Retail Sales Index (NACE Rev 1.1) (Base 2000=100) [RSCM1]


For more information, please go to the statistical release page on our website.

Updated by provider on June 9, 2020 (11:00 AM)

Statistic [STATISTIC]

Dataset has 96 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 2000-012000-022000-032000-042000-052000-062000-072000-082000-092000-102000-112000-122001-012001-022001-032001-042001-052001-062001-072001-082001-092001-102001-112001-122002-012002-022002-032002-042002-052002-062002-072002-082002-092002-102002-112002-122003-012003-022003-032003-042003-052003-062003-072003-082003-092003-102003-112003-122004-012004-022004-032004-042004-052004-062004-072004-082004-092004-102004-112004-122005-012005-022005-032005-042005-052005-062005-072005-082005-092005-102005-112005-122006-012006-022006-032006-042006-052006-062006-072006-082006-092006-102006-112006-122007-012007-022007-032007-042007-052007-062007-072007-082007-092007-102007-112007-122008-012008-022008-032008-042008-052008-062008-072008-082008-092008-102008-112008-122009-01
0.RSCMC1 96.7 104.7 99.5 99.3 99.2 98.6 100.1 99.4 104.9 93.3 91.3 109.9 102 105.8 100.2 101.1 100.8 100.1 103.1 101.8 105.6 97.9 95.4 121.8 104.4 112 102.1 103.7 103.3 100.6 105.8 103 111.1 100.6 97.6 123.7 112.2 112.2 107.3 110.2 101.5 105.1 107.6 108.5 113.3 103 100.1 127.1 113.9 115.3 113.5 113.8 107.8 109.9 110.9 114.9 118.8 106.1 106.5 132.9 120.8 126.3 119.9 120.1 113.7 114.9 117.8 122 127.5 112.9 112.9 141.2 133.8 136.9 129.8 130.7 120.8 125 125.7 130.5 133.2 122.8 121.2 153.4 145.1 146.9 140.9 141.1 133.7 133.9 136.3 138.3 143.4 130.7 128.7 163.1 153.2 151.5 143 140.9 131.4 131.5 134.7 132.9 137.8 123.3 119.6 150.6 122.6
0.RSCMC2 99.2 106.5 100.5 100 99.3 98.2 100.3 99 104 92.1 89.8 108.1 101.9 104.6 98.4 98.6 98 96.7 100.1 98.5 102 94.4 91.9 116.9 100.9 107.4 97.2 98.1 97.2 94.5 100.1 96.9 104.2 94 91.2 115.1 104.8 103.7 98.6 101.1 93.2 96.6 99.4 99.5 103.8 94.4 91.6 116.1 105.1 105.5 103.6 103.8 98.1 99.7 101.3 104.2 107.5 96 96.1 120 110.6 114.5 108.7 108.5 102.6 103.8 106.5 109.6 113.6 100.7 100.8 126.4 121 122.1 115.4 115.9 106.7 110.4 111.8 115.4 117.5 108.8 107.4 135.5 129.4 129.9 123.9 123.7 116.8 116.8 119.3 120.7 124.7 113.4 110.8 140.3 132.6 129.7 121.5 119.5 111 110.7 114.4 112.8 116.9 105 101.6 128.4 105.7
0.RSCMS1 94.5 99.2 100.6 100.2 101.5 102.1 100.8 101.4 101.7 99.8 100.5 95.7 99.6 100.1 101.2 101.7 103.4 103.6 104 103.7 102.5 105 105.1 106.2 101.8 105.8 102.7 104 106.5 104.3 107.1 104.6 107.9 108.1 107.4 107.9 109.1 105.8 107.6 110.1 105.3 109.2 109.4 109.9 110.1 111.2 110.3 111.1 110.1 108.3 113.2 113.1 112.7 114.4 113.4 116.1 115.8 114.9 117.4 116.2 116.3 118.3 118.9 118.9 119.6 119.9 121.1 123.2 124.5 122.4 124.3 123.3 128.2 127.8 128.3 129.4 127.7 130.8 129.5 132 130.3 133.4 133.2 133.4 138.7 136.9 139.1 139.7 141.9 140.6 140.3 140.3 140.5 141.8 141.1 141.1 146 141.1 141.5 139.7 139.9 138.5 138.5 135.1 135 133.7 131 129.8 116.9
