[CHELEM-TRADE-INDIC] CHELEM - International Trade indicators
Updated on DBnomics on June 8, 2023 (2:45 PM).
CHELEM-TRADE-INDIC contains 7 indicators on goods and services based on the CEPII International Trade, Balance of Payments and Gross Domestic Product databases: coverage ratio between the values of exports and imports; the degree of openness (average of exports and imports related to current GDP); market position (balance related to average of world exports and imports); exports, imports and balances related to current GDP; and comparative advantages (contribution to the balance). Data are displayed in a multi-level classification spanning the entire world (95 CHELEM individual countries or statistical territories and zones and additional aggregates). Goods are displayed in the 3 classifications of CHELEM-TRADE (CHEL, GTAP and ISIC), detailed in respectively 71, 43 and 147 categories, non-ventilated products (NV) and total products (TT), as well as production chains, stages, sections, sectors or technological levels. Services are detailed in 16 elementary items, without processing (already integrated in goods). All data are expressed in %, except comparative advantages which are in thousandths of current GDP and market position in % of World trade of goods and services.
[country] Country
- [AES] South-East Asia
- [AFA] Africa (others)
- [AFN] North Africa
- [AFR] Africa, Near and Middle East
- [AFS] Sub-Saharan Africa
- [AFZ] African LDCs
- [ALB] Albania
- [AMA] Others in America
- [AME] America
- [AMN] North America
- [AMS] South America, central America and Caribbean
- [ANE] North-East Asia
- [AOA] East Asia nes, others
- [AOZ] East Asian LDCs
- [ARG] Argentina
- [ASO] Asia and Oceania
- [ASS] South Asia and Pacific
- [AUS] Australia
- [AUT] Austria
- [BAL] Baltic states
- [BEL] Belgium
- [BGD] Bangladesh
- [BGR] Bulgaria
- [BIH] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BLR] Belarus
- [BLX] Belgium and Luxembourg
- [BOL] Bolivia
- [BRA] Brazil
- [BRN] Brunei Darussalam
- [CAL] Cambodia, Lao PDR
- [CAN] Canada
- [CAU] Caucasus
- [CEA] Other CIS
- [CHE] Switzerland
- [CHL] Chile
- [CHN] China, People's Rep.
- [CIV] Cote d'Ivoire
- [CMR] Cameroon
- [COL] Colombia
- [CSK] Czech Rep. and Slovakia
- [CYP] Cyprus
- [CZE] Czech Republic
- [DEU] Germany
- [DEV] Developed countries
- [DNK] Denmark
- [DZA] Algeria
- [E15] European Union (15) (incl. intra-zone)
- [E28] European Union (28) (incl. intra-zone)
- [ECU] Ecuador
- [EGY] Egypt
- [EM1] Emerging Countries (excl. BRIC)
- [ENM] New members in European Union (28-15)
- [ESP] Spain
- [EST] Estonia
- [EUA] Others in Europe
- [EUC] Europe and CIS
- [EUR] Euroland
- [FIN] Finland
- [FRA] France
- [G20] Group of 20
- [G8] G8
- [GAB] Gabon
- [GBR] United Kingdom
- [GLF] Persian Gulf
- [GOA] Gulf nes
- [GRC] Greece
- [HKG] Hong Kong
- [HRV] Croatia
- [HUN] Hungary
- [IDN] Indonesia
- [IND] India
- [IRL] Ireland
- [ISL] Iceland
- [ISR] Israel
- [ITA] Italy
- [JPN] Japan
- [KAZ] Kazakhstan
- [KEN] Kenya
- [KGZ] Kyrgyzstan
- [KOR] South Korea
- [LBY] Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
- [LKA] Sri Lanka
- [LTU] Lithuania
- [LUX] Luxembourg
- [LVA] Latvia
- [MAR] Morocco
- [MED] Mediterranean zone
- [MENA] Middle East and North Africa
- [MEX] Mexico
- [MKD] North Macedonia
- [MLT] Malta
- [MOA] Middle East, no OPEC
- [MYS] Malaysia
- [NGA] Nigeria
- [NLD] Netherlands
- [NOR] Norway
- [NRD] Scandinavia
- [NZL] New Zealand
- [OCN] Australia and New Zealand
- [PAK] Pakistan
- [PED] Developing countries
- [PER] Peru
- [PHL] Philippines
- [PMA] Least Developed Countries
- [PMO] Near and Middle East
- [POL] Poland
- [PRT] Portugal
- [PRY] Paraguay
- [ROU] Romania
- [RUS] Russian Federation
- [SAF] Southafrican Union
- [SAU] Saudi Arabia
- [SEM] Serbia and Montenegro
- [SGP] Singapore
- [SUN] Former USSR
- [SVK] Slovakia
- [SVN] Slovenia
- [SWE] Sweden
- [THA] Thailand
- [TUN] Tunisia
- [TUR] Turkey
- [TWN] Taiwan
- [UE] European Union
- [UKR] Ukraine
- [URY] Uruguay
- [USA] United States
- [VEN] Venezuela
- [VNM] Viet Nam
- [WLD] World
- [XXX] Not specified (international organizations in BOP)
- [YUG] Former Yugoslavia
[indicator] Indicator
- [RCA] Comparative Advantage
- [COV] Coverage
- [XGDP] Exports/GDP
