[71411LJ007] Financial assets of the overall public budget, Financial assets, Länder, Type of financial assets, Levels of the overall public budget, Reference date
Updated by provider on September 19, 2024 (8:01 AM).
[DLAND] Länder
- [01] Schleswig-Holstein
- [02] Hamburg
- [03] Niedersachsen
- [04] Bremen
- [05] Nordrhein-Westfalen
- [06] Hessen
- [07] Rheinland-Pfalz
- [08] Baden-Württemberg
- [09] Bayern
- [10] Saarland
- [11] Berlin
- [12] Brandenburg
- [13] Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- [14] Sachsen
- [15] Sachsen-Anhalt
- [16] Thüringen
[FINAT1] Type of financial assets
- [FINANZ001] Currency and deposits
- [FINANZ002] Securities of non-public sector
- [FINANZ003] Lending to non-public sector
- [FINANZ004] Other receivables
- [FINANZ005] Shares, other equity in units outside gen.gov.sec.
[KRPGR9] Levels of the overall public budget
- [KRPGEMEIN01] Municipalities / associations of municipalities
- [KRPLAENDER01] Länder
[ind] Indicator
- [FIN002] Financial assets
Search filters
Länder [DLAND] (16)
Type of financial assets [FINAT1] (5)
Levels of the overall public budget [KRPGR9] (2)
Indicator [ind] (1)
This dataset has 160 series:
- from
- 2010=1,051
- to
- 2023=3,319
- min:
- 1,051
- max:
- 3,319
- avg:
- 1,897
- σ:
- 739.043
- from
- 2010=545
- to
- 2023=1,636
- min:
- 465
- max:
- 3,211
- avg:
- 1,222.714
- σ:
- 878.857
- from
- 2010=24
- to
- 2023=119
- min:
- 3
- max:
- 119
- avg:
- 47
- σ:
- 43.568
- from
- 2010=100
- to
- 2023=661
- min:
- 51
- max:
- 661
- avg:
- 273.071
- σ:
- 217.312
- from
- 2010=234
- to
- 2023=91
- min:
- 91
- max:
- 254
- avg:
- 146.286
- σ:
- 51.188
- from
- 2010=64
- to
- 2023=59
- min:
- 12
- max:
- 1,016
- avg:
- 331.5
- σ:
- 348.078
- from
- 2010=440
- to
- 2023=364
- min:
- 274
- max:
- 775
- avg:
- 488.857
- σ:
- 179.197
- from
- 2010=639
- to
- 2023=382
- min:
- 367
- max:
- 2,631
- avg:
- 783.357
- σ:
- 591.217
- from
- 2016=1,508
- to
- 2023=2,390
- min:
- 1,508
- max:
- 2,390
- avg:
- 1,865.75
- σ:
- 273.873
- from
- 2016=697
- to
- 2023=984
- min:
- 427
- max:
- 984
- avg:
- 706.375
- σ:
- 156.336
Series code | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[01.FINANZ001.KRPGEMEIN01.FIN002] | 1051 | 1163 | 1154 | 1200 | 1288 | 1425 | 1489 | 1848 | 2113 | 2204 | 2599 | 2618 | 3087 | 3319 |
[01.FINANZ001.KRPLAENDER01.FIN002] | 545 | 466 | 465 | 739 | 738 | 806 | 854 | 799 | 892 | 1076 | 1737 | 3154 | 3211 | 1636 |
[01.FINANZ002.KRPGEMEIN01.FIN002] | 24 | 17 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 22 | 42 | 3 | - | 6 | 94 | 115 | 114 | 119 |
[01.FINANZ002.KRPLAENDER01.FIN002] | 100 | 51 | 53 | 66 | 145 | 127 | 132 | 131 | 271 | 481 | 478 | 499 | 628 | 661 |
[01.FINANZ003.KRPGEMEIN01.FIN002] | 234 | 204 | 254 | 166 | 165 | 159 | 137 | 110 | 110 | 118 | 110 | 96 | 94 | 91 |
[01.FINANZ003.KRPLAENDER01.FIN002] | 64 | 59 | 62 | 89 | 98 | 13 | 1016 | 838 | 751 | 725 | 506 | 349 | 12 | 59 |
[01.FINANZ004.KRPGEMEIN01.FIN002] | 440 | 524 | 556 | 639 | 603 | 721 | 745 | 775 | 300 | 290 | 284 | 274 | 329 | 364 |
[01.FINANZ004.KRPLAENDER01.FIN002] | 639 | 865 | 427 | 481 | 427 | 367 | 1514 | 2631 | 607 | 609 | 834 | 817 | 367 | 382 |
[01.FINANZ005.KRPGEMEIN01.FIN002] | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1508 | 1616 | 1760 | 1795 | 1796 | 1858 | 2203 | 2390 |
[01.FINANZ005.KRPLAENDER01.FIN002] | - | - | - | - | - | - | 697 | 700 | 427 | 569 | 672 | 767 | 835 | 984 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 160