[CBD2] Consolidated Banking data
Updated on DBnomics on November 27, 2024 (6:40 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AT] Austria
- [B0] EU (Member States and Institutions of the European Union) changing composition
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
[COUNT_AREA] Counterpart area
- [W0] World (all entities, including reference area, including IO)
- [W1] Rest of the World
- [W2] Domestic (home or reference area)
- [_Z] Not applicable
[CB_REP_SECTOR] CBD reference sector breakdown
- [11] Domestic banking groups and stand-alone banks
- [47] Domestic banking groups and stand-alone banks, foreign (non-EU) controlled subsidiaries and foreign (non-EU) controlled branches
- [57] Domestic banking groups and stand-alone banks, foreign (non-EA) controlled subsidiaries and foreign (non-EA) controlled branches
- [66] Foreign (EU and non-EU) controlled subsidiaries and foreign (EU and non-EU) controlled branches
- [67] Domestic banking groups and stand alone banks, foreign (EU and non-EU) controlled subsidiaries and foreign (EU and non-EU) controlled branches
[BS_COUNT_SECTOR] BS counterpart sector
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S122Z] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank and excluding electronic money institutions principally engaged in financial intermediation
- [S12V] Financial corporations other than central banks and credit institutions
- [S13] General government
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
- [S1Q] Other sectors than MFIs
- [S1U] Non-financial sectors, except central government
- [S1ZU] Sectors other than central bank, credit institutions and general government
- [_Z] Not applicable
- [A] Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- [B] Mining and quarrying
- [C] Manufacturing
- [D] Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- [E] Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- [F] Construction
- [G] Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
- [H] Transportation and storage
- [I] Accommodation and food service activities
- [J] Information and communication
- [K] Financial and insurance activities
- [L] Real estate activities
- [M] Professional, scientific and technical activities
- [N] Administrative and support service activities
- [O] Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
- [P] Education
- [Q] Human health and social work activities
- [R] Arts, entertainment and recreation
- [S] Other service activities
- [_Z] Not applicable
[CB_SECTOR_SIZE] CBD reference sector size
- [A] All institutions
- [L] Large institution
- [M] Medium-size institution
- [S] Small institution
[CB_REP_FRAMEWRK] CBD reporting framework
- [A] Full sample (All banking groups / stand-alone banks irrespective of their accounting / supervisory reporting framework)
[CB_ITEM] Consolidated banking data item
- [A0010] Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits
- [A1000] Financial assets
- [A1100] Loans and advances
- [A1111] Loans and advances - On demand [call] and short notice [current account]
- [A1112] Loans and advances - Credit card debt
- [A1113] Loans and advances - Trade receivables
- [A1114] Loans and advances - Finance leases
- [A1115] Loans and advances - Reverse repurchase loans
- [A1116] Loans and advances - Other term loans
- [A1117] Loans and advances - Advances that are not loans
- [A1120] Loans and advances - other than loans on demand
- [A1131] Loans and advances - of which mortgage loans [Loans collateralised by immovable property]
- [A1132] Loans and advances - of which other collateralised loans
- [A1133] Loans and advances - of which project finance loans
- [A1134] Loans and advances - of which credit for consumption
- [A1135] Loans and advances - of which lending for house purchase
- [A1140] Loans and advances (excluding cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits)
- [A1200] Debt securities
- [A1300] Equity instruments
- [A1400] Derivatives - assets
- [A1800] Debt instruments (Loans and advances and Debt securities)
- [A2110] Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk - assets
- [A2120] Investments in associates, subsidiaries and joint ventures
- [A3100] Tangible assets
- [A3200] Intangible assets
- [A4000] Tax assets
- [A6310] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Liquidity buffer