- [MGDP] Imports/GDP
- [OPEN] Openness
- [BALGDP] Trade balance/GDP
[secgroup] Sectoral group
- [CHEL] CHELEM category
- [GTAP] GTAP category
- [IND] Production chain
- [ISIC] ISIC category
- [SERV] Services
- [STG] Production stage
- [STN] Section
- [STR] Sector (CHEL or GTAP)
- [TECH] Technological level (ISIC)
- [TOTAL] Totals
[product] Product
- [CHEL_BA] BA - Cement
- [CHEL_BB] BB - Ceramics
- [CHEL_BC] BC - Glass
- [CHEL_CA] CA - Iron and steel
- [CHEL_CB] CB - Tubes
- [CHEL_CC] CC - Non-ferrous metals
- [CHEL_DA] DA - Yarns fabrics
- [CHEL_DB] DB - Clothing
- [CHEL_DC] DC - Knitwear
- [CHEL_DD] DD - Carpets
- [CHEL_DE] DE - Leather
- [CHEL_EA] EA - Wood articles
- [CHEL_EB] EB - Furniture
- [CHEL_EC] EC - Paper
- [CHEL_ED] ED - Printing
- [CHEL_EE] EE - Miscellaneous manuf. articles
- [CHEL_FA] FA - Metallic structures
- [CHEL_FB] FB - Miscellaneous hardware
- [CHEL_FC] FC - Engines
- [CHEL_FD] FD - Agricultural equipment
- [CHEL_FE] FE - Machine tools
- [CHEL_FF] FF - Construction equipment
- [CHEL_FG] FG - Specialized machines
- [CHEL_FH] FH - Arms
- [CHEL_FI] FI - Precision instruments
- [CHEL_FJ] FJ - Clockmaking
- [CHEL_FK] FK - Optics
- [CHEL_FL] FL - Electronic components
- [CHEL_FM] FM - Consumer electronics
- [CHEL_FN] FN - Telecommunications equipment
- [CHEL_FO] FO - Computer equipment
- [CHEL_FP] FP - Domestic electrical appliances
- [CHEL_FQ] FQ - Electrical equipment
- [CHEL_FR] FR - Electrical apparatus
- [CHEL_FS] FS - Vehicles components
- [CHEL_FT] FT - Cars and cycles
- [CHEL_FU] FU - Commercial vehicles
- [CHEL_FV] FV - Ships
- [CHEL_FW] FW - Aeronautics
- [CHEL_GA] GA - Basic inorganic chemicals
- [CHEL_GB] GB - Fertilizers
- [CHEL_GC] GC - Basic organic chemicals
- [CHEL_GD] GD - Paints
- [CHEL_GE] GE - Toiletries
- [CHEL_GF] GF - Pharmaceuticals
- [CHEL_GG] GG - Plastics
- [CHEL_GH] GH - Plastic articles
- [CHEL_GI] GI - Rubber articles (incl. tyres)
- [CHEL_HA] HA - Iron ores
- [CHEL_HB] HB - Non ferrous ores
- [CHEL_HC] HC - Unprocessed minerals n.e.s.
- [CHEL_IA] IA - Coals
- [CHEL_IB] IB - Crude oil
- [CHEL_IC] IC - Natural gas
- [CHEL_IG] IG - Coke
- [CHEL_IH] IH - Refined petroleum products
- [CHEL_II] II - Electricity
- [CHEL_JA] JA - Cereals
- [CHEL_JB] JB - Other edible agricultural products
- [CHEL_JC] JC - Non-edible agricultural products
- [CHEL_KA] KA - Cereal products
- [CHEL_KB] KB - Fats
- [CHEL_KC] KC - Meat and fish
- [CHEL_KD] KD - Preserved meat/fish
- [CHEL_KE] KE - Preserved fruits
- [CHEL_KF] KF - Sugar
- [CHEL_KG] KG - Animal food
- [CHEL_KH] KH - Beverages
- [CHEL_KI] KI - Manufactured tobaccos
- [CHEL_NA1] NA1 - Jewellery, works of art
- [CHEL_NB] NB - Non-monetary gold
- [CHEL_NV] NV - N.e.s. products
- [CHEL_TT] TT - Total
- [GTAP_b_t] b_t - Beverages and tobacco products
- [GTAP_c_b] c_b - Sugar cane, sugar beet
- [GTAP_cmt] cmt - Bovine meat products
- [GTAP_coa] coa - Coal
- [GTAP_crp] crp - Chemical, rubber, plastic products
- [GTAP_ctl] ctl - Bovine cattle, sheep and goats, horses
- [GTAP_ele] ele - Electronic equipment
- [GTAP_ely] ely - Electricity
- [GTAP_fmp] fmp - Metal products
- [GTAP_frs] frs - Forestry
- [GTAP_fsh] fsh - Fishing
- [GTAP_gas] gas - Gas
- [GTAP_gdt] gdt - Gas manufacture, distribution
- [GTAP_gro] gro - Cereal grains nec
- [GTAP_i_s] i_s - Ferrous metals
- [GTAP_lea] lea - Leather products
- [GTAP_lum] lum - Wood products
- [GTAP_mil] mil - Dairy products
- [GTAP_mvh] mvh - Motor vehicles and parts
- [GTAP_nfm] nfm - Metals nec
- [GTAP_nmm] nmm - Mineral products nec
- [GTAP_oap] oap - Animal products nec
- [GTAP_ocr] ocr - Crops nec
- [GTAP_ofd] ofd - Food products nec
- [GTAP_oil] oil - Oil
- [GTAP_ome] ome - Machinery and equipment nec
- [GTAP_omf] omf - Manufactures nec
- [GTAP_omn] omn - Minerals nec
- [GTAP_omt] omt - Meat products nec
- [GTAP_osd] osd - Oil seeds
- [GTAP_otn] otn - Transport equipment nec
- [GTAP_p_c] p_c - Petroleum, coal products
- [GTAP_pcr] pcr - Processed rice
- [GTAP_pdr] pdr - Paddy rice
- [GTAP_pfb] pfb - Plant-based fibers
- [GTAP_ppp] ppp - Paper products, publishing
- [GTAP_sgr] sgr - Sugar
- [GTAP_tex] tex - Textiles
- [GTAP_v_f] v_f - Vegetables, fruit, nuts
- [GTAP_vol] vol - Vegetable oils and fats
- [GTAP_wap] wap - Wearing apparel
