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[71329LJ002] Annual debt of other public funds, inst., enterpr., Debts owed to the non-public sector, Debts owed to the non-public sector per inhabitant, Länder, Levels of the public sector, Reference date

Updated by provider on July 28, 2023 (8:00 AM).

Search filters
Länder [DLAND] (16)
Levels of the public sector [KRPEB4] (2)
Indicator [ind] (2)

This dataset has 58 series:

Series code 201720182019202020212022
[09.KRPLAENDER01.SLD016] 1077 2210 2998 3868 4172 4181
[09.KRPLAENDER01.SLD017] 83 169 229 295 317 314
[10.KRPGEMEIN01.SLD016] 3511 3527 3434 3470 3429 3502
[10.KRPGEMEIN01.SLD017] 3527 3554 3475 3523 3487 3541
[10.KRPLAENDER01.SLD016] 1891 1878 1916 2200 2334 2310
[10.KRPLAENDER01.SLD017] 1900 1893 1939 2234 2374 2335
[11.KRPLAENDER01.SLD016] 16729 16736 19788 21508 25215 25300
[11.KRPLAENDER01.SLD017] 4657 4617 5417 5873 6882 6791
[12.KRPGEMEIN01.SLD016] 5613 5679 5469 5360 5472 5509
[12.KRPGEMEIN01.SLD017] 2247 2266 2173 2123 2161 2147