DBnomics, the world's economic database

[AAA07] Number of Livestock in June

Updated by provider on December 17, 2020 (11:00 AM).

Search filters
Type of Animal [C02148V02965] (37)
Region [C02196V02652] (8)

This dataset has 296 series:

Series code 2005200620072008200920102011201220132014
[AAA07.0111.IE11] 308.4 317 319.7 322 316 302.9 299.5 306.2 306 309
[AAA07.0111.IE12] 211.7 223.6 228.1 229.2 227.7 219.2 217.6 225 227.5 226
[AAA07.0111.IE13] 305.4 316.6 323 322.7 313.6 295.4 291.6 299.6 301 302.2
[AAA07.0111.IE23] 335.9 346.1 347.1 348.3 342.6 327.8 332.2 341.6 343.6 350.9
[AAA07.0111.IE24] 366.3 386.2 395.8 403.8 409.7 403.8 408.2 416.5 428.7 438.5
[AAA07.0111.IE25] 490.3 506.7 510.9 516.8 518.2 511.2 523.7 530.8 534 552.3
[AAA07.01111.-] 1055.1 1084.7 1089.8 1095.2 1096.7 1070.8 1116.9 1140.8 1163.2 1226.4
[AAA07.01111.5000] 77.2 78.6 78.6 77.7 78 76 78 78.7 79.7 85.1
[AAA07.01111.IE11] 105.4 106.5 105.6 105 103.4 97.6 100.5 103.3 103.3 109.8
[AAA07.01111.IE12] 73 75.7 76.4 76.2 75.8 73.1 75.7 79 81.4 85.1