0.RSCMS2 95.8 100.2 101.7 101.2 102.3 102.4 100.7 100.9 100.9 98.8 99 94.4 98.2 98.4 99.4 99.6 101.1 100.8 100.8 100.3 99 101.4 101.4 102.2 97.3 100.9 97.9 98.7 100.7 98.5 101 98.3 101.2 101.1 100.5 100.6 101.1 97.3 99 101.3 97.1 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.9 101.8 101 101.8 101.1 98.7 103.4 103.4 102.8 104.1 103.2 105.3 104.7 103.7 106 105.3 106.3 106.9 107.8 107.7 108 108.6 109.1 110.6 110.8 108.9 110.9 110.9 116 113.8 114.1 115 112.8 115.9 114.8 116.6 114.8 117.5 118 118.5 124 120.9 122.2 122.7 123.8 123 122.7 122.3 121.8 122.2 121.4 122.2 126.8 120.7 119.9 118.8 118 117.1 117.6 114.6 114.2 112.8 111.2 111.5 101
001.RSCMC1 89.2 90.9 91.6 94.4 92.1 95.5 97.9 99.2 102.3 94.9 102.9 141.5 99.1 100.1 100.9 103.8 102.3 105.3 108.4 107.8 109.8 104.2 111.3 159.8 104.5 107.4 108.9 107.7 105.6 109.3 112.8 111.9 115.2 107.1 115.1 163.2 110.4 112.2 112.3 117.2 106.7 114.4 115.4 114.5 119.7 111.6 118.8 167.9 114 114.6 116.8 118.4 111.8 119.3 118.8 120.3 124.4 115.6 125.4 174.8 117.7 122.1 122.1 122 118 126.8 127 127 132.6 122.3 132.4 185.2 128.2 130.7 129.6 134 128.1 137.2 136.9 137.7 141.6 133.4 143.6 201.3 137.8 141 140.2 145.1 140.7 145.3 148.7 146.1 152 142.6 153.8 214.5 146.3 149.4 147.4 146.1 142.3 147.9 145.8 142.6 148 137 145 200.6 137.1
001.RSCMC2 92 92.6 92.7 95.1 92 94.9 98.2 98.6 101.3 93.6 101.3 138.8 98.9 98.3 98.2 100.2 98.4 100.7 104.4 103 104.5 98.9 105.5 150.9 99.8 101.5 102.1 100.3 97.9 101.1 105.6 103.8 106.5 98.8 105.9 149.3 102.1 102.2 101.6 105.7 96.4 103.4 105.1 103.2 107.8 100.6 106.8 150.7 104.1 103.3 105 106.5 100.5 106.9 107.6 107.8 111.2 103.3 112 155.9 106.9 109.6 109.5 109.3 105.6 113.9 114.4 113.3 117.8 108.7 117.6 164.8 115.8 116.3 114.6 118.3 112.6 120.8 121.7 121.5 124.2 117.4 126.3 176.3 122.5 123.9 122.4 126.3 122.1 126 129.8 126.8 131.2 122.8 131.5 183.1 126.3 126.7 123.9 122.6 119 123.7 123 120 124.1 115.2 120.9 167.6 116.2
001.RSCMS1 94.3 95.4 96 97.5 98.5 99.2 99.7 101.7 102.2 102.1 103.6 101.3 104.8 105 105.5 107.1 109.6 109.3 110.5 110.6 109.7 112.1 111.9 114.4 110.4 112.6 113.8 111 113.4 113.1 115.1 114.9 115 115.2 115.6 116.9 116.8 117.6 117.2 120.8 115.1 118 118 117.7 119.5 120.1 119.3 120.4 120.5 119.7 121.9 121.9 120.9 122.5 121.6 123.9 124.1 124.4 125.9 125.6 124.3 127.3 127.6 125.5 127.7 129.8 130.2 131 132.5 131.6 132.8 133.2 135.3 136 135.6 137.7 138.5 140.2 140.4 142.5 141.6 143.6 144.1 145 145.4 146.3 146.7 149.1 151.7 148.4 152.6 151.4 152.3 153.3 154.3 154.4 154.1 155 154.6 150.3 153.2 151.1 149.6 148.1 148.4 147.3 145.5 144.4 144.3
