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[63121BJ106] Continuous household budget surveys: househ. book, Average amount per household and month, Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder, Household size, Types of income and expenditure, Year

Updated by provider on November 24, 2020 (12:49 PM).

Search filters
Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder [DINSGF] (2)
Household size [HSHGR2] (5)
Types of income and expenditure [EAART1] (5)
Indicator [ind] (1)

This dataset has 50 series:

Series code 2002200320042005200620072009201020112012
[DN.HHGR2.ASG-AND-01.HSH015] 815 753 942 1106 1101 1172 1209 1159 1319 1347
[DN.HHGR2.ASG-KSMPRIV-01.HSH015] 1765 1772 1944 1872 1967 1896 2012 2049 2228 2230
[DN.HHGR2.EKM-ASGFAE-01.HSH015] 2277 2269 2424 2494 2506 2579 2707 2737 2915 2978
[DN.HHGR2.EKM-HSH-BR-01.HSH015] 2703 2702 2894 2999 3009 3105 3297 3330 3580 3695
[DN.HHGR2.EKM-HSH-NE-01.HSH015] 2243 2238 2373 2448 2444 2538 2664 2694 2862 2930
[DN.HHGR3.ASG-AND-01.HSH015] 1154 940 1149 1321 1267 1383 1425 1667 1441 1619
[DN.HHGR3.ASG-KSMPRIV-01.HSH015] 2124 2193 2139 2252 2422 2268 2432 2620 2546 2563
[DN.HHGR3.EKM-ASGFAE-01.HSH015] 2907 3120 3024 3230 3266 3249 3344 3699 3807 3673
[DN.HHGR3.EKM-HSH-BR-01.HSH015] 3717 3984 3830 4145 4180 4214 4304 4811 4950 4774
[DN.HHGR3.EKM-HSH-NE-01.HSH015] 2857 3071 2979 3178 3204 3209 3279 3641 3726 3610