Continuous household budget surveys: househ. book, Households covered, Households extrapolated, Germany, Social status of the main income earner, Year [63121BJ011]

Updated by provider on November 22, 2021 (8:00 AM)

Frequency [freq]
Unit [unit]
Indicator [ind]
Germany [DINSG]
Social status of the main income earner [ADSST3]

Dataset has 8 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 201420152016201720192020
DG.RUHESTAND-01.HSH011 2276 2437 2593 2765 2396 2605
DG.RUHESTAND-01.HSH012 12090 12433 11854 11910 12150 12118
DG.STBERUF18.HSH011 4859 4789 4711 4612 4552 4408
DG.STBERUF18.HSH012 20857 21269 21986 22363 22771 22633
DG.STBERUF191.HSH011 2463 2584 2711 2864 2623 2787
DG.STBERUF191.HSH012 13519 13771 13267 13148 13488 13383
DG.STSOZIAL04.HSH011 324 275 234 209 322 318
DG.STSOZIAL04.HSH012 2274 2167 2128 2218 1734 1977
Dimension codes and labels
[freq] Frequency
  • [A] Annual
[unit] Unit
  • [1000] Thousands
  • [anzahl] Number
[ind] Indicator
  • [HSH011] Households covered
  • [HSH012] Households extrapolated
[DINSG] Germany
  • [DG] Germany
[ADSST3] Social status of the main income earner
  • [RUHESTAND-01] Retired persons
  • [STBERUF18] Employees
  • [STBERUF191] Persons not in employment
  • [STSOZIAL04] Unemployed
Technical links