[EB014] Labour Force Participation and Unemployment Rate of Population Aged 15 Years and Over Usually Resident and Present in the State 2011 to 2016
Updated by provider on May 14, 2020 (11:00 AM).
[C02199V02655] Sex
- [-] Both sexes
- [1] Male
- [2] Female
[C02537V03240] Nationality
- [IE] Irish
- [IE02] Irish-American
- [IE04] Irish-Other
- [GB] UK
- [AT] Austrian
- [BE] Belgian
- [DK] Danish
- [FI] Finnish
- [FR] French
- [DE] German
- [GR] Greek
- [IT] Italian
- [LU] Luxembourger
- [NL] Dutch
- [PT] Portuguese
- [ES] Spanish
- [SE] Swedish
- [CY] Cypriot
- [CZ] Czech
- [EE] Estonian
- [IEUK] Irish-UK
- [HU] Hungarian
- [LV] Latvian
- [LT] Lithuanian
- [MT] Maltese
- [PL] Polish
- [SK] Slovak
- [SI] Slovenian
- [BG] Bulgarian
- [RO] Romanian
- [HR] Croatian
- [RU] Russian
- [UA] Ukrainian
- [MD] Moldovan
- [TR] Turk
- [BY] Belarusian
- [BA] Bosnian and Herzegovinian
- [NO] Norwegian
- [RS] Serbian
- [CH] Swiss
- [NG] Nigerian
- [ZA] South African
- [MU] Mauritian
- [DZ] Algerian
- [CDCG] Congolese
- [EG] Egyptian
- [GH] Ghanaian
- [SO] Somali
- [SD] Sudanese
- [ZW] Zimbabwean
- [AO] Angolan
- [CM] Cameroonian
- [ET] Ethiopian
- [KE] Kenyan
- [LY] Libyan
- [MW] Malawian
- [MA] Moroccan
- [BW] Batswana
- [IN] Indian
- [PH] Filipino
- [CN] Chinese
- [PK] Pakistani
- [MY] Malaysian
- [BD] Bangladeshi
- [IQ] Iraqi
- [SA] Saudi
- [TH] Thai
- [GE] Georgian
- [IR] Iranian
- [IL] Israeli
- [JP] Japanese
- [KR] South Korean
- [KW] Kuwaiti
- [MN] Mongolian
- [NP] Nepalese
- [OM] Omani
- [SG] Singaporean
- [LK] Sri Lankan
- [SY] Syrian
- [TW] Taiwanese
- [VN] Vietnamese
- [US] American (US)
- [BR] Brazilian
- [CA] Canadian
- [AR] Argentine
- [CL] Chilean
- [CO] Colombian
- [MX] Mexican
- [VE] Venezuelan
- [AF] Afghan
- [AU] Australian
- [NZ] New Zealander
- [ZZ10] Multi nationality
- [ZZ30] No nationality
- [ZZ98] Not stated
- [IEBY] Irish-Belarusian
- [IEBA] Irish-Bosnian
- [IEBG] Irish-Bulgarian
- [IEHR] Irish-Croatian
- [IECZ] Irish-Czech
- [IEFI] Irish-Finnish
- [IEFR] Irish-French
- [IEDE] Irish-German
- [IEHU] Irish-Hungarian
- [IEIT] Irish-Italian
- [IELv] Irish-Latvian
- [IELT] Irish-Lithuanian
- [IENL] Irish-Dutch
- [IEPL] Irish-Polish
- [IEPT] Irish-Portuguese
- [IERO] Irish-Romanian
- [IESK] Irish-Slovakian
- [IEES] Irish-Spanish
- [IESE] Irish-Swedish
- [IEOEUR00] Irish-Other European
- [IEDZ] Irish-Algerian
- [IECG] Irish-Congolese
- [IEEG] Irish-Egyptian
- [IELY] Irish-Libyan
- [IENG] Irish-Nigerian
- [IEZA] Irish-South African
- [IESD] Irish-Sudanese
- [IEZW] Irish-Zimbabwean
- [IEOAFR00] Irish-Other African
- [IECN] Irish-Chinese
- [IEIN] Irish-Indian
- [IEIR] Irish-Iranian
- [IEIQ] Irish-Iraqi
- [IEJP] Irish-Japanese
- [IEMY] Irish-Malaysian
- [IEPK] Irish-Pakistani
- [IEPH] Irish-Filipino
- [IETH] Irish-Thai
- [IEVN] Irish-Vietnamese
