[51000BM903] Foreign trade, Exports: Volume, Imports: Volume, Commodity groups (EGW 2002: 3-digit codes), Germany, Country groups, Months, Year
Updated by provider on February 20, 2025 (6:27 PM).
[EGW3] Commodity groups (EGW 2002: 3-digit codes)
- [EGW101] Horses
- [EGW102] Bovine animals
- [EGW103] Swines
- [EGW105] Sheep
- [EGW107] Poultry
- [EGW109] Other live animals
- [EGW201] Milk and milk products except butter and cheese
- [EGW202] Butter and other fat components derived from milk
- [EGW203] Cheese
- [EGW204] Meat and meat products
- [EGW206] Fish and crustaceans, molluscs
- [EGW208] Animal oils and fats
- [EGW209] Eggs, egg whites and yolks
- [EGW211] Fish meal, meat meal and similar products
- [EGW219] Other food of animal origin
- [EGW301] Wheat
- [EGW302] Rye
- [EGW303] Barley
- [EGW304] Oats
- [EGW305] Maize
- [EGW308] Sorghum, millet and other cereals, excl. rice
- [EGW309] Rice and rice products
- [EGW310] Cereal products, excl. rice products
- [EGW315] Bakery products and other cereal preperations
- [EGW316] Malt
- [EGW320] Seeds and seed stock, excl. oilseed etc.
- [EGW325] Leguminous vegetables
- [EGW335] Green fodder and roughage
- [EGW340] Potatoes and potatoe products
- [EGW345] Vegetables and other edible plants, roots, fresh
- [EGW350] Fresh fruit, excl. tropical and subtropical fruit
- [EGW355] Tropical and subtropical fruits
- [EGW360] Nuts and dried fruits
- [EGW370] Vegetable preparations and tinned vegetables
- [EGW372] Fruit preparations and canned fruit
- [EGW375] Fruit and vegetable juice
- [EGW377] Cocoa and cocoa products
- [EGW379] Spices
- [EGW381] Sugar beets, sugar and sugar products
- [EGW383] Oilseed and oleaginous fruits
- [EGW385] Vegetable oils and fats
- [EGW389] Oil cake
- [EGW393] Bran, food waste for animal feed and other forage
- [EGW395] Other food of vegetable origin
- [EGW396] Live plants and products of floriculture
- [EGW401] Hop
- [EGW402] Coffee
- [EGW403] Tea and mate
- [EGW411] Unmanufactured tobacco and tobacco products
- [EGW421] Beer
- [EGW423] Spirits
- [EGW425] Wine
- [EGW502] Man-made fibres, silkworm cocoons, incl. waste
- [EGW503] Wool, other animal hair, raw or manufactured
- [EGW504] Cotton, raw or manufactured, also reused, waste
- [EGW505] Flax, hemp, jute, other vegetable textile fibres
- [EGW506] Waste materials of textile fabrics
- [EGW507] Furskins, raw
- [EGW508] Other skins and hides, raw
- [EGW511] Round wood
- [EGW513] Crude rubber
- [EGW516] Coal and coal briquettes
- [EGW517] Lignite and lignite briquettes
- [EGW518] Petroleum oil and petroleum gases
- [EGW519] Iron ores
- [EGW520] Ferriferous and manganiferous slag, roasted
- [EGW522] Copper ores
- [EGW523] Lead ores
- [EGW524] Zinc ores
- [EGW526] Nickel ores
- [EGW528] Other ores and ashes of metals
- [EGW529] Bauxite and Cryolite
- [EGW530] Table salt and industrial salt
- [EGW532] Other mining and quarrying products
- [EGW534] Other raw material for chemical products
- [EGW537] Unworked precious and semi-precious stones, pearls
- [EGW590] Other raw materials inclusive waste
- [EGW602] Raw silk and silk yarn, man-made filament
- [EGW603] Yarns of made-man fibres
- [EGW604] Yarns of wool and other animal hair
- [EGW605] Yarns of cotton
- [EGW606] Yarns of flax, hemp, jute and others
- [EGW607] Sawn timber
- [EGW608] Pulp of fibres containing cellulose
- [EGW609] Rubber, worked
- [EGW611] Cement
- [EGW612] Other mineral construction materials
- [EGW641] Pig iron
- [EGW642] Waste and scrap of iron or steel
- [EGW643] Ferro-alloys
- [EGW644] Raw iron and steel, semi-finished products
- [EGW645] Aluminium and aluminium alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW646] Copper and copper alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW647] Nickels and nickel alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW648] Lead and lead alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW649] Tin and tin alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW650] Zinc and zinc alloys, incl. waste, crap
- [EGW656] Radioactive elements and radioactive isotopes
- [EGW659] Other base metals
- [EGW661] Fatty acids, paraffin, vaseline and waxes
- [EGW665] Coke and semi-coke, of coal or lignite
- [EGW667] Residues of the distillation of petroleum and tar
- [EGW669] Mineral oil products
- [EGW671] Tar and products of tar distillation
- [EGW673] Fertilizers
- [EGW679] Other chemical semi-finished products
- [EGW683] Gold for industrial purposes
- [EGW690] Other semi-finished products
- [EGW701] Fabrics of silk, man-made filament yarn
- [EGW702] Fabrics of man-made fibres, woven, knitted, etc.
