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[E6044] Population aged 15 Years and Over at Work, Usually Resident and Present in the State 2011 to 2016

Updated by provider on July 13, 2020 (11:00 AM).

Search filters
Statistic [STATISTIC] (1)
Age Group [C02076V03371] (13)
Sex [C02199V02655] (3)
Time Leaving Home [C02730V03298] (10)

This dataset has 390 series:

Series code 20112016
[E6044.-.1.-] 939175 1057565
[E6044.-.1.01] 88740 124415
[E6044.-.1.011] 101617 132682
[E6044.-.1.03] 122064 140002
[E6044.-.1.04] 165850 175918
[E6044.-.1.05] 142377 147034
[E6044.-.1.06] 109096 105405
[E6044.-.1.07] 45804 44883
[E6044.-.1.08] 91872 99053
[E6044.-.1.98] 71755 88173