[BSI] Balance Sheet Items
Updated on DBnomics on February 3, 2025 (10:42 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [M] Monthly
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [4F] European Central Bank (ECB)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (changing composition)
- [U5] Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area)
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted
- [Y] Working day and seasonally adjusted
[BS_REP_SECTOR] BS reference sector breakdown
- [A] MFIs excluding ESCB
- [B] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank (S.122)
- [C] Eurosystem
- [E] ECB
- [F] Money Market Funds (MFIs excluding Eurosystem, credit institutions and other institutions)
- [L] Electronic money institutions
- [N] NCBs
- [P] Non-MFIs issuing electronic money
- [R] Credit institutions
- [U] Monetary Financial Institutions (MFIs)
- [V] MFIs, central government and post office giro institutions
[BS_ITEM] Balance sheet item
- [A10] Cash
- [A20] Loans
- [A20A] Loans excluding reverse repos with central counterparties
- [A20CP] Loans - o/w notional cash-pooling
- [A20D] Derecognised loans - securitisations and other loan transfers
- [A20DANZ5] Loans transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - other transfers (total)
- [A20DASU2] Loans transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations with euro area FVC counterparties
- [A20DASZ5] Loans transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations (total)
- [A20DAWZ5] Loans transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers, not to euro area MFIs (total)
- [A20DAXZ5] Loans transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers (total)
- [A20EST] Loans, ECB estimate based on national contributions
- [A20G] Loans - o/w intra-group positions
- [A20NA] Loans securitised through an FVC and not derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20NB] Loans securitised through an euro area FVC and not derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20NZ] Net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred and not derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20R] Reverse repurchase agreements
- [A20RASU2] Loans transferred without impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations with euro area FVC counterparties
- [A20RASZ5] Loans transferred without impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations (total)
- [A20RAXZ5] Loans transferred without impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers (total)
- [A20S] Syndicated loans
- [A20SA] Loans serviced for an FVC
- [A20T] Adjusted loans
- [A20TA] Adjusted loans excluding reverse repos with central counterparties
- [A20YA] Net flows of loans securitised through an FVC and derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20YB] Net flows of loans securitised through an euro area FVC and derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20YC] Net flows of loans transferred to a non-FVC (excluding euro area MFIs) and derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A20YZ] Net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred and derecognised from the balance sheet
- [A21] Credit for consumption
- [A21DANZ5] Loans for consumption transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - other transfers (total)
- [A21DASZ5] Loans for consumption transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations (total)
- [A21DAXZ5] Loans for consumption transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers (total)
- [A21T] Adjusted loans, credit for consumption
- [A21YA] Net flows of loans securitised through an FVC and derecognised from the balance sheet, consumer credit
- [A21YC] Net flows of loans transferred to a non-FVC (excluding euro area MFIs) and derecognised from the balance sheet, consumer credit
- [A21YZ] Net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred and derecognised from the balance sheet, consumer credit
- [A22] Lending for house purchase
- [A22DANZ5] Loans for house purchase transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - other transfers (total)
- [A22DASZ5] Loans for house purchase transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations (total)
- [A22DAXZ5] Loans for house purchase transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers (total)
- [A22T] Adjusted loans, lending for house purchase
- [A22YA] Net flows of loans securitised through an FVC and derecognised from the balance sheet, house purchase