- [A6320] LIQUIDITY COVERAGE - Net liquidity outflow
- [A9100] Other assets (other than cash, financial assets,fair value changes, investments, tangibles, intangibles, tax assets and assets classified as held for sale)
- [A9200] Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale
- [A9300] Other assets (other than loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments)
- [A9400] Residual assets (other than cash, loans and advances, debt securities and equity instruments)
- [D1210] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE < 0
- [D1220] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE 0-5%
- [D1230] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE 5-10%
- [D1240] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE 10-15%
- [D1250] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE 15-20%
- [D1260] % of total banking assets of institutions with RoE >20%
- [D3130] Number of institutions - Solvency ratio (%) < 8
- [D3140] Number of institutions - Solvency ratio (%) 8 - 12
- [D3150] Number of institutions - Solvency ratio (%) 12 - 16
- [D3160] Number of institutions - Solvency ratio (%) 16 - 20
- [D3170] Number of institutions - Solvency ratio (%) > 20
- [E1020] Total exposures collateralised by immovable commercial property
- [E2000] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA)
- [E2100] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions
- [E2105] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Central governments or central banks
- [E2110] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Regional governments or local authorities
- [E2115] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Public sector entities
- [E2120] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Multilateral Development Banks
- [E2125] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - International Organisations
- [E2130] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Institutions
- [E2135] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Corporates
- [E2140] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Retail
- [E2145] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Secured by mortgages on immovable property
- [E2150] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Exposures in default
- [E2155] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Items associated with particular high risk
- [E2160] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Covered bonds
- [E2165] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Claims on institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment
- [E2170] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Collective investments undertakings (CIU)
- [E2175] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Equity
- [E2190] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - SA exposure classes excluding securitisation positions - Other items
- [E2200] Exposures to credit risk - Standardised approach (SA) - Securitisation positions SA
- [E3000] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB)
- [E3100] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used
- [E3110] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used - Central governments and central banks
- [E3120] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used - Institutions
- [E3131] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - SME
- [E3132] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - Specialised Lending
- [E3139] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when neither own estimates of LGD nor Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - Other
- [E3200] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used
- [E3210] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Central governments and central banks
- [E3220] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Institutions
- [E3231] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - SME
- [E3232] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - Specialised Lending
- [E3239] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Corporates - Other
- [E3241] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Retail - Secured by real estate SME
- [E3242] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Retail - Secured by real estate non-SME