- [GTAP_wht] wht - Wheat
- [GTAP_wol] wol - Wool, silk-worm cocoons
- [GTAP__NV] _NV - Not specified
- [GTAP__TT] _TT - Total
- [IND_R01] R01 - Energy
- [IND_R01-IA] R01-IA - Energy - Coals
- [IND_R01-IB] R01-IB - Energy - Crude oil
- [IND_R01-IC] R01-IC - Energy - Natural gas
- [IND_R01-IG] R01-IG - Energy - Coke
- [IND_R01-IH] R01-IH - Energy - Refined petroleum products
- [IND_R01-II] R01-II - Energy - Electricity
- [IND_R02] R02 - Food, agriculture
- [IND_R02-JA] R02-JA - Food, agriculture - Cereals
- [IND_R02-JB] R02-JB - Food, agriculture - Other edible agricultural products
- [IND_R02-JC] R02-JC - Food, agriculture - Non-edible agricultural products
- [IND_R02-KA] R02-KA - Food, agriculture - Cereal products
- [IND_R02-KB] R02-KB - Food, agriculture - Fats
- [IND_R02-KC] R02-KC - Food, agriculture - Meat and fish
- [IND_R02-KD] R02-KD - Food, agriculture - Preserved meat/fish
- [IND_R02-KE] R02-KE - Food, agriculture - Preserved fruits
- [IND_R02-KF] R02-KF - Food, agriculture - Sugar
- [IND_R02-KG] R02-KG - Food, agriculture - Animal food
- [IND_R02-KH] R02-KH - Food, agriculture - Beverages
- [IND_R02-KI] R02-KI - Food, agriculture - Manufactured tobaccos
- [IND_R03] R03 - Textiles
- [IND_R03-DA] R03-DA - Textiles - Yarns fabrics
- [IND_R03-DB] R03-DB - Textiles - Clothing
- [IND_R03-DC] R03-DC - Textiles - Knitwear
- [IND_R03-DD] R03-DD - Textiles - Carpets
- [IND_R03-DE] R03-DE - Textiles - Leather
- [IND_R04] R04 - Wood, paper
- [IND_R04-EA] R04-EA - Wood, paper - Wood articles
- [IND_R04-EB] R04-EB - Wood, paper - Furniture
- [IND_R04-EC] R04-EC - Wood, paper - Paper
- [IND_R04-ED] R04-ED - Wood, paper - Printing
- [IND_R04-EE] R04-EE - Wood, paper - Miscellaneous manuf. articles
- [IND_R05] R05 - Chemicals
- [IND_R05-BA] R05-BA - Chemicals - Cement
- [IND_R05-BB] R05-BB - Chemicals - Ceramics
- [IND_R05-BC] R05-BC - Chemicals - Glass
- [IND_R05-GA] R05-GA - Chemicals - Basic inorganic chemicals
- [IND_R05-GB] R05-GB - Chemicals - Fertilizers
- [IND_R05-GC] R05-GC - Chemicals - Basic organic chemicals
- [IND_R05-GD] R05-GD - Chemicals - Paints
- [IND_R05-GE] R05-GE - Chemicals - Toiletries
- [IND_R05-GF] R05-GF - Chemicals - Pharmaceuticals
- [IND_R05-GG] R05-GG - Chemicals - Plastics
- [IND_R05-GH] R05-GH - Chemicals - Plastic articles
- [IND_R05-GI] R05-GI - Chemicals - Rubber articles (incl. tyres)
- [IND_R05-HC] R05-HC - Chemicals - Unprocessed minerals n.e.s.
- [IND_R06] R06 - Iron & steel
- [IND_R06-CA] R06-CA - Iron & steel - Iron and steel
- [IND_R06-CB] R06-CB - Iron & steel - Tubes
- [IND_R06-HA] R06-HA - Iron & steel - Iron ores
- [IND_R07] R07 - Non ferrous
- [IND_R07-CC] R07-CC - Non ferrous - Non-ferrous metals
- [IND_R07-HB] R07-HB - Non ferrous - Non ferrous ores
- [IND_R08] R08 - Machinery
- [IND_R08-FA] R08-FA - Machinery - Metallic structures
- [IND_R08-FB] R08-FB - Machinery - Miscellaneous hardware
- [IND_R08-FC] R08-FC - Machinery - Engines
- [IND_R08-FD] R08-FD - Machinery - Agricultural equipment
- [IND_R08-FE] R08-FE - Machinery - Machine tools
- [IND_R08-FF] R08-FF - Machinery - Construction equipment
- [IND_R08-FG] R08-FG - Machinery - Specialized machines
- [IND_R08-FH] R08-FH - Machinery - Arms
- [IND_R08-FV] R08-FV - Machinery - Ships
- [IND_R08-FW] R08-FW - Machinery - Aeronautics
- [IND_R09] R09 - Vehicles
- [IND_R09-FS] R09-FS - Vehicles - Vehicles components
- [IND_R09-FT] R09-FT - Vehicles - Cars and cycles
- [IND_R09-FU] R09-FU - Vehicles - Commercial vehicles
- [IND_R10] R10 - Electrical
- [IND_R10-FP] R10-FP - Electrical - Domestic electrical appliances
- [IND_R10-FQ] R10-FQ - Electrical - Electrical equipment
- [IND_R10-FR] R10-FR - Electrical - Electrical apparatus
- [IND_R11] R11 - Electronic
- [IND_R11-FI] R11-FI - Electronic - Precision instruments
- [IND_R11-FJ] R11-FJ - Electronic - Clockmaking
- [IND_R11-FK] R11-FK - Electronic - Optics
- [IND_R11-FL] R11-FL - Electronic - Electronic components
- [IND_R11-FM] R11-FM - Electronic - Consumer electronics
- [IND_R11-FN] R11-FN - Electronic - Telecommunications equipment
- [IND_R11-FO] R11-FO - Electronic - Computer equipment
- [ISIC_01] 01 - Agriculture, hunting and related
- [ISIC_011] 011 - Crops; gardening; horticulture
- [ISIC_0111] 0111 - Cereals and other crops n.e.c.
