Indices of Total Production in Building and Construction Sector Base 2010=100 [BEQ03]


For more information, please go to the statistical release page on our website.

Updated by provider on June 1, 2020 (11:00 AM)

Type of Building and Construction [C02402V02895]
Statistic [STATISTIC]

Dataset has 20 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2000-Q12000-Q22000-Q32000-Q42001-Q12001-Q22001-Q32001-Q42002-Q12002-Q22002-Q32002-Q42003-Q12003-Q22003-Q32003-Q42004-Q12004-Q22004-Q32004-Q42005-Q12005-Q22005-Q32005-Q42006-Q12006-Q22006-Q32006-Q42007-Q12007-Q22007-Q32007-Q42008-Q12008-Q22008-Q32008-Q42009-Q12009-Q22009-Q32009-Q42010-Q12010-Q22010-Q32010-Q42011-Q12011-Q22011-Q32011-Q42012-Q12012-Q22012-Q32012-Q42013-Q12013-Q22013-Q32013-Q42014-Q12014-Q22014-Q32014-Q42015-Q12015-Q22015-Q32015-Q42016-Q12016-Q22016-Q32016-Q42017-Q12017-Q22017-Q32017-Q42018-Q12018-Q22018-Q3
-.BEQ03C1 153 163.7 173.4 174.5 178.4 190.6 189.9 193.9 185.6 192 212.9 214.1 198.4 211.8 241.1 248.5 253.6 284.3 270.9 269.1 273.2 318.5 323.4 325.4 324.3 336.2 330 373 302.9 329.4 301.8 303.1 242.8 242.7 220.9 199.1 153.2 145.1 138.2 126.5 96.66 102.1 99.73 101.51 73 75.38 84.19 92.45 71.59 73.07 80.79 94.31 72.26 83.94 97.54 104.93 79.67 97.49 104.17 110.82 88.02 108.59 110.65 119.11 99.82 131.9 137.25 139.13 125.53 149.61 163.79 170.66 144.58 181.7 197.14
-.BEQ03C2 218.3 228.7 241.5 234.1 224.3 238.3 244 247.3 228.8 234.2 258.5 252.2 237.9 249.8 281.7 259.4 314.5 342.8 320.3 312.7 317.1 365.7 369.8 365.1 359.3 366.2 356 391.7 316.8 341.1 308.1 308.9 243.3 241.7 219.1 198.2 154.2 146.8 140.1 128.1 97.44 102.2 99.24 101.11 74.27 77.72 86.53 94.73 73.2 74.26 81.94 95.66 73.15 84.8 98.33 105.68 80.24 97.49 103.65 110.17 87.67 107.41 109.35 117.82 98.83 129.83 134.7 136.14 122.36 144.7 157.96 164.42 139.3 170.14 183.23
-.BEQ03S1 158.4 164.1 169.4 172.1 184.9 191.5 185 191.3 193 192.5 206.7 211.8 207.2 210.5 234.4 247.3 265.2 279.2 266.1 267.3 286.3 310.5 321.3 319.4 341.6 328.2 330.4 358.6 323.6 324.3 300.2 287.1 263 242 217.2 185.9 168.3 147 134.2 116.3 107.61 104.95 96.42 91.48 82.43 78.55 80.87 82.24 82.04 76.19 77.26 83.68 84.07 86.46 92.74 94.08 93.92 97.91 99.16 100.87 104.29 106.78 105.41 110.12 118.01 128.24 130.6 130.32 147.19 145.46 155.14 161.2 168.44 177.14 186.02
-.BEQ03S2 221.6 229.8 239.6 232.5 232.3 239.1 234.6 241.5 240.7 234.2 244.6 248.7 248.7 247.4 269.9 268.4 318.1 336.7 326.1 312.3 329.7 357.1 367 367.4 368.7 358.6 364.9 371.4 342.9 336.3 304.5 281.6 261.8 241 211.7 187.4 166.6 148.7 140.1 120.3 106.14 105.17 98.91 90.42 84.05 81.12 83.28 86.29 82.31 77.61 78.4 82.46 86.59 87.53 91.88 91.99 96.02 98.35 97.23 101.46 101.23 106.48 106.68 111.01 115 127.67 127.25 130.54 139.28 142.42 152.03 154.89 162.43 167.49 170.34
11.BEQ03C1 207.1 223 237.3 238.4 237.5 256.6 254.5 260.6 235.5 246 278.5 282.4 255.6 276.8 322.2 333.6 343.6 382.6 359 361.1 370.1 432.7 426.6 430.1 430.1 447.2 432.8 490.8 388.3 425.2 381.6 381.1 297.6 289.5 257.5 229.1 168.8 153.4 140.4 127.7 94.76 95.08 104.76 105.4 78.86 79.42 86.36 92.88 70.76 70.7 77.32 83.13 70.36 81.14 94.16 105.67 82.47 92.11 103.77 115.76 95.37 115.74 116.45 125.72 112.04 144.56 152 155.72 148.3 173.37 187.96 196.71 170.25 217.57 219.42
