[QSA] Quarterly Sector Accounts (MUFA and NFA Eurostat ESA2010 TP, table 801)
Updated on DBnomics on December 5, 2024 (6:42 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted
- [Y] Calendar and seasonally adjusted data
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AT] Austria
- [B5] EU28 (fixed composition) as of 1 July 2013
- [B6] EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit)
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czech Republic
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GB] United Kingdom
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [I7] Euro area 18 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2014
- [I8] Euro area 19 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2015
- [I9] Euro area 20 (fixed composition) as of 1 January 2023
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area
- [4Y] All European Community Institutions, Organs and Organisms, including ECB, ESM and EFSF
- [B0] EU (Member States and Institutions of the European Union) changing composition
- [D0] Extra-EU (changing composition)
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
- [U4] Extra Euro area (changing composition)
- [W0] World (all entities, including reference area, including IO)
- [W1] Rest of the World
- [W2] Domestic (home or reference area)
[REF_SECTOR] Reference sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S12] Financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S124] Non MMF investment funds
- [S125] Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S126] Financial auxiliaries
- [S127] Captive financial institutions and money lenders
- [S128] Insurance corporations
- [S129] Pension funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12O] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations, pension funds and non MMFs investment funds)
- [S12P] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds)
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and Pension Funds
- [S12T] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
- [S13] General government
- [S14] Households
- [S15] Non profit institutions serving households
- [S1K] Corporations
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
- [S1N] Not sectorised
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and NPISH
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S12] Financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S124] Non MMF investment funds
- [S125] Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S126] Financial auxiliaries
- [S127] Captive financial institutions and money lenders
- [S128] Insurance corporations
- [S129] Pension funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12O] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations, pension funds and non MMFs investment funds)
- [S12P] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds)
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and Pension Funds
- [S12T] Monetary financial institutions other than central bank
- [S13] General government
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and NPISH
[CONSOLIDATION] Consolidation Status
- [C] Consolidated
- [N] Non-consolidated
- [P] Partially consolidated or aggregate containing both consolidated and non-consolidated items
- [_Z] Not applicable
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting entries
- [A] Assets (Net Acquisition of)
- [B] Balance (Credits minus Debits)
- [C] Credit (Resources)
- [D] Debit (Uses)
- [L] Liabilities (Net Incurrence of)
- [N] Net (Assets minus Liabilities)
- [_X] Not specified
- [_Z] Not applicable
[STO] Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
- [B10] Changes in net worth
- [B101] Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
- [B102] Changes in net worth due to other changes in volume of assets
- [B10K] Changes in net worth due to other changes
- [B10R] Remaining changes in net worth
- [B11] External balance of goods and services
- [B12] Current external balance
- [B1G] Value added, gross
- [B1GQ] Gross domestic product at market prices
- [B1N] Value added, net
- [B1NQ] Net domestic product at market prices
- [B2A3G] Operating surplus and mixed income, gross
- [B2A3N] Operating surplus and mixed income, net
- [B3G] Mixed income, gross
- [B3N] Mixed income, net
- [B4G] Entrepreneurial income (gross)
- [B4N] Entrepreneurial income (net)
- [B5G] Balance of primary incomes, gross / National income, gross
- [B5N] Balance of primary incomes, net / National income, net
- [B6G] Disposable income, gross
- [B6N] Disposable income, net
- [B7G] Adjusted disposable income, gross
