Planning Permissions Granted [BHA03]


Data for Q3 2018, Q1, Q2 &amp; Q4 2019, Q1 &amp; Q3 2020 and Q1-Q3 2021 was revised on 11th March 2022 for tables BHQ03, BHQ04, BHQ06, BHQ07, BHQ12, BHQ13, BHQ14 &amp; BHQ15 and BHA03, BHA04, BHA06, BHA07 &amp; BHA12 due to the nature of Strategic Housing Developments. A review of the series for new dwellings was undertaken and resulted in revised data for 1999 and the first half of 2000. Corresponding revised data were not available for floor area or for permissions other than for new dwellings for those periods. For categories where floor area is a relevant measure 0 implies less than 500 square metres. Floor area is not a relevant measure for alterations, conversions and renovations. Data for Q1 2018 and Q3 2019-Q3 2020 inclusive was revised in Q4 2020 for tables BHQ03, BHQ04, BHQ05, BHQ06, BHQ07, BHQ12, BHQ13, BHQ14 &amp; BHQ15 and BHA03, BHA04, BHA06, BHA07 &amp; BHA12 due to the nature of Strategic Housing Development. Data for Q3 2016 was revised for Table BHQ02. <a rel="nofollow" href="">See Background Notes.</a>

For more information, please go to the statistical release page on our website.

Updated by provider on March 14, 2024 (11:00 AM)

Statistic [STATISTIC]
Type of Construction [C01921V02511]

Dataset has 10 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Dimension codes and labels
[STATISTIC] Statistic
  • [BHA03C1] Planning Permissions Granted
  • [BHA03C2] Total Floor Area for which Permission Granted
[C01921V02511] Type of Construction
  • [-] All types of construction
  • [11] Dwellings
  • [12] Other new construction (excluding dwellings)
  • [2] Extensions
  • [3] Alteration, conversion and renovation
Technical links