DBnomics, the world's economic database

[CD564] Population aged 15 years and over that are usually resident and have lived outside Ireland for a period of one year or more

Updated by provider on June 1, 2020 (11:00 AM).

Search filters
Sex [C02199V02655] (3)
Detailed Marital Status [C02325V02801] (9)
Statistic [STATISTIC] (8)

This dataset has 216 series:

Series code 2011
[-.03.CD564C5] 64049
[-.03.CD564C6] 29425
[-.03.CD564C7] 19871
[-.03.CD564C8] 22720
[-.05.CD564C1] 1635439
[-.05.CD564C2] 260448
[-.05.CD564C3] 144763
[-.05.CD564C4] 1121463
[-.05.CD564C5] 60797
[-.05.CD564C6] 28763