- [E3243] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Retail - Qualifying revolving
- [E3244] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Retail - Other SME
- [E3245] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - IRB approaches when own estimates of LGD and/or Conversion Factors are used - Retail - Other non-SME
- [E324O] Exposures to credit risk - IRB - Retail - Other
- [E324R] Exposures to credit risk - IRB - Retail - Secured by real estate property
- [E3300] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - Equity IRB
- [E3400] Exposures to credit risk - Internal ratings based Approach (IRB) - Securitisation positions IRB
- [E3X31] Exposures to credit risk - IRB - Corporates - SME
- [ECR00] Risk weighted exposure amounts for credit risk
- [EL000] Large exposures (total)
- [EOR00] Risk weighted exposure amounts for other risks
- [I0001] Average size of banks
- [I0002] Share (total assets) of domestic credit institutions
- [I2001] Operating profits per total assets [% of total assets]
- [I2002] Total profit before tax from continuing operations [% of total assets]
- [I2003] Return on equity [%]
- [I2004] Return on assets [%]
- [I2005] (Provisions) [% of total assets]
- [I2006] (Impairment) [% of total assets]
- [I2007] (Impairment of which Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss) [% of total assets]
- [I2100] Cost-to-income ratio [%]
- [I2200] Total operating expenses [% of total assets]
- [I2211] Staff expenses [% of total assets]
- [I2212] Administrative expenses [% of total assets]
- [I2220] Depreciation [% of total assets]
- [I2311] Staff expenses [% of total expenses]
- [I2312] Administrative expenses [% of total expenses]
- [I2320] Depreciation [% of total expenses]
- [I2400] Total operating income [% of total assets]
- [I2410] Net interest income [% of total assets]
- [I2411] Interest income [% of total assets]
- [I2412] Interest expenses [% of total assets]
- [I2420] Dividend income [% of total assets]
- [I2430] Net fee and commission income [% of total assets]
- [I2441] Realised gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss [% of total assets]
- [I2442] Gains and losses on financial assets held for trading and liabilities [% of total assets]
- [I2443] Gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit and loss [% of total assets]
- [I2450] Gains or (-) losses on financial instruments and exchange rate differences, excluding impairments [% of total assets]
- [I2460] Net non-interest income [% of total assets]
- [I2490] Other net operating income [% of total assets]
- [I2510] Net interest income [% of total income]
- [I2514] Interest income from Loans and receivables [% of total interest income]
- [I2515] Interest income from Financial assets measured at amortised costs [% of total interest income]
- [I2525] Risk costs to operating income
- [I2530] Net fee and commission income [% of total income]
- [I2550] Gains or (-) losses on financial instruments and exchange rate differences, excluding impairments [% of total income]
- [I2590] Other net operating income [% of total income]
- [I3002] Cash and trading assets [% of total assets]
- [I3003] Cash, trading and available-for-sale assets [% of total assets]
- [I3004] Interbank market dependence [% of total assets]
- [I3005] Funding base stability ratio
- [I3006] Loan-to-deposit ratio
- [I3009] Short-term wholesale funding ratio [% of total items providing stable funding]
- [I3010] Liquid assets to short-term liabilities
- [I3011] Liquid assets [% of items requiring stable funding]
- [I3012] Share of central bank and publically guaranteed exposures within liquid assets
- [I3013] Customer deposits to total liabilities
- [I3014] Proportion of market funding
- [I3015] Interbank loans (% of total assets)
- [I3016] Interbank deposits (% of total liabilities)
- [I3017] Liquidity Coverage Ratio
- [I3018] Liquid assets [% of total assets]
- [I3050] Wholesale funding [% of total liabilities]
- [I3051] Secured wholesale funding [% of wholesale funding]
- [I3052] Asset encumbrance ratio
- [I3053] Encumbered assets [% of total assets]
- [I3054] Cash, trading and fair value through other comprehensive income assets [% of total assets]
- [I3100] Financial assets [% of total assets]
- [I3101] Cash and cash balances with central banks [% of total assets]