001.RSCMS2 96.1 96.9 97.2 98.5 99 99.1 99.3 101.1 101.4 100.8 102 99.6 103.2 102.8 102.9 103.7 106 105 105.8 105.7 104.6 106.5 106.2 108.3 104.2 106.1 106.9 103.7 105.8 105 107.1 106.6 106.5 106.2 106.4 107.1 106.8 106.8 106.3 109.3 104.4 107 106.7 106.2 107.8 108.3 107.4 108.3 108.8 107.7 109.9 109.9 109.1 110 109.4 111.1 111.2 111.3 112.6 112.2 111.7 114 114.7 112.6 114.8 116.9 116.5 117 117.9 117.1 118.2 118.8 120.9 120.7 120.3 122 122.3 123.7 124 125.6 124.5 126.4 127 127.2 127.8 128.3 128.6 130.2 132.3 129 132.3 131.2 131.6 131.9 132.1 132.1 131.4 131.2 130.4 126.6 128.8 126.8 125.4 124.3 124.5 123.6 121.6 120.9 120.8
002.RSCMC1 80.8 97.6 98.5 99.6 91.4 113.8 104.9 114.5 106.2 93.5 82 110.1 88.5 103.9 103.2 105.3 99 122.7 111.7 117.6 107.1 97.7 84.7 115.1 90.6 103.6 109.1 107 99.8 123 115.5 120.3 117.6 102 85.4 121.5 94.8 112.5 112 111.8 98.9 124.7 116.6 123.8 118.3 101.2 84.2 122.4 93.8 111.9 114.8 105.4 96.2 124.2 111.1 119.8 112.7 97.9 84.7 116.9 89.2 111 110.3 101.6 98.1 127.9 118 123.5 118.6 103.1 86.1 119.8 95.3 116.2 109.9 108 98.8 130.5 122.2 128.8 118.7 105.1 85.8 123.7 96.2 119.8 110.8 106.3 105.4 134.4 121.8 129.8 123.7 111.1 87.5 129.4 95.1 117.7 112.5 105.7 104.1 130.6 118.4 123.5 118.1 101.6 82.6 122.6 91.4
002.RSCMC2 83.2 100 100.3 100.6 91.3 113 103.9 113.3 104.9 92.3 80.8 108.5 87.5 101.6 100.2 100.8 94.4 116.5 105.9 111.2 101.1 92 79.5 107.6 84.2 96.1 99.2 96.1 89.3 109.8 103 107.1 104.5 90.6 75.7 106.6 81.7 96.5 95.4 94.5 83.4 104.9 97.7 103.5 99.1 84.7 70.4 102.1 78.2 93.2 95.6 87.6 79.9 102.8 91.2 98.1 92.2 80.2 69.4 95.9 73.1 91 90.6 83.4 80.4 104.3 95.8 100 96.1 83.5 69.8 97.3 77.3 94 88.7 87.1 79.5 104.4 97.6 102.8 94.7 83.9 68.6 99 76.7 95.4 87.6 83.2 82.4 104.7 94.9 101 96.2 86.3 67.9 100.3 73.5 90.4 85.4 79.7 78.3 98.1 88.9 92.7 88.6 76 61 90.7 67.4
Dimension codes and labels
  • [0] All Businesses
  • [001] All Businesses Excluding Motor Trade
  • [002] Bars - NACE 55.4
  • [003] Motor Trades - NACE 50
  • [004] Non-Specialised Stores (Excl Dept Stores) - NACE 52.11
  • [005] Department Stores - NACE 52.12
  • [0051] Department Stores (Clothing and Footwear)
  • [0052] Department Stores (Furniture, Soft Furnishing etc.)
  • [0053] Department Stores (Other Goods and Services)
  • [006] Food, Beverages and Tobacco
  • [007] Pharmaceutical, Medical and Cosmetic Articles
  • [008] Textiles and Clothing
  • [009] Footwear and Leather
  • [010] Furniture and Lighting
  • [011] Electrical Goods
  • [012] Hardware, Paints and Glass
  • [013] Books, Newspapers and Stationery
  • [014] Other Retail Sales
  • [015] Clothing and Footwear in Specialised Stores
  • [016] Household Equipment
  • [017] Books, Newpapers, Stationery and Other Goods
  • [018] Food Business
  • [019] All Non-Food
  • [020] (NACE 52) All Business Excl Motor Trades and Bars
[STATISTIC] Statistic
  • [RSCMC1] Retail Sales Index Value Unadjusted
  • [RSCMC2] Retail Sales Index Volume Unadjusted
  • [RSCMS1] Retail Sales Index Value Adjusted
  • [RSCMS2] Retail Sales Index Volume Adjusted
Technical links