International Investment Position BPM6 [BPQ22]


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Updated by provider on March 1, 2024 (11:00 AM)

Statistic [STATISTIC]
IFSC or Non IFSC [C02940V03555]
Institutional Sector [C02939V03554]

Dataset has 63 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2012-Q12012-Q22012-Q32012-Q42013-Q12013-Q22013-Q32013-Q42014-Q12014-Q22014-Q32014-Q42015-Q12015-Q22015-Q32015-Q42016-Q12016-Q22016-Q32016-Q42017-Q12017-Q22017-Q32017-Q42018-Q12018-Q22018-Q32018-Q42019-Q12019-Q22019-Q32019-Q42020-Q12020-Q22020-Q32020-Q42021-Q12021-Q22021-Q32021-Q42022-Q12022-Q22022-Q32022-Q42023-Q12023-Q22023-Q32023-Q4
BPQ22C1.-.- -254807 -251256 -244548 -240493 -253440 -257272 -279148 -239030 -278698 -302087 -310220 -320091 -518120 -492172 -500778 -520670 -476896 -470991 -469839 -465571 -499417 -530276 -519961 -496074 -535413 -523089 -508439 -598308 -622784 -649955 -652134 -678425 -712566.836200143 -677923.460417554 -678430.803502758 -619052.363636768 -625701.140050405 -580308.956742637 -585315.299026468 -568209.209929435 -535023.157081017 -587839.394779458 -639885.52213539 -591157.869586452 -557851.174792865 -562424 -577637 -534222
BPQ22C1.-.01 -94194 -97570 -106690 -107536 -114740 -112959 -112681 -108084 -120214 -128721 -131815 -131656 -135113 -133018 -135074 -132162 -136660 -128744 -129102 -124484 -129548 -131660 -131281 -122729 -127867 -130201 -129327 -124298 -128904 -128762 -128795 -124923 -132347.186527101 -143814.347793992 -140286.944823848 -129887.702754104 -134469.565906906 -134597.137676495 -132186.050067476 -129657.627099556 -119035.475339666 -117775.548001544 -111844.43714648 -102847.05018998 -106064.79032798 -105256 -99353 -99677
BPQ22C1.-.02 -91251 -98406 -82283 -77527 -54931 -52766 -52400 -51193 -40375 -23370 -17610 -17105 -14435 -7274 725 2530 4615 2733 8939 5899 11046 17020 14601 11224 20617 27944 26343 24072 29711 34188 36830 44591 42885.14087145 55035.10848696 55010.75455752 47788.87200233 61016.34184018 70331.09920686 71786.89472399 81722.5164678 83645.25739561 96005.79543115 90847.3360567 95976.988075 83184.43756901 86271 85649 89822
BPQ22C1.-.03 5440 7093 10818 -968 -12025 -14719 -32480 -11963 -8926 -7834 -9393 -2537 8055 8468 7257 12080 16066 17227 9473 23879 30235 20754 32878 40136 40032 40061 43761 42107 52343 55691 63857 67105 86925.5112859916 92246.2213963409 84964.0067991252 88052.4942867948 84120.3368257418 85882.8143835434 87479.3988554815 90824.1254451877 98012.9363485014 99207.8816805998 109874.886053632 99191.7679485423 115931.338028554 117878 124082 104488
BPQ22C1.-.04 -74801 -62372 -66393 -54463 -71744 -76828 -81587 -67791 -109183 -142160 -151400 -168793 -376628 -360347 -373685 -403119 -360917 -362207 -359151 -370865 -411151 -436389 -436158 -424704 -468196 -460893 -449216 -540188 -575934 -611072 -624026 -665198 -710030.301830485 -681390.44250686 -678118.620035555 -625006.027171791 -636368.252809417 -601925.732656547 -612395.542538466 -611098.22474287 -597645.875485464 -665277.523889666 -728763.307099239 -683479.575420015 -650902.160062451 -661316 -688014 -628854
BPQ22C1.-.05 48057 60156 53549 62025 56125 54984 47685 50529 29746 23744 35005 22132 26101 41347 33849 30407 37126 39271 37532 59888 39992 -511 -1842 21449 41733 48076 51068 -12260 -3524 12209 9506 -3301 54970.5499305027 71768.773308883 53216.1025097305 73584.0766113326 100065.045630869 123431.625969538 124342.642704604 124518.299829519 114659.944472481 83871.4195679585 79487.735302533 62613.144439796 86522.8305083048 90497 90680 93568
BPQ22C1.-.06 -122858 -122528 -119942 -116488 -127869 -131812 -129272 -118320 -138929 -165904 -186405 -190925 -402729 -401694 -407534 -433526 -398043 -401478 -396683 -430753 -451143 -435878 -434316 -446153 -509928 -508969 -500284 -527928 -572410 -623281 -633531 -661898 -765000.851760987 -753159.215815744 -731334.722545286 -698590.103783124 -736433.298440287 -725357.358626086 -736738.18524307 -735616.524572389 -712305.819957945 -749148.943457626 -808251.042401772 -746092.719859811 -737424.990570755 -751813 -778694 -722422
BPQ22C1.01.- -41686 -36719 -35330 -33560 -58679 -59023 -85904 -65841 -91115 -124934 -124081 -138545 -132724 -117516 -117249 -132927 -90501 -97438 -110395 -88646 -104812 -112558 -131943 -114468 -142503 -146638 -140141 -197552 -203414 -187557 -193042 -202197 15626.8873123931 27048.5618363109 3316.95043626986 11995.2471554934 26017.8527467521 43092.9606156792 45308.1598387775 54751.5751771042 56819.0905375306 21300.991240426 30693.1012604432 4983.08056860848 35424.7665043551 31875 34438 13107
BPQ22C1.01.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
BPQ22C1.01.02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dimension codes and labels
[STATISTIC] Statistic
  • [BPQ22C1] Net International Investment Position
  • [BPQ22C2] Foreign Assets
  • [BPQ22C3] Foreign Liabilities
[C02940V03555] IFSC or Non IFSC
  • [-] IFSC and Non-IFSC
  • [01] IFSC
  • [02] Non-IFSC
[C02939V03554] Institutional Sector
  • [-] Institutional sectors : Total
  • [01] General government
  • [02] Monetary Authority
  • [03] Monetary Financial Institutions
  • [04] Other sectors : Total
  • [05] Other sectors : Other financial corporations
  • [06] Other sectors : Non-financial companies
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