- [ISIC_0112] 0112 - Vegetables, horticultural specialties
- [ISIC_0113] 0113 - Fruit, beverage and spice crops
- [ISIC_012] 012 - Farm animals
- [ISIC_0121] 0121 - Cattle; dairy farming
- [ISIC_0122] 0122 - Other animals and animal products
- [ISIC_015] 015 - Hunting, trapping; game
- [ISIC_0150] 0150 - Hunting, trapping; game
- [ISIC_02] 02 - Forestry, logging and related
- [ISIC_020] 020 - Forestry, logging and related
- [ISIC_0200] 0200 - Forestry, logging and related
- [ISIC_05] 05 - Fish and products of fish hatcheries
- [ISIC_050] 050 - Fish and products of fish hatcheries
- [ISIC_0500] 0500 - Fish and products of fish hatcheries
- [ISIC_10] 10 - Coal, lignite and peat
- [ISIC_101] 101 - Hard coal
- [ISIC_1010] 1010 - Hard coal
- [ISIC_102] 102 - Lignite
- [ISIC_1020] 1020 - Lignite
- [ISIC_103] 103 - Peat
- [ISIC_1030] 1030 - Peat
- [ISIC_11] 11 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
- [ISIC_111] 111 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
- [ISIC_1110] 1110 - Crude petroleum and natural gas
- [ISIC_12] 12 - Uranium and thorium ores
- [ISIC_120] 120 - Uranium and thorium ores
- [ISIC_1200] 1200 - Uranium and thorium ores
- [ISIC_13] 13 - Metal ores
- [ISIC_131] 131 - Iron ores
- [ISIC_1310] 1310 - Iron ores
- [ISIC_132] 132 - Non-ferrous metal ores, except uranium and thorium ores
- [ISIC_1320] 1320 - Non-ferrous metal ores, except uranium and thorium ores
- [ISIC_14] 14 - Other mining and quarrying products
- [ISIC_141] 141 - Stone, sand and clay
- [ISIC_1410] 1410 - Stone, sand and clay
- [ISIC_142] 142 - Ores and minerals n.e.c.
- [ISIC_1421] 1421 - Chemical and fertilizer minerals
- [ISIC_1422] 1422 - Salt
- [ISIC_1429] 1429 - Mining and quarrying products n.e.c.
- [ISIC_15] 15 - Food products and beverages
- [ISIC_151] 151 - Prepared meat, fruit, oils
- [ISIC_1511] 1511 - Meat and meat products
- [ISIC_1512] 1512 - Preserved fish and fish products
- [ISIC_1513] 1513 - Preserved fruit and vegetables
- [ISIC_1514] 1514 - Vegetable and animal oils and fats
- [ISIC_152] 152 - Manufactured dairy products
- [ISIC_1520] 1520 - Manufactured dairy products
- [ISIC_153] 153 - Grain mill products
- [ISIC_1531] 1531 - Manufactured grain mill products
- [ISIC_1532] 1532 - Starches and starch products
- [ISIC_1533] 1533 - Prepared animal feeds
- [ISIC_154] 154 - Other manufactured food products
- [ISIC_1541] 1541 - Bakery products
- [ISIC_1542] 1542 - Manufactured sugar
- [ISIC_1543] 1543 - Manufactured cocoa, chocolate, sugar
- [ISIC_1544] 1544 - Macaroni, couscous and similar
- [ISIC_1549] 1549 - Other manufactured food products n.e.c.
- [ISIC_155] 155 - Beverages
- [ISIC_1551] 1551 - Spirits; ethyl alcohol
- [ISIC_1552] 1552 - Wines
- [ISIC_1553] 1553 - Malt liquors and malt
- [ISIC_1554] 1554 - Soft drinks; mineral waters
- [ISIC_16] 16 - Tobacco products
- [ISIC_160] 160 - Tobacco products
- [ISIC_1600] 1600 - Tobacco products
- [ISIC_17] 17 - Textiles
- [ISIC_171] 171 - Spinning, weaving and textiles
- [ISIC_1711] 1711 - Prepared text. fibres; fabrics
- [ISIC_172] 172 - Other manufactured textiles
- [ISIC_1721] 1721 - Made-up textile articles, except apparel
- [ISIC_1722] 1722 - Carpets and rugs
- [ISIC_1723] 1723 - Cordage, rope, twine and netting
- [ISIC_1729] 1729 - Other textiles n.e.c.
- [ISIC_173] 173 - Knitted fabrics and articles
- [ISIC_1730] 1730 - Knitted fabrics and articles
- [ISIC_18] 18 - Wearing apparel; fur
- [ISIC_181] 181 - Wearing apparel, except fur
- [ISIC_1810] 1810 - Wearing apparel, except fur
- [ISIC_182] 182 - Fur; articles of fur
- [ISIC_1820] 1820 - Fur; articles of fur
- [ISIC_19] 19 - Leather products
- [ISIC_191] 191 - Leather; luggage, saddlery
- [ISIC_1911] 1911 - Tanned and dressed leather products
- [ISIC_1912] 1912 - Luggage, handbags, saddlery
- [ISIC_192] 192 - Footwear
- [ISIC_1920] 1920 - Footwear
- [ISIC_20] 20 - Wood and products except furniture; straw
- [ISIC_201] 201 - Sawmilled and planed woods
- [ISIC_2010] 2010 - Sawmilled and planed woods
- [ISIC_202] 202 - Products of wood, cork, straw
- [ISIC_2021] 2021 - Plywood, particle board and other panels and boards
- [ISIC_2022] 2022 - Builders' carpentry and joinery
- [ISIC_2023] 2023 - Wooden containers
- [ISIC_2029] 2029 - Other products of wood, cork, straw
- [ISIC_21] 21 - Paper and paper products
- [ISIC_210] 210 - Paper and paper products
- [ISIC_2101] 2101 - Pulp, paper and paperboard
- [ISIC_2102] 2102 - Corrugated paper and paperboard
- [ISIC_2109] 2109 - Other articles of paper and paperboard
- [ISIC_22] 22 - Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media
- [ISIC_221] 221 - Publishing
- [ISIC_2211] 2211 - Books,brochures, musical books
- [ISIC_2212] 2212 - Newspapers journals periodic.
