[BPS] Balance of Payments and International Investment Position
Updated on DBnomics on February 3, 2025 (10:42 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data
- [N_A12] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, 12-period moving average
- [N_A3] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, 3-period moving average
- [N_C4] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted data, 4-period cumulated sum
- [Y] Calendar and seasonally adjusted data
- [Y_A12] Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, 12-period moving average
- [Y_A3] Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, 3-period moving average
- [Y_C12] Calendar and seasonally adjusted data, 12-period cumulated sum
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [4C] EIB (European Investment Bank)
- [4S] ESM (European Stability Mechanism)
- [AT] Austria
- [B5] EU28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013
- [B6] EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit)
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [I8] Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015
- [I9] Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area
- [1C] IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- [4A] All the European Union Institutions excluding the institutions of the euro area (changing composition)
- [9A] International Organisations excluding European Union Institutions
- [AR] Argentina
- [AU] Australia
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BR] Brazil
- [CA] Canada
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CN] China
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [D5] Extra-EU 28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013
- [D6] Extra-EU 27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit)
- [DK] Denmark
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [HK] Hong Kong, China
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IN] India
- [JP] Japan
- [K10] EU27 member states, as of 31 January 2020 (brexit), not belonging to Euro area 19 (fixed composition)
- [K11] EU27 member states not belonging to Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023
- [K9] EU28 member states not belonging to Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015
- [KR] Korea, Republic of
- [MX] Mexico
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [R12] Offshore financial centres
- [R7] BRIC
- [RO] Romania
- [RU] Russian Federation
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SE] Sweden
- [TR] Turkey
- [US] United States
- [W1] Rest of the World
- [W19] Rest of the World (non allocated geographically)
- [W1X1] Rest of the World excluding IMF
- [ZA] South Africa
[REF_SECTOR] Reference sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S122] Deposit taking corporations, except the Central Bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non MMF investment funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12M] Financial corporations other than MFIs
- [S12O] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations, pension funds and non MMFs investment funds)
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and Pension Funds
- [S12R] Other financial corporations
- [S12T] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
- [S13] General government
- [S1A] Affiliates
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
- [S1P] Other sectors than MFIs and general government
- [S1Q] Other sectors than MFIs
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and NPISH
- [S1W] Other sectors than general government
- [S1X] Monetary authorities
- [S1Z] Sectors other than deposit-taking corporations and general government (Other Sectors - BPM6)
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S121] Central bank
- [S122] Deposit taking corporations, except the Central Bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12M] Financial corporations other than MFIs
- [S12T] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
- [S13] General government
- [S1N] Not sectorised
- [S1P] Other sectors than MFIs and general government
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and NPISH
[FLOW_STOCK_ENTRY] Flows and stocks indicator
- [K] Changes in positions other than transactions
- [K7A] Revaluations due to exchange rate changes
- [K7B] Revaluations due to other price changes
- [KA] Other Changes in the volume of Assets/Liabilities = Other changes excluding revaluations
- [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks
- [T] Transactions
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting entries
- [A] Assets (Net Acquisition of)
- [B] Balance (Credits minus Debits)
- [C] Credit (Resources)
- [D] Debit (Uses)
- [L] Liabilities (Net Incurrence of)
- [N] Net (Assets minus Liabilities)
- [NE] Net Liabilities (Liabilities minus Assets)
- [NI] Net FDI Inward
- [NO] Net FDI Outward
[INT_ACC_ITEM] International accounts item
- [CA] Current account
- [CKA] Current plus capital account (if balance = Net lending (pos) / net borrowing (neg))
- [D1] Primary income, Compensation of employees
- [D2] Primary income, Taxes on production and imports
- [D3] Primary income, Subsidies
- [D41] Primary income, interest
- [D41G] Primary income, interest before FISIM
- [D42] Primary income, Dividends and withdrawals from income of quasi corporations (excluding RIE and excluding IF)
- [D422] Withdrawals from income of quasi corporations
- [D42S] Primary income, dividends, withdrawals from income of quasi corporations and income distributed to investment fund shareholders (excluding RIE)
- [D43S] Primary income, reinvested earnings on FDI (Including IF)
- [D44] Other investment income (ESA)
- [D443] Investment income attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (IF)
- [D4431] Dividends distributed to collective investment fund shareholders (IF)
- [D4432] Reinvested earnings attributable to collective investment fund shareholders (IF)
- [D44P] Primary income, Investment income attributable to policy holders (insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes)
- [D45] Primary income, Rent
- [D4O] Primary income, Other primary income
- [D4P] Primary income, Investment income
- [D4Q] Primary income, Interest and income attributable to policy holders
- [D4S] Primary income, Investment income attributable to shareholders, including income on IF, including RIE
- [D5] Secondary income, Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- [D5Z] Secondary income, Current taxes on income, wealth, etc. of which payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers (Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.)
