DBnomics, the world's economic database

[CD616] Percentage of Population Born Outside County of Enumeration by Birthplace

Updated by provider on June 3, 2020 (11:00 AM).

Search filters
Place of Enumeration [C02779V03348] (32)
Statistic [STATISTIC] (9)

This dataset has 288 series:

Series code 19911996200220062011
[02.CD616C3] 166181 165689 178055 171879 170902
[02.CD616C4] 12121 13180 15046 14053 14089
[02.CD616C5] 33965 36732 44452 42801 43590
[02.CD616C6] 3082 3279 4771 4284 4255
[02.CD616C7] 4457 5529 7815 8986 10019
[02.CD616C8] 17584 23973 74155 149023 199142
[02.CD616C9] 23.2 23.5 28.9 32.9 34.7
[03.CD616C1] 122656 134992 163944 186335 210312
[03.CD616C2] 59273 63107 75237 75733 80517
[03.CD616C3] 56220 62891 71445 82659 95262