- [IEOAS00] Irish-Other Asian
- [IEBR] Irish-Brazilian
- [IECA] Irish-Canadian
- [IEMX] Irish-Mexican
- [IEOAM00] Irish-Other American
- [IEAU] Irish-Australian
- [IENZ] Irish-New Zealander
- [OEUR00] Other European
- [OAFR00] Other African
- [OAS00] Other Asian
- [OAM00] Other American
- [ON00] Other nationalities
- [QO] Kosovan
- [-] All nationalities
[STATISTIC] Statistic
- [EB014C01] Total Persons Aged 15 Years and Over
- [EB014C02] At work
- [EB014C03] Unemployed including looking for first regular job
- [EB014C04] Not in labour force including not stated
- [EB014C05] Labour force participation rate
- [EB014C06] Unemployment rate
The labour force participation rate is calculated by expressing the labour force (i.e. those at work, looking for first regular job and unemployed) as a percentage of the total aged 15 years and over.#The majority of respondents from both the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo indicated that they were born in Congo. With this information alone it was impossible to distinguish which of the two countries the person was in fact from. For the 2016 Census, the dual Irish breakdown has been expanded. Previously this group was broken down into four broad categories (Irish-English, Irish-American, Irish-European & Irish-Other).
For more information, please go to the statistical release page on our website.
This dataset has 2,664 series:
- from
- 2011=3,551,289
- to
- 2016=3,687,585
- min:
- 3,551,289
- max:
- 3,687,585
- avg:
- 3,619,437
- σ:
- 68,148
- from
- 2011=1,778,400
- to
- 2016=1,970,728
- min:
- 1,778,400
- max:
- 1,970,728
- avg:
- 1,874,564
- σ:
- 96,164
- from
- 2011=421,268
- to
- 2016=294,006
- min:
- 294,006
- max:
- 421,268
- avg:
- 357,637
- σ:
- 63,631
- from
- 2011=1,351,621
- to
- 2016=1,422,851
- min:
- 1,351,621
- max:
- 1,422,851
- avg:
- 1,387,236
- σ:
- 35,615
- from
- 2011=61.9
- to
- 2016=61.4
- min:
- 61.4
- max:
- 61.9
- avg:
- 61.65
- σ:
- 0.25
- from
- 2011=19.2
- to
- 2016=13
- min:
- 13
- max:
- 19.2
- avg:
- 16.1
- σ:
- 3.1
- from
- 2011=411
- to
- 2016=889
- min:
- 411
- max:
- 889
- avg:
- 650
- σ:
- 239
- from
- 2011=94
- to
- 2016=195
- min:
- 94
- max:
- 195
- avg:
- 144.5
- σ:
- 50.5
- from
- 2011=123
- to
- 2016=215
- min:
- 123
- max:
- 215
- avg:
- 169
- σ:
- 46
- from
- 2011=194
- to
- 2016=479
- min:
- 194
- max:
- 479
- avg:
- 336.5
- σ:
- 142.5
Series code | 2011 | 2016 |
[-.-.EB014C01] | 3551289 | 3687585 |
[-.-.EB014C02] | 1778400 | 1970728 |
[-.-.EB014C03] | 421268 | 294006 |
[-.-.EB014C04] | 1351621 | 1422851 |
[-.-.EB014C05] | 61.9 | 61.4 |
[-.-.EB014C06] | 19.2 | 13 |
[-.AF.EB014C01] | 411 | 889 |
[-.AF.EB014C02] | 94 | 195 |
[-.AF.EB014C03] | 123 | 215 |
[-.AF.EB014C04] | 194 | 479 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 2,664