- [A22YC] Net flows of loans transferred to a non-FVC (excluding euro area MFIs) and derecognised from the balance sheet, house purchase
- [A22YZ] Net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred and derecognised from the balance sheet, house purchase
- [A23] Other lending
- [A23DANZ5] Loans for other purposes transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - other transfers (total)
- [A23DASZ5] Loans for other purposes transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations (total)
- [A23DAXZ5] Loans for other purposes transferred with impact on the balance sheet - all servicers - securitisations and other transfers (total)
- [A23T] Adjusted loans, other lending
- [A23YA] Net flows of loans securitised through an FVC and derecognised from the balance sheet, other lending
- [A23YC] Net flows of loans transferred to a non-FVC (excluding euro area MFIs) and derecognised from the balance sheet, other lending
- [A23YZ] Net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred and derecognised from the balance sheet, other lending
- [A25] Credit for consumption and other lending
- [A2Z1] Revolving loans and overdrafts
- [A2Z2] Convenience credit
- [A2Z3] Extended credit
- [A30] Debt securities held
- [A41] Non-MMF investment fund shares/units
- [A42] MMF shares/units
- [A50] Equity and non-MMF investment fund shares/units [A41 and A5A]
- [A5A] Equity
- [A60] Non-financial assets (including fixed assets)
- [A70] Remaining assets
- [A71] Remaining assets - o/w accruals on loans
- [A74] Remaining assets - o/w financial derivatives
- [A7C] Remaining Assets and Cash of which euro
- [A80] External assets (net)
- [AT0] Loans [A20] and Securities other than shares [A30]
- [AT2] Loans [A20] and securities [AT1]
- [AT9] Loans and securities [AT2] and net external assets [A80]
- [AXG] External assets
- [IRR] Interest rate on minimum reserves (w.av.ECB rate on eurosyst.refin.op)
- [L10] Currency in circulation
- [L20] Deposit liabilities
- [L20G] Deposits - o/w intra-group positions
- [L21] Overnight deposits
- [L21T] Transferable (overnight) deposits
- [L22] Deposits with agreed maturity
- [L23] Deposits redeemable at notice
- [L24] Repurchase agreements
- [L24A] Repurchase agreements excluding repos with central counterparties
- [L2A] Deposits/agreed maturity and redeemable at notice [L22 plus L23]
- [L2B] Deposits overnight,agreed maturity and redeemable at notice[L21,L22,L23]
- [L2C] Deposits liabilities included in M3
- [L30] Money Market Funds shares/units
- [L40] Debt securities issued
- [L41] Debt securities issued with capital guarantee below 100%
- [L60] Capital and reserves
- [L60A] Capital and reserves o/w equity capital raised
- [L60B] Capital and reserves o/w profit and loss accumulated in the accounting period
- [L60C] Capital and reserves o/w income and expenses recognised directly in equity
- [L60D] Capital and reserves o/w funds arising from income not distributed to shareholders
- [L60E] Capital and reserves - o/w provisions
- [L61] Capital and reserves (net)
- [L70] Remaining liabilities
- [L71] Remaining liabilities - o/w accruals on deposits
- [L74] Remaining liabilities - o/w financial derivatives
- [L90] Excess of inter-MFI liabilities
- [LE0] Electronic money - Total
- [LR0] Reserve base
- [LRAE] Reserve maintenance - Exemption allowance
- [LRAU] Reserve maintenance - Unused allowance
- [LRD] Reserve maintenance - Deficiencies
- [LRE] Reserve maintenance - Excess reserves
- [LREE] Reserve maintenance - Exempted excess reserves
- [LREN] Reserve maintenance - Non-exempted excess reserves
- [LRR] Reserve maintenance - Required reserves (deprecated)
- [LT2] Deposit/agreed maturity, redeemable at notice, debt securities, capital and reserves (net) [LT1,L61]
- [LT3] Repurchase agreements, debt securities, MMFs shares/units [L24,L40,L30]
- [LT4] Deposits [L20] and debt securities issued [L40]
- [LT6] Holdings against central governmen - counterpart to M3
- [LTD] Loans [A20] to deposits ratio [L20]
- [LXG] External liabilities
- [M10] Monetary aggregate M1
- [M20] Monetary aggregate M2
- [M30] Monetary aggregate M3
- [MRR] Minimum reserve requirements
- [N00] Total Assets/Liabilities (net)
- [R31] Residuals of other counterparts of M3
- [R31A] Remaining counterparts of M3 (R31 - LT6)
- [T00] Total Assets/Liabilities
[MATURITY_ORIG] Original maturity
- [A] Total
- [D] Up to 3 months
- [E] Over 3 months
- [F] Up to 1 year