- [B7N] Adjusted disposable income, net
- [B8G] Saving, gross
- [B8N] Saving, net
- [B9] Net lending (pos) / net borrowing (neg)
- [B90] Net worth
- [B9F] Net financial transactions
- [B9FX9] Discrepancy between the financial (B9F) and non-financial (B9) net lending/borrowing
- [BF90] Financial net worth
- [D1] Compensation of employees
- [D2] Taxes on production and imports
- [D21] Taxes on products
- [D211] Value added type taxes
- [D21X31] Taxes less subsidies on products
- [D29] Other taxes on production
- [D29X39] Other taxes on production minus other subsidies on production
- [D3] Subsidies
- [D31] Subsidies on products
- [D39] Other subsidies on production
- [D4] Property income
- [D41] Interest
- [D41G] Interest before FISIM allocation
- [D42] Distributed income of corporations
- [D43] Reinvested earnings on FDI (excluding IF)
- [D44] Other investment income
- [D45] Rent
- [D4M] Interest and rents
- [D4N] Property income other than interest
- [D4_7] Property income and other current transfers
- [D5] Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- [D6] Social contributions and social benefits
- [D61] Net social contributions
- [D62] Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
- [D63] Social transfers in kind
- [D631] Social transfers in kind - non-market production
- [D632] Social transfers in kind - purchased market production
- [D7] Other current transfers
- [D71] Net non-life insurance premiums
- [D72] Non-life insurance claims
- [D74] Current international cooperation
- [D75] Miscellaneous current transfers
- [D76] Value Added Tax and GNI - based EU own resources
- [D7N] Current international cooperation, miscellaneous current transfers and VAT and GNI-based EU own resources
- [D8] Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
- [D9] Capital transfers
- [D91] Capital taxes
- [D92] Investment grants
- [D99] Other capital transfers
- [D9N] Other capital transfers and investment grants
- [EMP] Total employment
- [F] Transactions in financial assets and liabilities
- [IN1] Primary income
- [IN21] Secondary income, current transfers
- [K] Changes in positions other than transactions
- [K7] Revaluations / Nominal holding gains and losses
- [KA] Other changes excluding revaluations
- [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks
- [NP] Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets
- [OPI] Gross disposable income - gross operating surplus and mixed income - compensation of employees - social contribution and social benefits, other than social transfer in kind - current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
- [OSA] Savings, gross plus net capital transfers
- [OTE] Total government expenditure
- [OTR] Total government revenue
- [P1] Output
- [P1O] Market output, output for own final use and payments for other non-market output
- [P2] Intermediate consumption
- [P3] Final consumption expenditure
- [P31] Individual consumption expenditure
- [P32] Collective consumption expenditure
- [P4] Actual final consumption
- [P5] Gross capital formation
- [P51C] Consumption of fixed capital
- [P51G] Gross fixed capital formation
- [P5L] Gross capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets
- [P5LN] Net capital formation and acquisitions less disposals of non-produced assets
- [P5M] Changes in inventories and acquisition less disposals of valuables
- [P6] Exports of goods and services
- [P61] Exports of goods
- [P62] Exports of services
- [P62F] Exports of FISIM
- [P7] Imports of goods and services
- [P71] Imports of goods
- [P72] Imports of services
- [P72F] Imports of FISIM
- [SAL] Employees
- [UNE] Unemployed persons
[INSTR_ASSET] Instrument and assets classification
- [F] Total financial assets/liabilities
- [F1] Monetary gold and SDRs
- [F11] Monetary gold
- [F12] SDRs
- [F2] Currency and deposits
- [F21] Currency
- [F22] Transferable deposits
- [F29] Other deposits
- [F2B] Currency and monetary deposits
- [F2M] Deposits
- [F2MF] Non-monetary deposits
- [F3] Debt securities
- [F3F] Non-monetary securities
- [F3M] Monetary securities
- [F3T4] Debt securities and loans
- [F4] Loans
- [F5] Equity and investment fund shares/units
- [F51] Equity
- [F511] Listed shares
- [F512] Unlisted shares
- [F519] Other equity
- [F51M] Unlisted shares and other equity
- [F52] Investment fund shares/units
- [F521] Money market fund shares/units
- [F522] Non-MMF investment fund shares/units
- [F6] Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
- [F62] Life insurance and annuity entitlements
- [F62A] Life insurance and annuity entitlements, of which unit linked
- [F62B] Life insurance and annuity entitlements, of which non-unit-linked