- [D61] Secondary income, Social contributions
- [D61Z] Secondary income, Of which payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers (Social contributions)
- [D62] Secondary income, Social benefits
- [D71] Secondary income, Net non-life insurance premiums
- [D72] Secondary income, Non-life insurance claims
- [D74] Secondary income, Current international cooperation
- [D74EF] Secondary income, Memo item, o/w Exceptional financing
- [D74EF1] Secondary income, Memo item o/w Exceptional financing, Grants received from IMF subsidy accounts
- [D74EF2] Secondary income, Memo item o/w Exceptional financing, Other intergovernmental grants
- [D75] Secondary income, Miscellaneous current transfers
- [D751] Secondary income, Current transfers to NPISH
- [D752] Secondary income, Personal transfers (Current transfers between resident and nonresident households)
- [D752W] Secondary income, Of which Workers remittances
- [D8] Secondary income, Adjustment for change in pension entitlements
- [D9] Capital transfers
- [D99AEF] Memo item, o/w Exceptional financing, Debt forgiveness
- [D99R1] Memo item, Capital transfers between households
- [D99R2] Memo item, Capital transfers to NPISH
- [D9AEF] Memo item, o/w Exceptional financing, Other investment grants
- [D9EF] Capital transfers, Memo item, o/w exceptional financing
- [D9Z] Memo item, o/w Exceptional financing, Grants received from IMF subsidy accounts
- [EO] Net errors and omissions
- [FA] Financial account
- [FEF] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Total
- [FEF1] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Equity investment associated with debt reduction
- [FEF2] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Drawings on new loans/Issues of new securities by authorities or by other sectors on behalf of authorities
- [FEF3] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Prepayment/buyback
- [FEF4] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of arrears, Total
- [FEF41] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of arrears on Principal
- [FEF42] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of arrears on interest/coupon
- [FEF5] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Accumulation of arrears, Total
- [FEF51] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Accumulation of arrears, on Principal
- [FEF52] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Accumulation of arrears, on original interest/coupon
- [FEF53] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Accumulation of arrears, on penalty interest
- [FEF6] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Repayment of arrears, Total
- [FEF61] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Repayment of arrears, on Principal
- [FEF62] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Repayment of arrears, on interest/coupon
- [FEF7] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of payments due in current reporting period, Total
- [FEF71] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of payments due in current reporting period, on Principal
- [FEF72] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Rescheduling of payments due in current reporting period, on interest/coupon
- [FEF8] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Cancellation of arrears, Total
- [FEF81] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Cancellation of arrears, on Principal
- [FEF82] Memo item, o/w Exceptional Financing, Cancellation of arrears, on interest/coupon
- [FEF9] Supplementary item, o/w Arrears not in exceptional financing
- [G] Goods
- [G1] General merchandise on a balance of payments basis
- [G1Z] General merchandise on a balance of payments basis of which Re-exports
- [G2] Net exports of goods under merchanting
- [G21] Goods acquired under merchanting
- [G22] Goods sold under merchanting
- [G3] Nonmonetary gold
- [GC] Goods, Chemicals
- [GE] Goods, Energy
- [GF] Goods, Food, beverages and tobacco
- [GM] Goods, Machinery and manufactured goods
- [GO] Goods, Other
- [GS] Goods and services
- [IN1] Primary income
- [IN2] Secondary income
- [KA] Capital account
- [NP] Gross acquisitions / disposals of nonproduced nonfinancial assets
- [R1] Supplementary item, Personal Remittances
- [R2] Supplementary item, Total Remittances
- [R3] Supplementary item, Remittances and transfers
- [S] Services
- [SA] Services, Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others
- [SAY] Services, Goods for processing in reporting economy - Goods returned, Goods received
- [SAZ] Services, Goods for processing abroad - Goods sent, Goods returned
- [SB] Services, Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.
