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[71321BJ008] Annual debt of the overall public budget, Debts owed to the non-public sector, Germany, Types of debts, Budgets, Reference date

Updated by provider on July 28, 2023 (8:03 AM).

Search filters
Germany [DINSG] (1)
Types of debts [SLDAT4] (3)
Budgets [HSHAT1] (2)
Indicator [ind] (1)

This dataset has 6 series:

Series code 2010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
[DG.SLDKREDIT03.HSHEXTRA.SLD016] 3176 798 3894 3848 5083 15403 13365 7832 3708 4151 4521 3525 2252
[DG.SLDKREDIT03.HSHKERN.SLD016] 57216 54342 64171 67516 70636 63016 63609 72408 61259 56416 74709 84497 65495
[DG.SLDKREDIT04.HSHEXTRA.SLD016] 203204 164742 111680 78068 74164 69271 71983 60116 58300 54356 47126 40310 41152
[DG.SLDKREDIT04.HSHKERN.SLD016] 345586 337259 329896 327221 311361 300840 295691 284166 271505 264768 260167 253250 288521
[DG.SLDWERTP01.HSHEXTRA.SLD016] 129729 162079 214487 201352 202265 192456 187977 175140 168267 171370 220688 215195 225597
[DG.SLDWERTP01.HSHKERN.SLD016] 1272767 1306219 1344162 1365341 1380408 1379718 1376686 1369443 1352728 1348001 1565639 1724183 1745010