- [ISIC_2213] 2213 - Recorded media
- [ISIC_2219] 2219 - Other publishing
- [ISIC_222] 222 - Printed products and related
- [ISIC_2221] 2221 - Printed products
- [ISIC_2222] 2222 - Products of service activities related to printing
- [ISIC_23] 23 - Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel
- [ISIC_231] 231 - Manufactured coke oven products
- [ISIC_2310] 2310 - Manufactured coke oven products
- [ISIC_232] 232 - Refined petroleum products
- [ISIC_2320] 2320 - Refined petroleum products
- [ISIC_233] 233 - Processed nuclear fuels
- [ISIC_2330] 2330 - Processed nuclear fuels
- [ISIC_24] 24 - Chemicals and chemical products
- [ISIC_241] 241 - Basic chemicals
- [ISIC_2411] 2411 - Basic chemicals, except fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
- [ISIC_2412] 2412 - Fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
- [ISIC_2413] 2413 - Plastics and synthetic rubber
- [ISIC_242] 242 - Other chemical products
- [ISIC_2421] 2421 - Pesticides, oth agro-chemical products
- [ISIC_2422] 2422 - Paints, printing ink and mastics
- [ISIC_2423] 2423 - Pharmaceuticals
- [ISIC_2424] 2424 - Soap and detergents, perfumes
- [ISIC_2429] 2429 - Other chemical products n.e.c.
- [ISIC_243] 243 - Man-made fibres
- [ISIC_2430] 2430 - Man-made fibres
- [ISIC_25] 25 - Rubber and plastics products
- [ISIC_251] 251 - Rubber products
- [ISIC_2511] 2511 - Rubber tyres and tubes
- [ISIC_2519] 2519 - Other rubber products
- [ISIC_252] 252 - Plastics products
- [ISIC_2520] 2520 - Plastics products
- [ISIC_26] 26 - Other non-metallic mineral products
- [ISIC_261] 261 - Glass and glass products
- [ISIC_2610] 2610 - Glass and glass products
- [ISIC_269] 269 - Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
- [ISIC_2691] 2691 - Non-structural non-refractory ceramic ware
- [ISIC_2692] 2692 - Refractory ceramic products
- [ISIC_2693] 2693 - Structural non-refractory clay and ceramic products
- [ISIC_2694] 2694 - Cement, lime and plaster
- [ISIC_2695] 2695 - Articles of concrete, cement and plaster
- [ISIC_2696] 2696 - Cut stones
- [ISIC_2699] 2699 - Other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.
- [ISIC_27] 27 - Basic metals products
- [ISIC_271] 271 - Manufactured basic iron and steel
- [ISIC_2710] 2710 - Manufactured basic iron and steel
- [ISIC_272] 272 - Manufactured basic precious and non-ferrous metals
- [ISIC_2720] 2720 - Manufactured basic precious and non-ferrous metals
- [ISIC_28] 28 - Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment
- [ISIC_281] 281 - Structural metal products, tanks
- [ISIC_2811] 2811 - Structural metal products
- [ISIC_2812] 2812 - Tanks, reservoirs and containers
- [ISIC_2813] 2813 - Steam generators
- [ISIC_289] 289 - Other fabricated metal products
- [ISIC_2893] 2893 - Cutlery, hand tools and hardware
- [ISIC_2899] 2899 - Other fabricated metal products
- [ISIC_29] 29 - Machinery and equipment n.e.c.
- [ISIC_291] 291 - General purpose machinery
- [ISIC_2911] 2911 - Engines, except vehicle engines
- [ISIC_2912] 2912 - Pumps, taps and valves
- [ISIC_2913] 2913 - Bearings, gears
- [ISIC_2914] 2914 - Ovens, furnaces and burners
- [ISIC_2915] 2915 - Lifting and handling equipment
- [ISIC_2919] 2919 - Other general purpose machinery
- [ISIC_292] 292 - Special purpose machinery
- [ISIC_2921] 2921 - Agricultural and forestry machinery
- [ISIC_2922] 2922 - Machine-tools
- [ISIC_2923] 2923 - Machinery for metallurgy
- [ISIC_2924] 2924 - Machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
- [ISIC_2925] 2925 - Machinery for food processing
- [ISIC_2926] 2926 - Machinery for textile products
- [ISIC_2927] 2927 - Weapons and ammunition
- [ISIC_2929] 2929 - Other special purpose machinery
- [ISIC_293] 293 - Domestic appliances n.e.c.
- [ISIC_2930] 2930 - Domestic appliances n.e.c.
- [ISIC_30] 30 - Office and computing machinery
- [ISIC_300] 300 - Office and computing machinery
- [ISIC_3000] 3000 - Office and computing machinery
- [ISIC_31] 31 - Electrical machinery and apparatus
- [ISIC_311] 311 - Electric motors and generators
- [ISIC_3110] 3110 - Electric motors and generators
- [ISIC_312] 312 - Electricity distrib. apparatus
- [ISIC_3120] 3120 - Electricity distrib. apparatus
- [ISIC_313] 313 - Insulated wire and cable
- [ISIC_3130] 3130 - Insulated wire and cable
- [ISIC_314] 314 - Accumulators and primary cells
- [ISIC_3140] 3140 - Accumulators and primary cells
- [ISIC_315] 315 - Electric lamps and lighting equipment
- [ISIC_3150] 3150 - Electric lamps and lighting equipment
- [ISIC_319] 319 - Other electrical equipment
- [ISIC_3190] 3190 - Other electrical equipment
- [ISIC_32] 32 - Radio, TV and communication
- [ISIC_321] 321 - Electronic valves and tubes
- [ISIC_3210] 3210 - Electronic valves and tubes
- [ISIC_322] 322 - TV and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphy
- [ISIC_3220] 3220 - TV and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphy
- [ISIC_323] 323 - TV and radio receivers, sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, and associated goods
- [ISIC_3230] 3230 - TV and radio receivers, sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus, and associated goods
- [ISIC_33] 33 - Medical, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks
- [ISIC_331] 331 - Medical and measuring instruments
- [ISIC_3311] 3311 - Medical and surgical equipment
- [ISIC_3312] 3312 - Instruments for measuring
- [ISIC_3313] 3313 - Industrial process control equipment
- [ISIC_332] 332 - Optical instruments and photographic equipment
- [ISIC_3320] 3320 - Optical instruments and photographic equipment
- [ISIC_333] 333 - Watches and clocks
- [ISIC_3330] 3330 - Watches and clocks
- [ISIC_34] 34 - Motor vehicles and trailers
- [ISIC_341] 341 - Motor vehicles
- [ISIC_3410] 3410 - Motor vehicles
- [ISIC_342] 342 - Bodies for motor vehicles
- [ISIC_3420] 3420 - Bodies for motor vehicles
- [ISIC_343] 343 - Parts for motor vehicles
- [ISIC_3430] 3430 - Parts for motor vehicles
- [ISIC_35] 35 - Other transport equipment
- [ISIC_351] 351 - Built and repaired ships and boats
- [ISIC_3511] 3511 - Built and repaired ships
- [ISIC_3512] 3512 - Built and repaired pleasure and sporting boats
- [ISIC_352] 352 - Railway and tramway locomotives
- [ISIC_3520] 3520 - Railway and tramway locomotives
- [ISIC_353] 353 - Aircraft and spacecraft
- [ISIC_3530] 3530 - Aircraft and spacecraft
- [ISIC_359] 359 - Transport equipment n.e.c.