- [I3102] Financial assets held for trading [% of total assets]
- [I3103] Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss [% of total assets]
- [I3104] Available-for-sale financial assets [% of total assets]
- [I3105] Loans and receivables including finance leases [% of total assets]
- [I3106] Held-to-maturity investments [% of total assets]
- [I3107] Derivatives-Hedge accounting [% of total assets]
- [I3108] Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss [% of total assets]
- [I3109] Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income [% of total assets]
- [I3110] Financial assets at amortised cost [% of total assets]
- [I3111] Investments in associates, subsidiaries and joint ventures [% of total assets]
- [I3160] Total loans and advances [% of total assets]
- [I3170] Total debt securities [% of total assets]
- [I3180] Total equity instruments [% of total assets]
- [I3191] Tangible and intangible assets [% of total assets]
- [I3192] Market value of derivative positions on asset side(% of total assets)
- [I3193] Off-balance sheet exposures [% of total assets]
- [I3202] Financial liabilities held for trading [% of total assets]
- [I3203] Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss [% of total assets]
- [I3204] Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost [% of total assets]
- [I3206] Derivatives-Hedge accounting [% of total assets]
- [I3208] Provisions [% of total assets]
- [I3214] Net stable funding ratio
- [I3280] Total debt securities issued [% of total assets]
- [I3292] Market value of derivative positions on liability side(% of total assets)
- [I3300] Total equity [% of total assets]
- [I3302] Retained earnings [% of total assets]
- [I3303] Revaluation reserves [% of total assets]
- [I3309] Tangible Equity [% of tangible total assets]
- [I3310] Issued capital [% of total assets]
- [I3390] Minority interest [% of total assets]
- [I3400] Total assets / Total equity
- [I3401] Large exposure as % total credit
- [I3402] Large exposures as % of bank capital
- [I3461] Loan commitments given [% of total assets]
- [I3462] Financial guarantees given [% of total assets]
- [I3463] Other commitments given [% of total assets]
- [I3614] Gross non-performing debt instruments [% of total gross debt instruments]
- [I3616] Net non-performing debt instruments [% of total own funds for solvency purposes]
- [I3617] Total accumulated impairment [% of total gross non-performing debt instruments]
- [I3622] (Net) Non-performing debt instruments per (Gross) Non-performing exposures
- [I3623] (Net) Non-performing debt instruments less collateral received and financial guarantees received per (Gross) Non-performing exposures
- [I3624] Performing debt instruments past due 60 days per total debt instruments
- [I3625] (Gross) Foreborne debt instruments per (Gross) Total debt instruments
- [I3626] (Gross) Total performing foreborne debt instruments per (Gross) Total debt instruments
- [I3627] Accumulated impairment, accumulated changes in fair value due to credit risk and provisions per (Gross) Foreborne debt instruments (Total, performing, Non-performing)
- [I3631] Coverage ratio
- [I3632] Gross non-performing loans and advances [% of total gross loans and advances]
- [I3633] Gross forborne loans and advances [% of total gross loans and advances]
- [I3634] Gross forborne performing loans and advances [% of total gross performing loans and advances]
- [I3635] Gross forborne non-performing loans and advances [% of total gross non-performing loans and advances]
- [I3636] (Gross) Non-performing debt securities per (Gross) Total debt securities
- [I3637] (Gross) Non-performing off-balance sheet exposures (Gross) Total off-balance sheet exposures
- [I3651] Performing debt instruments past due between 30 and 90 days per Total debt instruments
- [I4001] Solvency ratio [%]
- [I4002] Tier 1 ratio [%]
- [I4003] Capital buffer [%]
- [I4008] Common equity Tier 1 ratio [%]
- [I4009] Tier 1 buffer [%]
- [I4010] Common equity Tier 1 buffer [%]
- [I4011] Risk-weighted assets [% of total assets]
- [I4100] Tier 1 capital [% of own funds]
- [I4110] Common equity Tier 1 capital [% of own funds]
- [I4120] Additional Tier 1 capital [% of own funds]
- [I4130] Tier 2 capital [% of own funds]
- [I4210] Total risk weighted exposure amounts for credit, counterparty credit, dilution and delivery risks
