[A.N.AR.XW.S1311.S1.N.L.LE.F3.L._Z.USD.X1.F.V.N._T] Annual – Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data – Argentina – World – Central government excluding social security – Total economy – Non-consolidated – Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) – Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks – Debt securities – Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) – Not applicable – US dollar – All currencies except national domestic currency – Face value – Current prices – Non transformed data – Total
Updated on DBnomics on September 17, 2024 (10:21 AM)
- from
- 1995=16.893
- to
- 2023=85.779
- min:
- 12.736
- max:
- 85.779
- avg:
- 32.058
- σ:
- 17.979
Loading chart
Period | Value | [CONF_STATUS] | [OBS_STATUS] |
1995 | 16.893 | F | A |
1996 | 16.062 | F | A |
1997 | 16.939 | F | A |
1998 | 15.85 | F | A |
1999 | 18.938 | F | A |
2000 | 24.51325282 | F | A |
2001 | 50.03724185 | F | A |
2002 | 12.736009 | F | A |
2003 | 12.94257148 | F | A |
2004 | 13.78815153 | F | A |
2005 | 16.66925958 | F | A |
2006 | 20.0996963 | F | A |
2007 | 23.74087147 | F | A |
2008 | 23.969713 | F | A |
2009 | 23.5130631 | F | A |
2010 | 23.36764678 | F | A |
2011 | 26.22802935 | F | A |
2012 | 25.28133167 | F | A |
2013 | 23.96029011 | F | A |
2014 | 31.14024776 | F | A |
2015 | 44.24430519 | F | A |
2016 | 45.01974609 | F | A |
2017 | 60.58010962 | F | A |
2018 | 56.07218438 | F | A |
2019 | 49.62123658 | F | A |
2020 | 47.09469368 | F | A |
2021 | 49.41877372 | F | A |
2022 | 55.17122899 | F | A |
2023 | 85.77879593 | F | A |
Dimension | Dimension value |
[FREQ] Frequency | [A] Annual |
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator | [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data |
[REF_AREA] Reference area | [AR] Argentina |
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area | [XW] World |
[REF_SECTOR] Reporting institutional sector | [S1311] Central government excluding social security |
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart institutional sector | [S1] Total economy |
[CONSOLIDATION] Consolidation Status | [N] Non-consolidated |
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting Entry | [L] Liabilities (Net Incurrence of) |
[STO] Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows | [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks |
[INSTR_ASSET] Instrument and Assets Classification | [F3] Debt securities |
[MATURITY] Original and Residual Maturity | [L] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity) |
[EXPENDITURE] Expenditure (COFOG, COICOP, COPP or COPNI) | [_Z] Not applicable |
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit | [USD] US dollar |
[CURRENCY_DENOM] Currency of denomination | [X1] All currencies except national domestic currency |
[VALUATION] Valuation | [F] Face value |
[PRICES] Prices | [V] Current prices |
[TRANSFORMATION] Transformation | [N] Non transformed data |
[CUST_BREAKDOWN] Custom breakdown codification | [_T] Total |