- [ISIC_3591] 3591 - Motorcycles
- [ISIC_3592] 3592 - Bicycles and invalid carriages
- [ISIC_3599] 3599 - Other transport equipment
- [ISIC_36] 36 - Furniture; manufacturing n.e.c
- [ISIC_361] 361 - Furniture
- [ISIC_3610] 3610 - Furniture
- [ISIC_369] 369 - Miscellaneous manufactured articles
- [ISIC_3691] 3691 - Jewellery and related articles
- [ISIC_3692] 3692 - Musical instruments
- [ISIC_3693] 3693 - Sports goods
- [ISIC_3694] 3694 - Games and toys
- [ISIC_3699] 3699 - Other miscellaneous manufactured articles
- [ISIC_37] 37 - Recycled products
- [ISIC_371] 371 - Recycled metal waste and scrap
- [ISIC_3710] 3710 - Recycled metal waste and scrap
- [ISIC_372] 372 - Recycled non-metal waste and scrap
- [ISIC_3720] 3720 - Recycled non-metal waste and scrap
- [ISIC_40] 40 - Electricity, gas and steam
- [ISIC_401] 401 - Electricity
- [ISIC_4010] 4010 - Electricity
- [ISIC_402] 402 - Manufactured gas
- [ISIC_4020] 4020 - Manufactured gas
- [ISIC_74] 74 - Otherproducts of business activities
- [ISIC_742] 742 - Products of architectural, engineering and other technical activities
- [ISIC_7421] 7421 - Products of architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
- [ISIC_749] 749 - Products of business activities n.e.c.
- [ISIC_7494] 7494 - Photographic products
- [ISIC_92] 92 - Leisure, cultural and sport products
- [ISIC_921] 921 - Motion picture, radio, TV etc
- [ISIC_9211] 9211 - Motion picture and video
- [ISIC_9214] 9214 - Dramatic arts, music and other
- [ISIC_93] 93 - Other service activities
- [ISIC_930] 930 - Other service activities
- [ISIC_9302] 9302 - Hairdressing and other beauty products
- [ISIC_NV] NV - Not specified
- [ISIC_TT] TT - Total
- [SERV_120*] 120* - Services, without processing
- [SERV_121] 121 - Transportation
- [SERV_122] 122 - Travel
- [SERV_123*] 123* - Other services, without processing
- [SERV_123b] 123b - Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.
- [SERV_123c] 123c - Construction
- [SERV_123d] 123d - Insurance and pension services
- [SERV_123e] 123e - Financial services
- [SERV_123f] 123f - Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
- [SERV_123g] 123g - Telecommunications, computer, and information services
- [SERV_123g1] 123g1 - Telecommunications
- [SERV_123g2] 123g2 - Computer services
- [SERV_123g3] 123g3 - Information services
- [SERV_123h] 123h - Other business services
- [SERV_123h1] 123h1 - R&D Services
- [SERV_123h2] 123h2 - Professional & management consulting services
- [SERV_123h3] 123h3 - Technical, trade-related, and other business services
- [SERV_123i] 123i - Personal, cultural, and recreational services
- [SERV_123j] 123j - Government goods and services n.i.e.
- [SERV_123nv] 123nv - Other services not elsewhere classified
- [STG_ST1] ST1 - Primary
- [STG_ST1-HA] ST1-HA - Primary - Iron ores
- [STG_ST1-HB] ST1-HB - Primary - Non ferrous ores
- [STG_ST1-HC] ST1-HC - Primary - Unprocessed minerals n.e.s.