- [I4211] Credit risk - standardised approach (SA)
- [I4212] Credit risk - standardised approach - securitisation position
- [I4216] Credit risk - internal ratings based approach (IRB)
- [I4217] Credit risk - internal ratings based approach - securitisation position
- [I4220] Total risk exposure amount for settlement / delivery risk
- [I4230] Total risk exposure amount for position, foreign exchange and commodity risks
- [I4231] Market risk - standardised approach (SA)
- [I4236] Market risk - internal ratings based approach (IRB)
- [I4240] Total risk exposure amount for operational risks
- [I4241] Operational risk - basic indicator approach
- [I4242] Operational Risk - standardised approach / alternative standardised
- [I4243] Operational risk - advanced measurement approach
- [I4290] Other risk exposure amounts
- [I4300] Original Exposure IRB [% of total original exposure]
- [L1000] Financial liabilities
- [L1100] Deposits
- [L1110] Deposits - Current accounts / overnight deposits
- [L1120] Deposits -Deposits with agreed maturity
- [L1130] Deposits - Deposits redeemable at notice
- [L1140] Deposits - Repurchase agreements
- [L1200] Debt securities issued
- [L1300] Short positions
- [L1400] Derivatives - liabilities
- [L1401] Derivatives - liabilities (balance sheet)
- [L1900] Other financial liabilities
- [L2100] Fair value changes of the hedged items in portfolio hedge of interest rate risk - liabilities
- [L3000] Provisions
- [L4000] Tax liabilities
- [L5100] Retail funding
- [L5110] Retail funding - Sight deposits
- [L5121] Retail funding - Fixed-term deposits with an initial maturity < 30 days
- [L5122] Retail funding - Fixed-term deposits with an initial maturity > 30 days
- [L5123] Retail funding - Term deposits withdrawable within the following 30 days
- [L5124] Retail funding - Term deposits not withdrawable within the following 30 days
- [L5130] Retail funding - Savings accounts
- [L5200] Wholesale funding
- [L5210] Wholesale funding - Unsecured
- [L5220] Wholesale funding - Secured
- [L9100] Other liabilities (other than financial liabilities, fair value changes, provisions, tax liabilities, shares repayable on demans and liabilities classified as held for sale)
- [L9200] Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale
- [L9300] Share capital repayable on demand (e.g. cooperative shares)
- [L9400] Residual liabilities (other than deposits, debt securities issued and provisions)
- [LE110] Capital
- [LE120] Share premium
- [LE130] Equity instruments issued other than capital
- [LE140] Other Equity
- [LE200] Accumulated other comprehensive income
- [LE300] Retained earnings
- [LE410] Revaluation reserves
- [LE510] Other Reserves
- [LE600] (Treasury shares)
- [LE710] Profit or loss attributable to owners of the parent
- [LE720] (Interim dividends)
- [LE730] Minority interest
- [LF000] Off-balance sheet items
- [LF100] Collateral received by the reporting institution own debt securities issued
- [LF110] Loan commitments - Given
- [LF120] Financial guarantees - Given
- [LF130] Other commitments - Given
- [LF210] Loan commitments - Received
- [LF220] Financial guarantees - Received
- [LF230] Other commitments - Received
- [O0000] OWN FUNDS
- [O1000] TIER 1 CAPITAL
- [O2000] TIER 2 CAPITAL
- [OR110] Combined buffer requirement
- [OR120] Capital conservation buffer
- [OR130] Conservation buffer due to macro-prudential or systemic risk identified at the level of a Member State
- [OR140] Institution specific countercyclical capital buffer
- [OR150] Systemic risk buffer
- [OR160] Systemical important institution buffer
- [OR170] Global Systemically Important Institution buffer
- [OR180] Other Systemically Important Institution buffer
- [OR190] Own funds requirements related to Pillar II adjustments
- [P2100] Total operating income, net
- [P2110] Net interest income
- [P2111] Interest income
- [P2112] (Interest expenses)
- [P2120] Dividend income
- [P2130] Net fee and commission income
- [P2131] Fee and commission income
- [P2132] (Fee and commission expenses)
- [P2140] Gains or (-) losses on financial instruments and exchange rate differences, excluding impairments
- [P2141] Gains or (-) losses on derecognition of financial assets & liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss
