[63231B5104] Sample surveys of income a.exp.: detailed log book, Average amount per household and month, Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder, Purposes of private consumption expenditure, Household size, Year
Updated by provider on April 28, 2021 (8:00 AM).
[DINSGF] Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder
- [DF] Former territory of the Federal Republic
- [DN] New Länder
[KSMAT2] Purposes of private consumption expenditure
- [CC13-01-02] Food, beverages and tobacco products
- [CC13-0111] Bread and cereals
- [CC13-0112] Meat and meat products
- [CC13-0113] Fish, fish products and seafood
- [CC13-0114] Dairy products and eggs
- [CC13-0115] Edible fats and oils
- [CC13-0116] Fruit
- [CC13-0117] Vegetables
- [CC13-0118] Sugar, jam, honey and other confectionery
- [CC13-0119] Food products n.e.c.
- [CC13-012] Non-alcoholic beverages
- [CC13-021] Alcoholic beverages
- [CC13-022] Tobacco
[HSHGR2] Household size
- [HHGR1] Households with 1 person
- [HHGR2] Households with 2 persons
- [HHGR3] Households with 3 persons
- [HHGR4] Households with 4 persons
- [HHGR51] Households with 5 or more persons
[ind] Indicator
- [HSH015] Average amount per household and month
Search filters
Former territory of the Fed. Republic / New Länder [DINSGF] (2)
Purposes of private consumption expenditure [KSMAT2] (13)
Household size [HSHGR2] (5)
Indicator [ind] (1)
This dataset has 130 series:
- from
- 2003=159.51
- to
- 2018=192.28
- min:
- 159.51
- max:
- 192.28
- avg:
- 173.83
- σ:
- 12.163
- from
- 2003=301.85
- to
- 2018=368.07
- min:
- 301.85
- max:
- 368.07
- avg:
- 335.478
- σ:
- 23.865
- from
- 2003=362.87
- to
- 2018=448.82
- min:
- 362.87
- max:
- 448.82
- avg:
- 408.1
- σ:
- 31.135
- from
- 2003=406.14
- to
- 2018=522.56
- min:
- 406.14
- max:
- 522.56
- avg:
- 468.43
- σ:
- 42.073
- from
- 2003=478.27
- to
- 2018=585.34
- min:
- 478.27
- max:
- 585.34
- avg:
- 537.99
- σ:
- 41.186
- from
- 2003=21.81
- to
- 2018=25.73
- min:
- 21.81
- max:
- 25.73
- avg:
- 23.628
- σ:
- 1.393
- from
- 2003=37.47
- to
- 2018=46.75
- min:
- 37.47
- max:
- 46.75
- avg:
- 42.48
- σ:
- 3.318
- from
- 2003=49.63
- to
- 2018=62.3
- min:
- 49.63
- max:
- 62.3
- avg:
- 57.16
- σ:
- 4.637
- from
- 2003=61.56
- to
- 2018=79.35
- min:
- 61.56
- max:
- 79.35
- avg:
- 72.545
- σ:
- 6.649
- from
- 2003=77.02
- to
- 2018=89.29
- min:
- 77.02
- max:
- 93.63
- avg:
- 87.123
- σ:
- 6.147
Series code | 2003 | 2008 | 2013 | 2018 |
[DF.CC13-01-02.HHGR1.HSH015] | 159.51 | 167.42 | 176.11 | 192.28 |
[DF.CC13-01-02.HHGR2.HSH015] | 301.85 | 329.49 | 342.5 | 368.07 |
[DF.CC13-01-02.HHGR3.HSH015] | 362.87 | 401.31 | 419.4 | 448.82 |
[DF.CC13-01-02.HHGR4.HSH015] | 406.14 | 461.62 | 483.4 | 522.56 |
[DF.CC13-01-02.HHGR51.HSH015] | 478.27 | 522.96 | 565.39 | 585.34 |
[DF.CC13-0111.HHGR1.HSH015] | 21.81 | 23.48 | 23.49 | 25.73 |
[DF.CC13-0111.HHGR2.HSH015] | 37.47 | 42.38 | 43.32 | 46.75 |
[DF.CC13-0111.HHGR3.HSH015] | 49.63 | 58.21 | 58.5 | 62.3 |
[DF.CC13-0111.HHGR4.HSH015] | 61.56 | 73.88 | 75.39 | 79.35 |
[DF.CC13-0111.HHGR51.HSH015] | 77.02 | 88.55 | 93.63 | 89.29 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 130