min:
- 682,094
- max:
- 3,469,206
- avg:
- 1,785,609.333
- σ:
- 790,326.903
- from
- 1992=249,117
- to
- 2021=1,141,692
- min:
- 249,117
- max:
- 1,141,692
- avg:
- 560,573.4
- σ:
- 218,623.703
- from
- 1992=18,620
- to
- 2021=153,092
- min:
- -55,050
- max:
- 173,185
- avg:
- 63,977.833
- σ:
- 48,295.407
Series code | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[DNPERC-A] | 396390 | 418746 | 440076 | 458544 | 483135 | 502624 | 542521 | 576319 | 621641 | 676441 | 737060 | 774643 | 818994 | 868456 | 932226 | 983141 | 1047353 | 1088289 | 1128598 | 1173519 | 1236513 | 1272552 | 1315247 | 1377510 | 1454384 | 1501172 | 1576713 | 1636851 | 1655222 | 1754903 | 1911709 | 2039891 |
[DNPSRC-A] | 308456 | 328681 | 342314 | 356216 | 373091 | 397036 | 418714 | 438090 | 463600 | 497359 | 538718 | 569131 | 612622 | 658188 | 693041 | 734361 | 760060 | 799109 | 834159 | 861663 | 894967 | 925167 | 961990 | 1013723 | 1066101 | 1104757 | 1155783 | 1219160 | 1173271 | 1314086 | 1374847 | 1485825 |
[W400RC-A] | 133182 | 135957 | 144401 | 151084 | 171804 | 192411 | 200801 | 226185 | 252364 | 246316 | 246642 | 249753 | 277525 | 309119 | 319148 | 334273 | 314003 | 282100 | 307692 | 308334 | 354287 | 345225 | 369774 | 379912 | 405917 | 431455 | 456563 | 439585 | 591894 | 593402 | 576307 | 550556 |
[W419RC-A] | 23153 | 26237 | 28567 | 28671 | 33488 | 36717 | 43655 | 51420 | 54395 | 61700 | 65019 | 69235 | 73237 | 81952 | 85667 | 93744 | 96924 | 98213 | 102664 | 107669 | 112691 | 113491 | 121850 | 127674 | 132978 | 140300 | 145233 | 148034 | 157951 | 173378 | 184151 | 191295 |
[W426RC-A] | 25439 | 26898 | 26315 | 27970 | 32466 | 34436 | 42169 | 47494 | 55075 | 59263 | 60290 | 62597 | 63892 | 68833 | 78516 | 90305 | 92570 | 84012 | 90052 | 86902 | 88901 | 90447 | 94874 | 99270 | 104863 | 109356 | 101473 | 103773 | 103072 | 111383 | 113932 | 118909 |
[W428RC-A] | 144 | -300 | -486 | -438 | -266 | -582 | 75 | 148 | 193 | 953 | 240 | -1009 | -1989 | -2420 | -3305 | -2827 | -2287 | -2008 | -1835 | -1286 | -844 | -1353 | -1427 | -1308 | -1117 | -1360 | -1776 | -1505 | -1710 | -2696 | - | - |
[W429RC-A] | -4097 | -4162 | -4247 | -4461 | -4314 | -4198 | -4111 | -4272 | -4701 | -5017 | -5049 | -4989 | -5298 | -6378 | -7319 | -8292 | -8806 | -8301 | -7289 | -7694 | -7782 | -7650 | -8302 | -8199 | -8232 | -8567 | -9192 | -10304 | -11350 | -13360 | - | - |
[W430RC-A] | 682094 | 728130 | 764521 | 849085 | 917762 | 987262 | 997145 | 1078995 | 1149784 | 1155399 | 1214362 | 1393282 | 1495550 | 1614937 | 1778516 | 1864155 | 1731972 | 1840325 | 2027819 | 2045282 | 2161096 | 2263702 | 2418295 | 2468920 | 2612471 | 2815529 | 2825717 | 2965927 | 3251040 | 3469206 | - | - |
[W431RC-A] | 249117 | 262702 | 273534 | 323223 | 348999 | 385542 | 360515 | 393603 | 406228 | 341629 | 343393 | 473785 | 520310 | 563404 | 621254 | 711949 | 555319 | 571392 | 644677 | 544176 | 587553 | 627831 | 710998 | 673088 | 725447 | 844095 | 787243 | 813721 | 1010783 | 1141692 | - | - |
[W432RC-A] | 18620 | 22127 | 20343 | 36821 | 52049 | 72758 | 60726 | 83892 | 56086 | -757 | -13115 | 39339 | 61920 | 83473 | 101882 | 95787 | -55050 | -3346 | 54260 | 51214 | 65841 | 96827 | 111276 | 69227 | 74614 | 116782 | 109510 | 109952 | 173185 | 153092 | - | - |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 33