- [STG_ST1-IA] ST1-IA - Primary - Coals
- [STG_ST1-IB] ST1-IB - Primary - Crude oil
- [STG_ST1-IC] ST1-IC - Primary - Natural gas
- [STG_ST1-JA] ST1-JA - Primary - Cereals
- [STG_ST1-JB] ST1-JB - Primary - Other edible agricultural products
- [STG_ST1-JC] ST1-JC - Primary - Non-edible agricultural products
- [STG_ST2] ST2 - Basic manufacturing
- [STG_ST2-BA] ST2-BA - Basic manufacturing - Cement
- [STG_ST2-BB] ST2-BB - Basic manufacturing - Ceramics
- [STG_ST2-BC] ST2-BC - Basic manufacturing - Glass
- [STG_ST2-CA] ST2-CA - Basic manufacturing - Iron and steel
- [STG_ST2-CC] ST2-CC - Basic manufacturing - Non-ferrous metals
- [STG_ST2-GA] ST2-GA - Basic manufacturing - Basic inorganic chemicals
- [STG_ST2-GC] ST2-GC - Basic manufacturing - Basic organic chemicals
- [STG_ST2-IG] ST2-IG - Basic manufacturing - Coke
- [STG_ST3] ST3 - Intermediate goods
- [STG_ST3-CB] ST3-CB - Intermediate goods - Tubes
- [STG_ST3-DA] ST3-DA - Intermediate goods - Yarns fabrics
- [STG_ST3-EA] ST3-EA - Intermediate goods - Wood articles
- [STG_ST3-EC] ST3-EC - Intermediate goods - Paper
- [STG_ST3-FA] ST3-FA - Intermediate goods - Metallic structures
- [STG_ST3-FB] ST3-FB - Intermediate goods - Miscellaneous hardware
- [STG_ST3-FC] ST3-FC - Intermediate goods - Engines
- [STG_ST3-FL] ST3-FL - Intermediate goods - Electronic components
- [STG_ST3-FS] ST3-FS - Intermediate goods - Vehicles components
- [STG_ST3-GB] ST3-GB - Intermediate goods - Fertilizers
- [STG_ST3-GD] ST3-GD - Intermediate goods - Paints
- [STG_ST3-GG] ST3-GG - Intermediate goods - Plastics
- [STG_ST3-GI] ST3-GI - Intermediate goods - Rubber articles (incl. tyres)
- [STG_ST4] ST4 - Equipment goods
- [STG_ST4-FD] ST4-FD - Equipment goods - Agricultural equipment
- [STG_ST4-FE] ST4-FE - Equipment goods - Machine tools
- [STG_ST4-FF] ST4-FF - Equipment goods - Construction equipment
- [STG_ST4-FG] ST4-FG - Equipment goods - Specialized machines
- [STG_ST4-FH] ST4-FH - Equipment goods - Arms
- [STG_ST4-FI] ST4-FI - Equipment goods - Precision instruments
- [STG_ST4-FN] ST4-FN - Equipment goods - Telecommunications equipment
- [STG_ST4-FO] ST4-FO - Equipment goods - Computer equipment
- [STG_ST4-FQ] ST4-FQ - Equipment goods - Electrical equipment
- [STG_ST4-FR] ST4-FR - Equipment goods - Electrical apparatus
- [STG_ST4-FU] ST4-FU - Equipment goods - Commercial vehicles
- [STG_ST4-FV] ST4-FV - Equipment goods - Ships
- [STG_ST4-FW] ST4-FW - Equipment goods - Aeronautics
- [STG_ST5] ST5 - Mixed products
- [STG_ST5-DE] ST5-DE - Mixed products - Miscellaneous manuf. articles
- [STG_ST5-EB] ST5-EB - Mixed products - Miscellaneous hardware
- [STG_ST5-ED] ST5-ED - Mixed products - Agricultural equipment
- [STG_ST5-GH] ST5-GH - Mixed products - Plastic articles
- [STG_ST5-IH] ST5-IH - Mixed products - Refined petroleum products
- [STG_ST5-II] ST5-II - Mixed products - Electricity
- [STG_ST5-KB] ST5-KB - Mixed products - Fats
- [STG_ST5-KC] ST5-KC - Mixed products - Meat and fish
- [STG_ST5-KF] ST5-KF - Mixed products - Sugar
- [STG_ST5-KG] ST5-KG - Mixed products - Animal food
- [STG_ST6] ST6 - Consumption goods
- [STG_ST6-DB] ST6-DB - Consumption goods - Clothing
- [STG_ST6-DC] ST6-DC - Consumption goods - Knitwear
- [STG_ST6-DD] ST6-DD - Consumption goods - Carpets
- [STG_ST6-EE] ST6-EE - Consumption goods - Miscellaneous manuf. articles
- [STG_ST6-FJ] ST6-FJ - Consumption goods - Clockmaking
- [STG_ST6-FK] ST6-FK - Consumption goods - Optics
- [STG_ST6-FM] ST6-FM - Consumption goods - Consumer electronics
- [STG_ST6-FP] ST6-FP - Consumption goods - Domestic electrical appliances
- [STG_ST6-FT] ST6-FT - Consumption goods - Cars and cycles
- [STG_ST6-GE] ST6-GE - Consumption goods - Toiletries
- [STG_ST6-GF] ST6-GF - Consumption goods - Pharmaceuticals
- [STG_ST6-KA] ST6-KA - Consumption goods - Cereal products
- [STG_ST6-KD] ST6-KD - Consumption goods - Preserved meat/fish
- [STG_ST6-KE] ST6-KE - Consumption goods - Preserved fruits
- [STG_ST6-KH] ST6-KH - Consumption goods - Beverages
- [STG_ST6-KI] ST6-KI - Consumption goods - Manufactured tobaccos
- [STN_B] B - Construction products
- [STN_B-BA] B-BA - Construction products - Cement
- [STN_B-BB] B-BB - Construction products - Ceramics
- [STN_B-BC] B-BC - Construction products - Glass
- [STN_C] C - Basic metals
- [STN_C-CA] C-CA - Basic metals - Iron and steel
- [STN_C-CB] C-CB - Basic metals - Tubes
- [STN_C-CC] C-CC - Basic metals - Non-ferrous metals
- [STN_D] D - Textiles
- [STN_D-DA] D-DA - Textiles - Yarns fabrics
- [STN_D-DB] D-DB - Textiles - Clothing
- [STN_D-DC] D-DC - Textiles - Knitwear
- [STN_D-DD] D-DD - Textiles - Carpets
- [STN_D-DE] D-DE - Textiles - Leather
- [STN_E] E - Wood, paper
- [STN_E-EA] E-EA - Wood, paper - Wood articles
- [STN_E-EB] E-EB - Wood, paper - Furniture
- [STN_E-EC] E-EC - Wood, paper - Paper
- [STN_E-ED] E-ED - Wood, paper - Printing
- [STN_E-EE] E-EE - Wood, paper - Miscellaneous manuf. articles