- [SC] Services, Transport
- [SC1] Services, Sea transport
- [SC11] Services, Sea transport; Passenger
- [SC11Z] Services, Sea transport; Passenger; Of which, Payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SC12] Services, Sea transport; Freight
- [SC13] Services, Sea transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC2] Services, Air transport
- [SC21] Services, Air transport; Passenger
- [SC21Z] Services, Air transport; Passenger; Of which, Payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SC22] Services, Air transport; Freight
- [SC23] Services, Air transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC3] Services, Other modes of transport
- [SC31] Services, Other modes of transport; Passenger
- [SC31Z] Services, Other modes of transport; Passenger; Of which, Payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SC32] Services, Other modes of transport; Freight
- [SC33] Services, Other modes of transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SC4] Services, Postal and courier services
- [SCA] Services, All modes of transport; Passenger
- [SCAZ] Services, All modes of transport; Passenger; Of which payable by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SCB] Services, All modes of transport; Freight
- [SCC] Services, All modes of transport; Other than passenger and freight
- [SD] Services, Travel;
- [SD1] Services, Travel; Goods
- [SD2] Services, Travel; Local transport services
- [SD3] Services, Travel; Accommodation services
- [SD4] Services, Travel; Food-serving services
- [SD5] Services, Travel; Other services
- [SD5Y] Services, Travel; Other services; Of which Education services
- [SD5Z] Services, Travel; Other services; Of which Health services
- [SDA] Services, Travel; Business
- [SDA1] Services, Travel; Business; Acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SDA2] Services, Travel; Business; Other than acquisition of goods and services by border, seasonal, and other short-term workers
- [SDB] Services, Travel; Personal
- [SDB1] Services, Travel; Personal; Health-related
- [SDB2] Services, Travel; Personal; Education-related
- [SDB3] Services, Travel; Personal; Other than heath-related and education-related
- [SDZ] Services, Tourism-related services in travel and passenger transport
- [SE] Services, Construction
- [SE1] Services, Construction abroad
- [SE2] Services, Construction in the reporting economy
- [SF] Services, Insurance and pension services
- [SF1] Services, Direct insurance
- [SF2] Services, Reinsurance
- [SF3] Services, Auxiliary insurance services
- [SF4] Services, Pension and standardized guarantee services
- [SG] Services, Financial services
- [SG1] Services, Financial services explicitly charged and other financial services
- [SG2] Services, Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM)
- [SH] Services, Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e.
- [SI] Services, Telecommunications, computer, and information services
- [SI1] Services, Telecommunications services
- [SI2] Services, Computer services
- [SI3] Services, Information services
- [SJ] Services, Other business services
- [SJ1] Services, Research and development services
- [SJ2] Services, Professional and management consulting services
- [SJ3] Services, Technical, trade-related, and other business services
- [SK] Services, Personal, cultural, and recreational services
- [SK1] Services, Audiovisual and related services
- [SK2] Services, Personal, cultural, and recreational services other than audiovisual and related services
- [SL] Services, Government goods and services n.i.e.
- [SN] Services, Services not allocated
- [SOX] Memo Grouping, Services, Commercial services
- [_Z] Not applicable
[FUNCTIONAL_CAT] Functional category
- [D] Direct Investment
- [D1] Direct investor in direct invesment enterprises
- [D2] Direct investment enterprises in direct investor
- [D3] Direct Investment between fellow enterprises
- [F] Financial Derivatives and Employee Stock Options
- [O] Other Investment
- [P] Portfolio Investment
- [R] Reserve Assets
- [TXD] All functional categories (total) excluding direct investment
- [TXR] All functional categories (total) excluding reserve assets
- [U1] Direct Investment between fellow enterprises; if ultimate controlling parent is resident
- [U2] Direct Investment between fellow enterprises; if ultimate controlling parent is nonresident
- [U3] Direct Investment between fellow enterprises; if ultimate controlling parent is unknown
- [_T] All functional categories
- [_X] Not allocated/unspecified
- [_Z] Not Applicable
[INSTR_ASSET] Instrument and assets classification
- [F] Total financial assets/liabilities
- [F11] Monetary gold
- [F11A] Gold bullion
- [F11B] Unallocated gold accounts
- [F11Z] Monetary gold, of which gold under swap for cash collateral
- [F12] SDRs
- [F2] Currency and deposits
- [F221] Inter-bank positions
- [F2_F4] Loans, currency and deposits: Currency and deposits + Loans
- [F3] Debt securities
- [F4] Loans
- [F4R] Repo loans
- [F4RX] Other loans
- [F5] Equity and investment fund shares/units
- [F51] Equity
- [F511] Listed shares
- [F512] Unlisted shares
- [F519] Other equity
- [F51M] Unlisted shares and other equity