- [EGW703] Fabrics of wool or other animal hair, woven, etc.
- [EGW704] Woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton
- [EGW705] Fabrics of flax, hemp, jute, etc., woven, knitted
- [EGW706] Leather
- [EGW707] Fur skins, tanned or dressed
- [EGW708] Paper and paperboard
- [EGW709] Plywood, particle board, fibreboard, veneer sheets
- [EGW711] Glass
- [EGW732] Plastics
- [EGW734] Paints, varnishes and puttys
- [EGW736] Dextrins, gelatins and glues
- [EGW738] Explosives, ammunition, pyrotechnical goods
- [EGW740] Basic pharmaceutical products
- [EGW749] Other prefabricated chemicals
- [EGW751] Tubes, pipes of iron or steel
- [EGW753] Bars, rods and profiles of iron and steel
- [EGW755] Plates and sheets of iron or steel
- [EGW757] Wire of iron or steel
- [EGW759] Railway track material
- [EGW771] Semi-finished products of copper and copper alloys
- [EGW772] Semi-finished products of aluminium
- [EGW779] Semi-finished products of other base metals
- [EGW781] Semi-finished products of precious metals
- [EGW790] Other intermediate products
- [EGW801] Apparel of knitted, crocheted silk, man-made fibre
- [EGW802] Apparel of knitted, crocheted wool, animal hair
- [EGW803] Apparel of knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton
- [EGW804] Apparel of silk, man-made fibres, excl. knitted
- [EGW805] Apparel of wool, other animal hair, excl. knitted
- [EGW806] Apparel of cotton, excl. of knitted or crocheted
- [EGW807] Apparel of flax, hemp and others
- [EGW808] Headgear
- [EGW809] Other textile products
- [EGW810] Articles of fur
- [EGW811] Footwear
- [EGW812] Leather articles, leather apparel (excl. footwear)
- [EGW813] Articles of paper
- [EGW814] Printed products
- [EGW815] Articles of wood (excl. funiture)
- [EGW816] Articles of rubber
- [EGW817] Articles of stone
- [EGW818] Ceramic products
- [EGW819] Articles of glass
- [EGW820] Tools, cutlery, spoons and forks of base metals
- [EGW823] Articles of copper and copper alloys
- [EGW829] Other articles of iron, iron sheet, metal
- [EGW831] Products of waxes or fats
- [EGW832] Articles of plastic
- [EGW833] Photochemical products
- [EGW834] Pharmaceutical products
- [EGW835] Perfumes and toilet preparations
- [EGW839] Other chemical final products
- [EGW841] Engines (excl. for tractor,aircraft, road vehicle)
- [EGW842] Pumps and compressors
- [EGW843] Taps, cocks and valves
- [EGW844] Bearings,gearings, gear wheels and drive elements
- [EGW845] Lifting and handling equipment
- [EGW846] Agricultural machinery (incl. tractors)
- [EGW847] Machinery for textile, apparel, leather production
- [EGW848] Machinery for food, beverage, tobacco production
- [EGW849] Machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
- [EGW850] Machinery for metal casting and rolling
- [EGW851] Machinery for working rubber or plastic
- [EGW852] Machine-tools
- [EGW853] Office and automatic data processing machines
- [EGW854] Machinery for paper production and printing
- [EGW859] Other machinery
- [EGW860] Equipments for sport
- [EGW861] Machinery for electricity production, distribution
