[ICPF] Insurance Corporations & Pension Funds Statistics
Updated on DBnomics on January 27, 2023 (4:14 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [CY] Cyprus
- [DE] Germany
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GR] Greece
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PT] Portugal
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (changing composition)
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted
[ESA95TP_PRICE] Valuation
- [V] Current prices
[ESA95TP_TRANS] Transactions and other flows
- [B90] Net worth
- [F] Transactions in financial instruments
- [LE] Closing balance sheet
[ESA95TP_ASSET] Asset/instr classification
- [F] All financial assets and liabilities
- [F2] Currency and deposits
- [F21] Currency
- [F29AAA] Deposits up to 1 year
- [F29ABB] Deposits over 1 year
- [F2M] Deposits
- [F33] Securities other than shares, excluding financial derivatives
- [F331] Short-term - Securities other than shares, excluding financial derivatives
- [F332] Long-term - Securities other than shares, excluding financial derivatives
- [F4] Loans
- [F41] Short-term - Loans
- [F42] Long-term - Loans
- [F51] Shares and other equity, excluding mutual funds shares
- [F511] Quoted shares
- [F51M] Unquoted shares and other equity
- [F52] Mutual funds shares
- [F52F] Mutual fund shares, excluding money market fund shares
- [F52M] Money market funds shares
- [F6] Insurance technical reserves
- [F61] Net equity of households in life insurance reserves and in pension funds reserves
- [F611] Net equity of households in life insurance reserves
- [F611A] Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, of which unit linked
- [F611B] Net equity of households in life insurance reserves, of which non-unit-linked
- [F612] Net equity of households in pension funds reserves
- [F612A] Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, of which defined contribution
- [F612B] Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, of which defined benefit
- [F612C] Net equity of households in pension fund reserves, of which hybrid schemes
- [F62] Prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims
- [F7_34] Other accounts receivable/payable plus financial derivatives
- [N] All non-financial assets
- [N_F] Total Assets (financial and non-financial)
- [Z] Not applicable
[ESA95TP_SECTOR] Reporting institutional sector
- [S125] Insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S1251] Insurance corporations
- [S1252] Pension funds
[ESA95TP_CPAREA] Counterpart area
- [A1] World (all entities)
- [U2] Euro area (changing composition)
- [U4] Extra Euro area
- [U5] Other Euro area member states (all countries except the reference area)
- [U6] Domestic (home or reference area)
[ESA95TP_CPSECTOR] Counterpart institution sector
- [S] Total economy including Rest of the World (all sectors)
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non-financial corporations
- [S125] Insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S12K] MFIs
- [S12P] Other financial intermediaries, including financial auxiliaries
- [S13] General government
- [S1M] Households, non-profit institutions serving households
- [S1P] Total economy, except MFIs and General Government
- [S1Q] Non-MFIs
[ESA95TP_DC_AL] Uses and resources
- [1] Debit (uses/assets)
- [2] Credit (resources/liabilities)
[ESA95TP_CONS] Consolidation
- [N] Non-consolidated
[ESA95TP_DENOM] Denomination
- [E] Euro
[ESA95TP_SUFFIX] Reference table number
- [Z] Not applicable
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (2)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (19)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Valuation [ESA95TP_PRICE] (1)
Transactions and other flows [ESA95TP_TRANS] (3)
Asset/instr classification [ESA95TP_ASSET] (32)
Reporting institutional sector [ESA95TP_SECTOR] (3)
Counterpart area [ESA95TP_CPAREA] (5)
Counterpart institution sector [ESA95TP_CPSECTOR] (10)
Uses and resources [ESA95TP_DC_AL] (2)
Consolidation [ESA95TP_CONS] (1)
Denomination [ESA95TP_DENOM] (1)
Reference table number [ESA95TP_SUFFIX] (1)
This dataset has 1,447 series:
- from
- 2008=18266
- to
- 2015=18266
- min:
- 6,824
- max:
- 18,266
- avg:
- 12,196.625
- σ:
- 4,076.122
- from
- 2008=18265
- to
- 2015=18265
- min:
- 6,823
- max:
- 18,265
- avg:
- 12,196.625
- σ:
- 4,075.746
- from
- 2008=1
- to
- 2015=1
- min:
- -1
- max:
- 1
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0.707
- from
- 2008=153566
- to
- 2015=153566
- min:
- 115,572
- max:
- 153,566
- avg:
- 136,646.625
- σ:
- 12,552.087
- from
- 2008=139642
- to
- 2015=139642
- min:
- 112,435
- max:
- 139,642
- avg:
- 128,412.375
- σ:
- 8,867.576
- from
- 2008=134120
- to
- 2015=134120
- min:
- 103,835
- max:
- 134,120
- avg:
- 120,789.625
- σ:
- 10,111.288
- from
- 2008=120115
- to
- 2015=120115
- min:
- 100,499
- max:
- 120,115
- avg:
- 112,454.5
- σ:
- 6,468.924
- from
- 2008=19446
- to
- 2015=19446
- min:
- 11,737
- max:
- 19,446
- avg:
- 15,857.25
- σ:
- 2,464.667
- from
- 2008=19527
- to
- 2015=19527
- min:
- 11,936
- max:
- 19,527
- avg:
- 15,957.875
- σ:
- 2,442.563
- from
- 2008=5321
- to
- 2015=5321
- min:
- 3,252
- max:
- 5,321
- avg:
- 4,438.75
- σ:
- 692.682
Series code | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 |
[A.AT.N.V.B90.Z.S125.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 6824 | 8743 | 9441 | 9068 | 14476 | 12880 | 17875 | 18266 |
[A.AT.N.V.B90.Z.S1251.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 6823 | 8744 | 9441 | 9069 | 14476 | 12881 | 17874 | 18265 |
[A.AT.N.V.B90.Z.S1252.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 1 | 0 | -1 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S125.A1.S.1.N.E.Z] | 115572 | 124123 | 130952 | 131474 | 142426 | 142855 | 152205 | 153566 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S125.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 112435 | 119190 | 125272 | 126227 | 131835 | 134079 | 138619 | 139642 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S1251.A1.S.1.N.E.Z] | 103835 | 110475 | 116049 | 116763 | 126184 | 125656 | 133235 | 134120 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S1251.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 100499 | 105456 | 110297 | 111429 | 115500 | 116780 | 119560 | 120115 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S1252.A1.S.1.N.E.Z] | 11737 | 13649 | 14903 | 14711 | 16242 | 17200 | 18970 | 19446 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F.S1252.A1.S.2.N.E.Z] | 11936 | 13734 | 14975 | 14798 | 16335 | 17299 | 19059 | 19527 |
[A.AT.N.V.LE.F2.S125.A1.S.1.N.E.Z] | 5308 | 4249 | 3252 | 4022 | 3975 | 5106 | 4277 | 5321 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,447