- [F52] Investment fund shares/units
- [F521] Money market fund shares/units
- [F521B] Money market fund shares/units: reinvestment of earnings
- [F52B] Investment fund shares/units: reinvestment of earnings
- [F5A] Equity and investment fund shares/units: other than reinvestment of earnings
- [F5B] Equity and investment fund shares/units: reinvestment of earnings
- [F6] Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
- [F61] Non-life insurance technical reserves
- [F62] Life insurance and annuity entitlements
- [F63] Pension entitlements
- [F64] Claims of pension funds on pension managers
- [F65] Entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F66] Provisions for calls under standardized guarantees
- [F7] Financial derivatives and employee stock options
- [F71] Financial derivatives
- [F711] Options type
- [F712] Forward type
- [F72] Employee stock options
- [F81] Trade credits and advances
- [F89] Other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
- [FGED] Gross external debt
- [FK] Reserve Position in the IMF
- [FL] Debt instruments (FDI)
- [FLA] Debt instruments other than insurance, pension, and standardised schemes
- [FLB] Debt instrument other than intercompany lending
- [FLF] Other FDI debt instruments
- [FNED] Net external debt
- [FR1] Securities (Equity, investment fund shares/units and debt securities)
- [FR1Z] Securities under repo for cash collateral
- [FR2] Other reserve assets (currency, deposits, securities, financial derivatives and other claims)
- [FR41] Other claims (other reserve assets than Currency, deposits, securities and financial derivatives)
- [FV] Other liabilities (F.5, F.6 and F.8)
- [FY] Other debt assets/liabilities: insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes + other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
- [_Z] Not applicable
[MATURITY] Maturity
- [L] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity)
- [S] Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year)
- [T] All original maturities
- [_Z] Not applicable
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [BGN] Bulgarian lev
- [CZK] Czech koruna
- [DKK] Danish krone
- [EUR] Euro
- [EUR_R_B1GQ] Euro; ratio to gross domestic product
- [HRK] Croatian kuna
- [HUF] Hungarian forint
- [PLN] Polish zloty
- [RON] Romanian leu
- [SEK] Swedish krona
[CURRENCY_DENOM] Currency denominator
- [EUR] Euro
- [JPY] Japanese yen
- [USD] US dollar
- [X1] All currencies except national domestic currency
- [X4] All currencies except: EUR, USD
- [X9] All currencies except: EUR, USD, JPY, domestic currency
- [XAU] Gold
- [XDB] Currencies included in the SDR basket, gold and SDRs
- [XDC] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity)
- [XDO] Other currencies not included in the SDR basket, exc. gold and SDRs
- [XDR] Special Drawing Rights (S.D.R.)
- [_T] All currencies
- [_X] Not specified
[VALUATION] Valuation
- [M] Market value
- [N] Nominal value
- [T] Net marked to market value
- [W] Notional valuation
- [_X] Not allocated/unspecified (including all kinds of valuation methods)
[COMP_METHOD] Compiliation methodology
- [C] Compilation methodology applied for economic/currency union statistics
- [N] Compilation methodology based on international standards
[TYPE_ENTITY] Type of entity
- [ALL] All resident units
- [RSP] Resident SPEs
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (3)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (8)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (34)
Counterpart area [COUNTERPART_AREA] (40)
Reference sector [REF_SECTOR] (21)
Counterpart sector [COUNTERPART_SECTOR] (11)
Flows and stocks indicator [FLOW_STOCK_ENTRY] (6)
Accounting entries [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] (9)
International accounts item [INT_ACC_ITEM] (156)
Functional category [FUNCTIONAL_CAT] (16)
Instrument and assets classification [INSTR_ASSET] (53)
Maturity [MATURITY] (4)
Unit of measure [UNIT_MEASURE] (10)
Currency denominator [CURRENCY_DENOM] (13)
Valuation [VALUATION] (5)
Compiliation methodology [COMP_METHOD] (2)
Type of entity [TYPE_ENTITY] (2)
This dataset has 88,681 series:
- from
- 2019=14.42
- to
- 2021=14.733
- min:
- 11.468
- max:
- 14.733
- avg:
- 13.54
- σ:
- 1.471
- from
- 2019=15.304
- to
- 2021=23.774
- min:
- 15.304
- max:
- 23.774
- avg:
- 20.059
- σ:
- 3.536
- from
- 2019=40.894
- to
- 2021=60.334
- min:
- 40.894
- max:
- 60.334
- avg:
- 49.314
- σ:
- 8.146
- from
- 2019=17.261
- to
- 2021=25.721
- min:
- 17.261
- max:
- 26.97
- avg:
- 23.318
- σ:
- 4.313
- from
- 2019=0.098
- to
- 2021=0.43
- min:
- 0.098
- max:
- 1.105
- avg:
- 0.544
- σ:
- 0.419
- from
- 2019=0.241
- to
- 2021=0.604
- min:
- 0.241
- max:
- 1.051
- avg:
- 0.632
- σ:
- 0.331
- from
- 2019=-115.389
- to
- 2021=-117.751
- min:
- -134.539
- max:
- -115.389
- avg:
- -122.559
- σ:
- 8.526
- from
- 2019=291.39
- to
- 2021=154.589
- min:
- 154.589
- max:
- 291.39
- avg:
- 233.713
- σ:
- 57.871
- from
- 2019=58.55
- to
- 2021=70.668
- min:
- 58.55
- max:
- 70.668
- avg:
- 64.451
- σ:
- 4.952
- from
- 2019=-15.102
- to
- 2021=-9.69
- min:
- -15.102
- max:
- -9.69
- avg:
- -12.814
- σ:
- 2.287
Showing results 1 - 10 / 88,681