- [EGW862] Lighting equipment and electric lamps
- [EGW863] Telecommunication devices and apparatus
- [EGW864] Television, radio receivers, sound, video recorder
- [EGW865] Electronic devices
- [EGW869] Other electric machinery, apparatus and appliances
- [EGW871] Medical, surgical equipment, orthopaedic apparatus
- [EGW872] Measuring and automatical control instruments
- [EGW873] Optical instruments and photographic equipment
- [EGW874] Watches and clocks
- [EGW875] Furniture
- [EGW876] Musical instruments
- [EGW877] Games and toys
- [EGW878] Jewellery, goldsmith's or silversmith's wares
- [EGW881] Railway or tramway locomotives and rolling stock
- [EGW882] Ships and boats
- [EGW883] Aircraft
- [EGW884] Chassis, bodies, engines etc. for motor vehicles
- [EGW885] Motor cars and motor caravans
- [EGW886] Buses
- [EGW887] Lorries and special purpose motor vehicles
- [EGW888] Bicycles
- [EGW889] Other vehicles
- [EGW891] Complete industrial plants
- [EGW896] Other end products
- [EGW901] Returned goods
- [EGW903] Non allocable results
- [EGW905] Other specific movements of goods
- [EGW906] Estimations for non-response
- [EGW907] Estimations for exemptions
[DINSG] Germany
- [DG] Germany
[STLAH2] Country groups
- [STLAH-INSG] Total of countries
[ind] Indicator
- [VOLA] Exports: Volume
- [VOLE] Imports: Volume
Search filters
Commodity groups (EGW 2002: 3-digit codes) [EGW3] (208)
Germany [DINSG] (1)
Country groups [STLAH2] (1)
Indicator [ind] (2)
This dataset has 416 series:
- from
- 2019-01=17,219
- to
- 2024-12=16,374
- min:
- 9,461
- max:
- 37,691
- avg:
- 16,262.667
- σ:
- 4,122.032
- from
- 2019-01=1,926
- to
- 2024-12=2,798
- min:
- 1,204
- max:
- 5,922
- avg:
- 2,489.069
- σ:
- 1,070.412
- from
- 2019-01=22,413
- to
- 2024-12=15,701
- min:
- 9,210
- max:
- 33,389
- avg:
- 18,902.472
- σ:
- 5,463.605
- from
- 2019-01=3,977
- to
- 2024-12=1,310
- min:
- 735
- max:
- 6,743
- avg:
- 3,113.556
- σ:
- 1,318.972
- from
- 2019-01=12,216
- to
- 2024-12=9,306
- min:
- 7,091
- max:
- 18,553
- avg:
- 11,076.903
- σ:
- 2,406.194
- from
- 2019-01=86,631
- to
- 2024-12=49,386
- min:
- 34,924
- max:
- 86,631
- avg:
- 54,651.986
- σ:
- 13,036.487
- from
- 2019-01=16
- to
- 2024-12=270
- min:
- 2
- max:
- 522
- avg:
- 178.797
- σ:
- 129.726
- from
- 2019-01=618
- to
- 2024-12=1,913
- min:
- 98
- max:
- 4,151
- avg:
- 1,896.833
- σ:
- 827.386
- from
- 2019-01=41,830
- to
- 2024-12=54,337
- min:
- 29,017
- max:
- 61,237
- avg:
- 42,337.792
- σ:
- 6,768.319
- from
- 2019-01=25,818
- to
- 2024-12=18,877
- min:
- 11,089
- max:
- 37,061
- avg:
- 23,168.806
- σ:
- 4,767.795
Series code | 2019-01 | 2019-02 | 2019-03 | 2019-04 | 2019-05 | 2019-06 | 2019-07 | 2019-08 | 2019-09 | 2019-10 | 2019-11 | 2019-12 | 2020-01 | 2020-02 | 2020-03 | 2020-04 | 2020-05 | 2020-06 | 2020-07 | 2020-08 | 2020-09 | 2020-10 | 2020-11 | 2020-12 | 2021-01 | 2021-02 | 2021-03 | 2021-04 | 2021-05 | 2021-06 | 2021-07 | 2021-08 | 2021-09 | 2021-10 | 2021-11 | 2021-12 | 2022-01 | 2022-02 | 2022-03 | 2022-04 | 2022-05 | 2022-06 | 2022-07 | 2022-08 | 2022-09 | 2022-10 | 2022-11 | 2022-12 | 2023-01 | 2023-02 | 2023-03 | 2023-04 | 2023-05 | 2023-06 | 2023-07 | 2023-08 | 2023-09 | 2023-10 | 2023-11 | 2023-12 | 2024-01 | 2024-02 | 2024-03 | 2024-04 | 2024-05 | 2024-06 | 2024-07 | 2024-08 | 2024-09 | 2024-10 | 2024-11 | 2024-12 |