11.BEQ03C2 298.4 313.2 331.7 318.8 300.4 320.5 329 333.3 296.1 301.7 339.9 335.4 310.9 327.6 378.3 342 426.1 461.4 424.5 419.6 429.7 496.9 487.9 482.7 476.6 487.1 466.9 515.4 406.3 440.5 389.7 388.4 298.3 288.4 255.4 228 169.9 155.2 142.3 129.4 95.55 95.19 104.26 105 80.24 81.89 88.78 95.18 72.37 71.87 78.43 84.33 71.23 81.97 94.94 106.44 83.07 92.13 103.27 115.09 95.01 114.5 115.1 124.37 110.95 142.32 149.19 152.4 144.57 167.71 181.29 189.54 164.05 203.76 203.96
11.BEQ03S1 218.6 224.9 229.9 231.6 250.6 259.3 245.9 253.8 248.6 247.8 268.6 277.1 269.7 275.5 312.2 331 361.3 374.5 352.1 360.2 388.2 419.3 423.2 426.1 452.3 434.5 431.2 477.2 413.1 418.2 378.3 362.5 321.2 290.4 252.2 213.7 184.7 157.2 135.8 117 104.89 99.35 100.29 95.35 88.05 83.79 82.48 83.26 79.6 74.57 73.83 74.47 79.71 84.5 90.18 95.19 94.18 93.96 99.61 105.66 109.56 115.3 111.98 116.6 129.13 141.28 146.08 146.65 171 167.45 180.31 187.15 196.48 208.59 210.46
11.BEQ03S2 316.9 317.4 318 310.1 318.8 324.5 315.1 325.8 313.9 303.4 325.9 331.3 328.6 324.4 366 341.8 446.9 450.1 417.6 419.4 448.4 481.6 488.1 475.4 498.2 474.8 471.3 494.9 430.6 434.7 391.2 365.4 321 289.9 252.2 211.5 185.4 159.2 138.1 118.6 105.46 99.35 99.94 95.23 89.38 86.19 84.9 85.52 81.26 75.62 75.02 75.65 80.53 85.3 91.08 95.93 94.6 94.05 99.29 105.07 108.69 114.32 110.88 115.36 127.11 139.48 143.86 143.54 165.09 162.69 174.78 180.32 186.83 196.5 196.89
111.BEQ03C1 303.3 333.1 358.8 358.8 360.8 401.4 393.6 406.1 369 392.9 462.6 476.2 431.8 478.7 576 600.3 630.5 706 640.1 652 681.9 805.6 779.6 767.2 773 813.1 782.4 896.7 670.3 747.6 638.7 636.2 455 429.3 357.7 283.6 192.6 167.2 140.7 129.9 95.53 100.97 103.61 99.9 71.19 67.22 68.41 77.99 59.88 60.4 64.77 66.53 64.38 68.71 70.49 76.97 61.11 77.28 89.79 106.3 84.81 117.52 116.15 115.91 119.01 159.63 152.93 158.96 152.11 188.21 212.61 207.83 187.59 238.6 238.26
111.BEQ03C2 479.1 505 538.8 506.9 486.3 528.4 544.3 552.5 488.2 500.6 581.9 576.5 536.9 572.7 680 596.5 781.7 851.3 756.8 757.6 791.6 924.9 891.4 860.9 856.5 885.5 844.1 941.6 701.2 774.4 652.1 648.4 456 427.6 354.7 282.3 193.8 169.2 142.6 131.5 96.31 101.08 103.1 99.51 72.43 69.3 70.32 79.92 61.23 61.39 65.69 67.48 65.17 69.41 71.07 77.52 61.55 77.29 89.36 105.68 84.48 116.25 114.79 114.66 117.84 157.13 150.09 155.56 148.27 182.04 205.04 200.25 180.74 223.43 221.45
Dimension codes and labels
[C02402V02895] Type of Building and Construction
  • [-] All building and construction
  • [11] Building (excluding civil engineering)
  • [111] Residential building
  • [112] Non-residential building
  • [12] Civil engineering
[STATISTIC] Statistic
  • [BEQ03C1] Value of Production Index in Building and Construction
  • [BEQ03C2] Volume of Production Index in Building and Construction
  • [BEQ03S1] Value of Production Index in Building and Construction (Seasonally Adjusted)
  • [BEQ03S2] Volume of Production Index in Building and Construction (Seasonally Adjusted)
Technical links