- [P2142] Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net
- [P2143] Gains or (-) losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net
- [P2144] Gains or (-) losses from hedge accounting, net
- [P2147] Gains (losses) on derecognition of assets other than held for sale, net
- [P2148] Exchange differences, net
- [P2149] Gains or (-) losses on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, net
- [P2150] (Expenses on share capital repayable on demand)
- [P2191] Other operating income
- [P2192] (Other operating expenses)
- [P21X0] All other elements of net operating income
- [P2200] (Total operating expenses)
- [P2210] (Administration costs)
- [P2211] (Administration costs) - (Staff expenses)
- [P2212] (Administration costs) - (Other administrative expenses)
- [P2220] (Depreciation)
- [P22X0] All other operating expenses
- [P2300] (Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions)
- [P2310] (Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions) - (Commitments and guarantees given)
- [P2320] (Provisions or (-) reversal of provisions) - (Other provisions)
- [P2400] (Impairment)
- [P2410] (Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss)
- [P2420] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates)
- [P2430] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets)
- [P2431] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) - (Property, plant and equipment)
- [P2432] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) - (Investment properties)
- [P2433] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) - (Goodwill)
- [P2434] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) - (Intangible assets [other than goodwill])
- [P2439] (Impairment or (-) reversal of impairment on non-financial assets) - (Other)
- [P2510] Negative goodwill recognised in profit or loss
- [P2520] Share of the profit or (-) loss of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates
- [P2530] Profit or (-) loss from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations
- [P2900] (Tax expense or (-) income related to profit or loss from continuing operations)
- [P2X00] Net provisions and net impairments
- [P3100] Profit or (-) loss after tax from discontinued operations
- [R0100] Total number of credit institutions
- [R0101] Number of stand alone credit institutions
- [R0102] Number of credit institutions consolidated in banking groups
- [R0103] Number of banking groups
[CB_PORTFOLIO] CBD portfolio
- [AFS] Available-for-sale financial assets
- [AST] Assets
- [FVO] Financial assets or liabilities at fair value through other comprehensive income
- [FVP] Financial assets or liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss
- [HAC] Hedge accounting
- [HFT] Financial assets or liabilities held for trading
- [HTM] Held-to-maturity investments
- [LAR] Loans and receivables
- [LIB] Liabilities
- [MAC] Financial assets or liabilities measured at a cost-based method
- [MFP] Non-trading financial assets or liabilities mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss
- [OTH] Other portfolios
- [_X] Not specified
- [_Z] Not applicable
[CB_EXP_TYPE] CBD exposure type
- [AFM] All exposures with forbearance measures
- [ALL] All exposures
- [ENA] Encumbered assets
- [NEA] Non-encumbered assets
- [NFM] Non-performing exposures with forbearance measures
- [N_] Non-performing exposures
- [PFM] Performing exposures with forbearance measures
- [P_] Performing exposures
- [_Z] Not applicable
[CB_VAL_METHOD] CBD valuation method
- [AI] Accumulated impairment, accumulated changes in fair value due to credit risk and provisions
- [CA] Carrying amount
- [CM] Computable amount
- [CP] Accumulated for the current period
- [CR] Collateral received - Maximum amount of the collateral/guarantee that can be considered
- [EV] Exposure value, net of value adjustments and provisions
- [FG] Financial guarantees received - Maximum amount of the collateral/guarantee that can be considered
- [FV] Fair value
- [GC] Gross carrying amount
- [NA] Nominal amount
- [OE] Original exposure value
- [RW] Total risk exposure amount (Risk weighted exposure amounts)
- [TA] Total amount received
- [_Z] Not applicable
[MATURITY_RES] Residual maturity
- [_Z] Not applicable
[DATA_TYPE] Data type
- [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks
- [T] Transactions
- [_Z] Not applicable