[EGW101.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLA] | 17219 | 14739 | 11132 | 16214 | 11873 | 13555 | 9461 | 17451 | 15203 | 18773 | 21910 | 15815 | 23444 | 11942 | 12631 | 11531 | 12381 | 13635 | 18623 | 13376 | 12007 | 24634 | 15204 | 17658 | 21068 | 13620 | 15016 | 13910 | 15264 | 18029 | 12150 | 37691 | 12743 | 22041 | 14662 | 16623 | 18412 | 13818 | 14144 | 13399 | 13625 | 16294 | 11976 | 14558 | 16212 | 21357 | 21129 | 15224 | 20110 | 13621 | 18991 | 15949 | 14529 | 12947 | 12181 | 13485 | 16565 | 20948 | 17654 | 19073 | 17837 | 14121 | 15910 | 16978 | 14467 | 13134 | 13834 | 17940 | 21028 | 19507 | 20353 | 16374 |
[EGW101.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLE] | 1926 | 2752 | 1887 | 1463 | 1835 | 1438 | 1998 | 2325 | 1890 | 4051 | 3987 | 2952 | 2144 | 1653 | 1490 | 1272 | 1871 | 1327 | 2834 | 1896 | 3134 | 4941 | 5242 | 4895 | 1381 | 4141 | 2508 | 3161 | 1944 | 3343 | 1971 | 1799 | 2762 | 5922 | 4805 | 3879 | 1735 | 3479 | 2317 | 1722 | 1853 | 1263 | 1835 | 1617 | 1935 | 3570 | 3669 | 2788 | 1762 | 1817 | 1980 | 2435 | 1899 | 1898 | 1662 | 2280 | 1590 | 3954 | 3197 | 2294 | 2581 | 1773 | 1662 | 1735 | 1720 | 1517 | 1599 | 1204 | 2016 | 3615 | 3623 | 2798 |
[EGW102.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLA] | 22413 | 22717 | 25975 | 28123 | 19161 | 29075 | 17735 | 17445 | 31347 | 28864 | 22949 | 33389 | 22601 | 32761 | 28683 | 17125 | 15881 | 26052 | 14136 | 20888 | 21110 | 24881 | 16320 | 28559 | 16565 | 21962 | 23781 | 25313 | 19829 | 17279 | 19135 | 17064 | 19592 | 21768 | 17943 | 20367 | 16801 | 15346 | 17411 | 9210 | 14368 | 13636 | 11258 | 13405 | 16215 | 14886 | 17516 | 14436 | 12963 | 13787 | 16891 | 14786 | 19144 | 18831 | 14387 | 16200 | 15270 | 19571 | 16290 | 16066 | 21225 | 14826 | 21760 | 21034 | 14996 | 14428 | 13349 | 11927 | 9301 | 13244 | 11725 | 15701 |
[EGW102.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLE] | 3977 | 3234 | 3508 | 2825 | 3216 | 2051 | 2463 | 2691 | 3311 | 3259 | 3377 | 2935 | 2788 | 3340 | 4245 | 3588 | 2676 | 5217 | 2185 | 2956 | 2928 | 5320 | 4583 | 3328 | 4962 | 4272 | 3378 | 4938 | 4382 | 3046 | 3258 | 3795 | 4308 | 4971 | 5003 | 4797 | 4614 | 4898 | 6743 | 4911 | 4588 | 4189 | 4162 | 3953 | 3693 | 4122 | 3524 | 2648 | 3128 | 2078 | 2960 | 2263 | 2498 | 2611 | 1700 | 2034 | 1883 | 2491 | 1976 | 1246 | 1143 | 986 | 1102 | 1041 | 1225 | 1379 | 1383 | 735 | 914 | 1320 | 1614 | 1310 |
[EGW103.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLA] | 12216 | 11004 | 10503 | 12058 | 10772 | 11584 | 12668 | 7554 | 11467 | 10516 | 10626 | 10587 | 11766 | 12100 | 8686 | 9540 | 8389 | 9092 | 10394 | 15393 | 10490 | 16469 | 18553 | 14894 | 16448 | 16352 | 12124 | 9516 | 10630 | 7091 | 12240 | 12576 | 15617 | 11604 | 12373 | 10802 | 9496 | 10215 | 10666 | 7527 | 10625 | 12140 | 10561 | 13548 | 15110 | 12165 | 12823 | 9964 | 10156 | 7899 | 9137 | 9131 | 10800 | 10709 | 9838 | 11337 | 12665 | 14286 | 12983 | 10627 | 11627 | 7828 | 8920 | 7166 | 7668 | 7217 | 8647 | 8929 | 9722 | 10339 | 11066 | 9306 |