- [G] Over 1 and up to 2 years
- [H] Over 2 years
- [HHL] Original maturity over 2 years, remaining maturity over 2 years and interest rate reset within the next 24 months
- [HL] Original maturity over 2 years and remaining maturity up to 2 years
- [I] Over 1 and up to 5 years
- [J] Over 5 years
- [K] Over 1 year
- [KF] Original maturity over 1 year and remaining maturity up to 1 year
- [KKF] Original maturity over 1 year, remaining maturity over 1 year and interest rate reset within the next 12 months
- [L] Up to two years
- [M] Agreed maturity up to 2 years and redeemable at notice up to 3 months
- [T] Over 2 and up to 5 years
- [X] Not applicable
[DATA_TYPE] Data type
- [1] Outstanding amounts at the end of the period (stocks)
- [4] Financial transactions (flows)
- [5] Reclassification adjustments
- [6] Exchange rate adjustments
- [7] Revaluation adjustments
- [A] Financial transactions (flows) excluding the impact of net transfers of loans
- [I] Index of Notional Stocks
- [Q] Contribution to the annual growth rate of M3
- [S] Sum of flows over the previous 12 months, [t-11] to [t] (flows adjusted for reclassifications, revaluations and exchange rate adjustments)
- [X] Not specified
- [Y] Net loan transfers (acquisitions minus disposals)
[COUNT_AREA] Counterpart area
- [A1] World (all entities)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (changing composition)
- [U3] EU member states not belonging to the Euro area
- [U4] Extra Euro area
- [U5] Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area)
- [U6] Domestic (home or reference area)
- [U8] All areas other than Euro area and ref./home area
- [U9] All areas other than EU and ref./home area
- [Z5] World not allocated (geographically)
- [Z9] Rest of the World
[BS_COUNT_SECTOR] BS counterpart sector
- [0000] Unspecified counterpart sector
- [00BK] Non-resident banks
- [00NB] Non-resident non-banks
- [00NR] Non-resident non-banks excluding general government
- [1000] Monetary financial institutions (MFIs)
- [1100] Central Bank (S.121)
- [1120] NCB
- [1200] Other monetary financial institutions (OMFI)
- [1210] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank (S.122)
- [1211] Credit institutions
- [1220] Money market funds (S.123)
- [2000] Non-MFIs
- [2100] General Government
- [2110] Central Government
- [2120] Other General Government
- [2121] State Government
- [2122] Local Authorities
- [2123] Social security Funds
- [2200] Non-MFIs excluding general government
- [2210] Financial corporations except MFIs and Insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs)
- [2220] Insurance corporations and pension funds (S.128 and S.129)
- [2221] Insurance corporations (S.128)
- [2222] Pension funds (S.129)
- [2230] Non-Financial corporations and Households (S.11 and S.14 and S.15)
- [2240] Non-Financial corporations (S.11)
- [2240A] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [2240B] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. mining and quarrying
- [2240C] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e manufacturing
- [2240DE] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, water supply, severage, waste management and remediation activities
- [2240F] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. construction
- [2240G] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [2240HJ] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. transport and storage, information and communication
- [2240I] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. accomodation and food service activities
- [2240LMN] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. real estate activities, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support service activities
- [2240Z] Non-financial corporations (S.11), of which industry activities i.e. P. education; Q. human health and social work activities; R. arts, entertainment and recreation; S. other service activities; T. activities of households as employers; undifferentiated good
- [2250] Households and non-profit institutions serving households (S.14 and S.15)
- [2253] Households of which sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships (SP/UP)
- [2260] Non-MMF investment funds (S.124)
- [2270] Other financial intermediaries & financial auxiliaries & captive financial institutions and money lenders (sum of S.125, S.126, S.127)
- [2271] Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation
- [2272] Central counterparties (CCPs)
