Continuous household budget surveys: househ. book, Average amount per household and month, Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder, Social status of the main income earner, Types of income and expenditure, Year [63121BJ107]

Updated by provider on November 24, 2020 (12:49 PM)

Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder [DINSGF]
Social status of the main income earner [ADSST2]
Types of income and expenditure [EAART1]
Indicator [ind]

Dataset has 80 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 200220032004200520062007200920102011201220002001
DF.RENTNER.ASG-AND-01.HSH015 548 773 668 1128 1151 1452 1499 1309 1119 1347
DF.RENTNER.ASG-KSMPRIV-01.HSH015 1636 1667 1596 1647 1722 1704 1882 1863 1858 1947
DF.RENTNER.EKM-ASGFAE-01.HSH015 1987 1989 1876 2022 2060 2087 2269 2237 2267 2329
DF.RENTNER.EKM-HSH-BR-01.HSH015 2099 2092 1996 2156 2202 2237 2463 2437 2455 2537
DF.RENTNER.EKM-HSH-NE-01.HSH015 1962 1949 1845 1989 2025 2057 2233 2203 2228 2292
DF.STBERUF03.ASG-AND-01.HSH015 2306 2208 2539 3177 3257 3069 2461 NA NA 3135 2310
DF.STBERUF03.ASG-KSMPRIV-01.HSH015 3142 3126 3059 3058 2976 2999 3095 NA NA 3153 3376
DF.STBERUF03.EKM-ASGFAE-01.HSH015 4731 4700 4585 4574 4746 4348 4610 NA NA 4695 4696
DF.STBERUF03.EKM-HSH-BR-01.HSH015 5573 5582 5378 5354 5508 5352 5652 NA NA 5595 5451
DF.STBERUF03.EKM-HSH-NE-01.HSH015 4578 4593 4458 4476 4597 4264 4503 NA NA 4582 4490
Dimension codes and labels
[DINSGF] Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder
  • [DF] Former territory of the Federal Republic
  • [DN] New Länder
[ADSST2] Social status of the main income earner
  • [RENTNER] Pensioners
  • [STBERUF03] Public officials
  • [STBERUF04] Salary earners
  • [STBERUF05] Wage earners
  • [STBERUF18] Employees
  • [STBERUF191] Persons not in employment
  • [STSOZIAL01] Public service pensioners
  • [STSOZIAL04] Unemployed
[EAART1] Types of income and expenditure
  • [ASG-AND-01] Other expenditure
  • [ASG-KSMPRIV-01] Household final consumption expenditure
  • [EKM-ASGFAE-01] Disposable income and receipts
  • [EKM-HSH-BR-01] Household gross income
  • [EKM-HSH-NE-01] Household net income
[ind] Indicator
  • [HSH015] Average amount per household and month
Technical links