[EGW103.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLE] | 86631 | 83409 | 78106 | 79773 | 72125 | 80635 | 77118 | 76950 | 71014 | 73078 | 70858 | 68699 | 73600 | 68800 | 76536 | 73913 | 72702 | 66842 | 60204 | 59766 | 52575 | 50230 | 47034 | 50474 | 54291 | 47707 | 57859 | 52241 | 47960 | 51420 | 51593 | 46812 | 46357 | 39490 | 44867 | 46276 | 45945 | 43268 | 56709 | 42737 | 43982 | 46700 | 34924 | 44529 | 41501 | 37232 | 41557 | 44691 | 49659 | 52494 | 57365 | 45352 | 50874 | 51001 | 50505 | 54217 | 47590 | 47932 | 49181 | 47120 | 60587 | 46830 | 51042 | 45676 | 43360 | 45088 | 43917 | 43257 | 40863 | 44443 | 35484 | 49386 |
[EGW105.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLA] | 16 | 42 | 95 | 85 | 168 | 79 | 366 | 522 | 298 | 159 | 250 | 282 | NA | 164 | 114 | 101 | 167 | 164 | 508 | 487 | 184 | 163 | NA | 165 | 33 | 71 | 96 | 99 | 163 | 177 | 344 | 376 | 224 | 473 | 129 | 279 | 60 | 80 | 17 | 73 | 51 | 112 | 306 | 122 | 280 | 309 | 258 | 180 | 117 | 85 | 119 | 152 | 111 | 246 | 94 | 114 | 360 | 236 | 367 | 222 | 242 | 2 | 307 | 19 | 6 | 53 | 5 | NA | 299 | 6 | 14 | 270 |
[EGW105.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLE] | 618 | 1637 | 1644 | 1914 | 2478 | 2142 | 1119 | 941 | 1487 | 882 | 884 | 929 | 1797 | 1388 | 3365 | 98 | 2115 | 2217 | 1450 | 1995 | 2229 | 764 | 1058 | 1503 | 1681 | 2808 | 3434 | 3598 | 4151 | 3288 | 1794 | 2355 | 1910 | 973 | 1837 | 1384 | 2297 | 2219 | 3196 | 3301 | 2179 | 1695 | 3023 | 1283 | 1551 | 1415 | 1440 | 2308 | 1879 | 2046 | 3150 | 3751 | 1802 | 2902 | 1515 | 1206 | 1246 | 911 | 1200 | 1902 | 2156 | 1786 | 3263 | 1619 | 2023 | 2357 | 1357 | 848 | 1171 | 1541 | 1254 | 1913 |
[EGW107.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLA] | 41830 | 61094 | 51815 | 53218 | 40559 | 59883 | 49206 | 51158 | 49023 | 45675 | 61237 | 46518 | 49122 | 42644 | 48027 | 51456 | 41107 | 45453 | 39028 | 51681 | 48447 | 41925 | 42395 | 37844 | 35651 | 34573 | 40814 | 35324 | 38741 | 44180 | 43022 | 39779 | 35608 | 51055 | 37884 | 48547 | 36270 | 34945 | 47698 | 35858 | 38243 | 44305 | 37289 | 40886 | 38850 | 36200 | 33807 | 39496 | 41497 | 37827 | 43983 | 39821 | 38980 | 42628 | 40478 | 44476 | 40099 | 42611 | 39217 | 38033 | 49593 | 33722 | 37364 | 39973 | 31398 | 37777 | 38185 | 37026 | 35344 | 35565 | 29017 | 54337 |
[EGW107.DG.STLAH-INSG.VOLE] | 25818 | 27917 | 22070 | 20822 | 27319 | 26293 | 23850 | 27855 | 25791 | 23720 | 18862 | 22060 | 24680 | 22008 | 20906 | 22918 | 26064 | 27917 | 25573 | 24958 | 25177 | 27345 | 22582 | 26243 | 23448 | 24563 | 22561 | 27787 | 23136 | 29084 | 24095 | 20270 | 23639 | 31115 | 34682 | 20286 | 33309 | 24745 | 23812 | 23089 | 37061 | 22322 | 18553 | 23980 | 34961 | 24464 | 23640 | 18511 | 23608 | 18338 | 19552 | 19207 | 19741 | 26222 | 23559 | 23835 | 24711 | 22204 | 20535 | 17242 | 25591 | 16654 | 16377 | 18639 | 15563 | 14609 | 21977 | 17823 | 14967 | 15373 | 11089 | 18877 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 416