- [STN_F] F - Metal products
- [STN_F-FA] F-FA - Metal products - Metallic structures
- [STN_F-FB] F-FB - Metal products - Miscellaneous hardware
- [STN_F-FC] F-FC - Metal products - Engines
- [STN_F-FD] F-FD - Metal products - Agricultural equipment
- [STN_F-FE] F-FE - Metal products - Machine tools
- [STN_F-FF] F-FF - Metal products - Construction equipment
- [STN_F-FG] F-FG - Metal products - Specialized machines
- [STN_F-FH] F-FH - Metal products - Arms
- [STN_F-FI] F-FI - Metal products - Precision instruments
- [STN_F-FJ] F-FJ - Metal products - Clockmaking
- [STN_F-FK] F-FK - Metal products - Optics
- [STN_F-FL] F-FL - Metal products - Electronic components
- [STN_F-FM] F-FM - Metal products - Consumer electronics
- [STN_F-FN] F-FN - Metal products - Telecommunications equipment
- [STN_F-FO] F-FO - Metal products - Computer equipment
- [STN_F-FP] F-FP - Metal products - Domestic electrical appliances
- [STN_F-FQ] F-FQ - Metal products - Electrical equipment
- [STN_F-FR] F-FR - Metal products - Electrical apparatus
- [STN_F-FS] F-FS - Metal products - Vehicles components
- [STN_F-FT] F-FT - Metal products - Cars and cycles
- [STN_F-FU] F-FU - Metal products - Commercial vehicles
- [STN_F-FV] F-FV - Metal products - Ships
- [STN_F-FW] F-FW - Metal products - Aeronautics
- [STN_G] G - Chemistry
- [STN_G-GA] G-GA - Chemistry - Basic inorganic chemicals
- [STN_G-GB] G-GB - Chemistry - Fertilizers
- [STN_G-GC] G-GC - Chemistry - Basic organic chemicals
- [STN_G-GD] G-GD - Chemistry - Paints
- [STN_G-GE] G-GE - Chemistry - Toiletries
- [STN_G-GF] G-GF - Chemistry - Pharmaceuticals
- [STN_G-GG] G-GG - Chemistry - Plastics
- [STN_G-GH] G-GH - Chemistry - Plastic articles
- [STN_G-GI] G-GI - Chemistry - Rubber articles (incl. tyres)
- [STN_H] H - Mining
- [STN_H-HA] H-HA - Mining - Iron ores
- [STN_H-HB] H-HB - Mining - Non ferrous ores
- [STN_H-HC] H-HC - Mining - Unprocessed minerals n.e.s.
- [STN_I] I - Energy
- [STN_I-IA] I-IA - Energy - Coals
- [STN_I-IB] I-IB - Energy - Crude oil
- [STN_I-IC] I-IC - Energy - Natural gas
- [STN_I-IG] I-IG - Energy - Coke
- [STN_I-IH] I-IH - Energy - Refined petroleum products
- [STN_I-II] I-II - Energy - Electricity
- [STN_J] J - Agriculture
- [STN_J-JA] J-JA - Agriculture - Cereals
- [STN_J-JB] J-JB - Agriculture - Other edible agricultural products
- [STN_J-JC] J-JC - Agriculture - Non-edible agricultural products
- [STN_K] K - Food products
- [STN_K-KA] K-KA - Food products - Cereal products
- [STN_K-KB] K-KB - Food products - Fats
- [STN_K-KC] K-KC - Food products - Meat and fish
- [STN_K-KD] K-KD - Food products - Preserved meat/fish
- [STN_K-KE] K-KE - Food products - Preserved fruits
- [STN_K-KF] K-KF - Food products - Sugar
- [STN_K-KG] K-KG - Food products - Animal food
- [STN_K-KH] K-KH - Food products - Beverages
- [STN_K-KI] K-KI - Food products - Manufactured tobaccos
- [STN_NDA] NDA - N.E.S.
- [STN_NDA-NA1] NDA-NA1 - N.E.S. - Jewellery, works of art
- [STN_NDA-NB] NDA-NB - N.E.S. - Non-monetary gold
- [STN_NDA-NV] NDA-NV - N.E.S. - N.e.s. products
- [STR_AL] AL - Food, agriculture
- [STR_AL-JA] AL-JA - Food, agriculture - Cereals
- [STR_AL-JB] AL-JB - Food, agriculture - Other edible agricultural products
- [STR_AL-JC] AL-JC - Food, agriculture - Non-edible agricultural products
- [STR_AL-KA] AL-KA - Food, agriculture - Cereal products
- [STR_AL-KB] AL-KB - Food, agriculture - Fats
- [STR_AL-KC] AL-KC - Food, agriculture - Meat and fish
- [STR_AL-KD] AL-KD - Food, agriculture - Preserved meat/fish
- [STR_AL-KE] AL-KE - Food, agriculture - Preserved fruits
- [STR_AL-KF] AL-KF - Food, agriculture - Sugar
- [STR_AL-KG] AL-KG - Food, agriculture - Animal food
- [STR_AL-KH] AL-KH - Food, agriculture - Beverages
- [STR_AL-KI] AL-KI - Food, agriculture - Manufactured tobaccos
- [STR_H] H - Mining
- [STR_H-HA] H-HA - Mining - Iron ores
- [STR_H-HB] H-HB - Mining - Non ferrous ores
- [STR_H-HC] H-HC - Mining - Unprocessed minerals n.e.s.
- [STR_I] I - Energy
- [STR_I-IA] I-IA - Energy - Coals
- [STR_I-IB] I-IB - Energy - Crude oil
- [STR_I-IC] I-IC - Energy - Natural gas
- [STR_I-IG] I-IG - Energy - Coke
- [STR_I-IH] I-IH - Energy - Refined petroleum products
- [STR_I-II] I-II - Energy - Electricity
- [STR_M] M - Manufacturing minimum
- [STR_M-BA] M-BA - Manufacturing minimum - Cement
- [STR_M-BB] M-BB - Manufacturing minimum - Ceramics
- [STR_M-BC] M-BC - Manufacturing minimum - Glass
- [STR_M-CA] M-CA - Manufacturing minimum - Iron and steel
- [STR_M-CB] M-CB - Manufacturing minimum - Tubes
- [STR_M-CC] M-CC - Manufacturing minimum - Non-ferrous metals
- [STR_M-DA] M-DA - Manufacturing minimum - Yarns fabrics
- [STR_M-DB] M-DB - Manufacturing minimum - Clothing
- [STR_M-DC] M-DC - Manufacturing minimum - Knitwear
- [STR_M-DD] M-DD - Manufacturing minimum - Carpets
- [STR_M-DE] M-DE - Manufacturing minimum - Leather
- [STR_M-EA] M-EA - Manufacturing minimum - Wood articles