[CURRENCY_TRANS] Currency of transaction
- [_T] All currencies
- [_Z] Not applicable
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [EUR] Euro
- [PC] Percent
- [PN] Pure number
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (2)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (30)
Counterpart area [COUNT_AREA] (4)
CBD reference sector breakdown [CB_REP_SECTOR] (5)
BS counterpart sector [BS_COUNT_SECTOR] (10)
Activity [BS_NFC_ACTIVITY] (20)
CBD reference sector size [CB_SECTOR_SIZE] (4)
CBD reporting framework [CB_REP_FRAMEWRK] (3)
Consolidated banking data item [CB_ITEM] (352)
CBD portfolio [CB_PORTFOLIO] (14)
CBD exposure type [CB_EXP_TYPE] (9)
CBD valuation method [CB_VAL_METHOD] (14)
Residual maturity [MATURITY_RES] (1)
Data type [DATA_TYPE] (3)
Currency of transaction [CURRENCY_TRANS] (2)
Unit of measure [UNIT_MEASURE] (3)
This dataset has 66,098 series:
- from
- 2014=4,447,571
- to
- 2023=4,055,909
- min:
- 3,586,581
- max:
- 4,447,571
- avg:
- 3,942,933
- σ:
- 248,155.022
- from
- 2014=2,978,026
- to
- 2023=1,292,841
- min:
- 1,292,841
- max:
- 2,978,026
- avg:
- 2,049,908.4
- σ:
- 464,281.888
- from
- 2014=32,531,011
- to
- 2023=42,810,484
- min:
- 30,890,463
- max:
- 44,655,548
- avg:
- 35,939,821.8
- σ:
- 4,784,831.297
- from
- 2014=7,366,827
- to
- 2023=9,308,423
- min:
- 6,080,723
- max:
- 9,308,423
- avg:
- 7,153,665.7
- σ:
- 1,117,829.097
- from
- 2014=1,311,403
- to
- 2023=2,485,819
- min:
- 1,211,161
- max:
- 2,485,819
- avg:
- 1,719,415.2
- σ:
- 473,025.96
- from
- 2014=493,989
- to
- 2023=727,021
- min:
- 241,889
- max:
- 1,011,600
- avg:
- 550,690.5
- σ:
- 202,020.681
- from
- 2014=22,065,421
- to
- 2023=26,281,084
- min:
- 19,610,646
- max:
- 26,281,084
- avg:
- 21,881,725.1
- σ:
- 1,997,660.27
- from
- 2014=29,313,417
- to
- 2023=34,933,599
- min:
- 25,230,711
- max:
- 34,933,599
- avg:
- 28,827,494.6
- σ:
- 3,520,331.587
- from
- 2014=8,564,355
- to
- 2023=11,988,955
- min:
- 7,958,769
- max:
- 11,988,955
- avg:
- 9,695,491.1
- σ:
- 1,409,361.454
- from
- 2014=7,808,536
- to
- 2023=11,712,250
- min:
- 7,428,413
- max:
- 11,712,250
- avg:
- 9,320,242.3
- σ:
- 1,743,220.643
Series code | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.A.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 4447571 | 4200284 | 3776507 | 3823987 | 3586581 | 3929860 | 3622096 | 3942525 | 4044010 | 4055909 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.B.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 2978026 | 2346015 | 2244526 | 2033802 | 1882420 | 2454354 | 2065434 | 1599895 | 1601771 | 1292841 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.C.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 32531011 | 30890463 | 30909804 | 31716317 | 32796911 | 36122374 | 37325514 | 39639792 | 44655548 | 42810484 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.D.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 7366827 | 7605459 | 6641164 | 6421567 | 6228787 | 6457785 | 6080723 | 6355062 | 9070860 | 9308423 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.E.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 1311403 | 1241109 | 1297243 | 1211161 | 1312234 | 1851282 | 1993802 | 2184626 | 2305473 | 2485819 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.F.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.AI._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 493989 | 241889 | 1011600 | 707947 | 482416 | 440780 | 445064 | 440331 | 515868 | 727021 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.F.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 22065421 | 21254274 | 20038655 | 21635636 | 20293834 | 19610646 | 20703787 | 22332377 | 24601537 | 26281084 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.G.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 29313417 | 26216070 | 25777545 | 26436029 | 25230711 | 26854785 | 26763695 | 32343337 | 34405758 | 34933599 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.H.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 8564355 | 8015444 | 7958769 | 8365292 | 9307978 | 9802696 | 10497239 | 10895956 | 11558227 | 11988955 |
[A.AT.W0.11.S11.I.A.F.A1100._X.ALL.GC._Z.LE._T.EUR] | 7808536 | 7450278 | 7428413 | 7627008 | 7927885 | 9847991 | 10740745 | 11076789 | 11582528 | 11712250 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 66,098