- [227A] Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds (S.125)
- [227B] Financial auxiliaries (S.126)
- [227C] Captive financial institutions and money lenders (S.127)
- [2300] Non-MFIs excluding central government
- [3000] MFIs excluding Eurosystem not subject to minimum reserve requirements and Non-MFIs
[CURRENCY_TRANS] Currency of transaction
- [BGN] Bulgarian lev
- [CHF] Swiss franc
- [CZK] Czech koruna
- [DKK] Danish krone
- [EUR] Euro
- [GBP] UK pound sterling
- [HUF] Hungarian forint
- [JPY] Japanese yen
- [PLN] Polish zloty
- [RON] Romanian leu
- [SEK] Swedish krona
- [USD] US dollar
- [Z01] All currencies combined
- [Z03] All EU currencies except EUR
- [Z04] All currencies except EU currencies
- [Z05] All currencies except EU currencies, GBP, USD, CHF, JPY
- [Z06] All currencies except EUR
- [Z07] All currencies other than domestic, Euro and euro area currencies
- [Z0Z] Not applicable
- [Z41] All currencies other than domestic
- [Z42] All currencies other than EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY and domestic
[BS_SUFFIX] Balance sheet suffix
- [3] 3-month annualised growth rate
- [6] 6-month annualised growth rate
- [A] Annual growth rate
- [E] Euro
- [F] Contribution to the M3 annual growth rate
- [I] Interest rate
- [P] Growth rate to previous period
- [P10] Currency ratio on total currency
- [V] 3-month moving average of annual growth rate
- [Z] Not applicable
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (3)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (31)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (2)
BS reference sector breakdown [BS_REP_SECTOR] (11)
Balance sheet item [BS_ITEM] (120)
Original maturity [MATURITY_ORIG] (17)
Data type [DATA_TYPE] (11)
Counterpart area [COUNT_AREA] (38)
BS counterpart sector [BS_COUNT_SECTOR] (46)
Currency of transaction [CURRENCY_TRANS] (21)
Balance sheet suffix [BS_SUFFIX] (10)
This dataset has 64,269 series:
- from
- 2010=71
- to
- 2020=74
- min:
- 69
- max:
- 111
- avg:
- 90.364
- σ:
- 14.468
- from
- 2010=69
- to
- 2020=196
- min:
- 51
- max:
- 196
- avg:
- 111.455
- σ:
- 47.075
- from
- 2010=21
- to
- 2020=204
- min:
- 21
- max:
- 204
- avg:
- 61.091
- σ:
- 55.2
- from
- 2010=1,796
- to
- 2020=8,871
- min:
- 1,796
- max:
- 8,871
- avg:
- 4,542.909
- σ:
- 2,138.21
- from
- 2010=109
- to
- 2020=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 116
- avg:
- 41
- σ:
- 49.142
- from
- 2010=1
- to
- 2020=155.77
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 155.77
- avg:
- 69.482
- σ:
- 52.434
- from
- 2011=0
- to
- 2020=5.548
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 5.548
- avg:
- 2.996
- σ:
- 1.925
- from
- 2010=0
- to
- 2020=1.566
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 1.608
- avg:
- 0.806
- σ:
- 0.653
- from
- 2010=3,094
- to
- 2020=19,163.91
- min:
- 3,094
- max:
- 19,163.91
- avg:
- 8,818.052
- σ:
- 4,688.165
- from
- 2010=645
- to
- 2020=1,592.71
- min:
- 279.254
- max:
- 2,811.813
- avg:
- 1,133.628
- σ:
- 737.058
Series code | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
[A.DE.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 71 | 69 | 83 | 87 | 94 | 109 | 111 | 107 | 99 | 90 | 74 |
[A.ES.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 69 | 84 | 51 | 61 | 74 | 98 | 118 | 146 | 161 | 168 | 196 |
[A.GR.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 21 | 23 | 26 | 27 | 31 | 30 | 32 | 57 | 107 | 114 | 204 |
[A.IT.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 1796 | 2271 | 2788 | 3090 | 3651 | 4513 | 5486 | 6306 | 3779 | 7421 | 8871 |
[A.NL.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 109 | 116 | 114 | 71 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
[A.PT.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 1 | 10 | 23 | 62 | 0 | 81 | 82 | 100.08 | 114.85 | 134.6 | 155.77 |
[A.SI.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | - | 0 | 0.563 | 1.154 | 2.02 | 2.695 | 3.442 | 4.27 | 4.788 | 5.483 | 5.548 |
[A.SK.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.474 | 0.444 | 0.524 | 1.199 | 1.455 | 1.6 | 1.608 | 1.566 |
[A.U2.N.L.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 3094 | 3813.1279999999997 | 4778.131 | 5433.344 | 6428.5380000000005 | 8002.975 | 10017.389 | 11677.142 | 10176.699 | 14413.3144 | 19163.9103 |
[A.U2.N.P.LE0.A.1.Z5.0000.Z01.E] | 645 | 726 | 745.408 | 734.181 | 882.974 | 1413.618 | 2123.618 | 2811.813 | 279.254 | 515.3353999999999 | 1592.7103 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 64,269