- [F63] Pension entitlements
- [F63A] Pension entitlements, of which defined contribution
- [F63B] Pension entitlements, of which defined benefit
- [F6M] Pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F6N] Life insurance and annuity entitlements, pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F6O] Non-life insurance technical provisions and provisions for calls under standardized guarantees
- [F6P] Claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits
- [F7] Financial derivatives and employee stock options
- [F8] Other accounts receivable/payable
- [F81] Trade credits and advances
- [F89] Other accounts receivable/payable, excluding trade credits and advances
- [FF] Non-monetary financial assets
- [FM] Monetary financial assets
- [FP] Debt (non-standard definition)
- [FPT] Debt securities; loans; pension entitlements, claims of pension funds on pension managers and entitlements to non-pension benefits; trade credits and advances
- [FR0] Other instruments than insurance and technical reserves (F6); equity (F5); securities (F3); currency and deposits (F2)
- [FX4] Total financial assets/liabilities other than loans
- [N111G] Dwellings (gross)
- [N111N] Dwellings (net)
- [N112G] Other buildings and structures (gross)
- [N112N] Other buildings and structures (net)
- [N11G] Fixed assets by type of asset (gross)
- [N11LG] Cultivated assets and intangible fixed assets (gross)
- [N11LN] Cultivated assets and intangible fixed assets (net)
- [N11MG] Machinery and equipment and weapons systems (gross)
- [N11MN] Machinery and equipment and weapons systems (net)
- [N11N] Fixed assets by type of asset (net)
- [N21111] Land underlying dwellings
- [NUN] Housing wealth (net)
- [NYN] Non-financial assets (includes total produced fixed assets and land underlying dwellings) (net)
- [_Z] Not applicable
[MATURITY] Maturity
- [L] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity)
- [S] Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year)
- [T] All original maturities
- [_Z] Not applicable
- [_T] Total
- [_Z] Not applicable
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [EUR] Euro
- [EUR_R_I8] Euro; ratio to Euro Area 19
- [EUR_R_I9] Euro; ratio to Euro Area 20
- [HW] Hours worked
- [PS] Persons
- [XDC] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity)
- [XDC_R_B1G] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to gross value added
- [XDC_R_B1GQ] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to gross domestic product
- [XDC_R_B1GQ_CY] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to the annual moving sum of gross domestic product
- [XDC_R_B1G_CY] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to annual moving sum of sector specific gross value added
- [XDC_R_B1N_CY] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to annual moving sum of sector specific net value added
- [XDC_R_B6GA] Domestic currency (incl conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to sector specific gross disposable income, adjusted for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves
- [XDC_R_B6GA_CY] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to the annual moving sum of sector spec. gross disposable income, adj. for change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves
- [XDC_R_B6G_CY] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to the annual moving sum of sector specific gross disposable income
- [XDC_R_B6G_POP] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to per capita sector specific gross disposable income
- [XDC_R_EMP] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to total employment
- [XDC_R_F] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to sector specific assets/liabilities
- [XDC_R_P31_S1M_D] National currency, deflated by final consumption of households and NPISH
- [XDC_R_POP] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity); ratio to total population
[CURRENCY_DENOM] Currency denominator
- [_T] All currencies
- [_Z] Not applicable
[VALUATION] Valuation
- [S] Standard valuation based on SNA/ESA
[PRICES] Prices
- [D] Deflator (index)
- [L] Chain linked volume
- [LR] Chain linked volume (rebased)
- [V] Current prices
- [Y] Previous year prices
- [_Z] Not applicable
[TRANSFORMATION] Transformation
- [C16] 16 period cumulated sum
- [C4] 4-period cumulated sum
- [C4G] Growth rate, period on period, over 4-period cumulated sum
- [CY] Cumulated sum, over 1 year
- [F4] Growth rate, flow over stock, over 4 periods
- [FO16] Contribution to growth rate, flow over stock, over 16 periods
- [FY] Growth rate, flow over stock, over 1 year
- [G4] Growth rate, over 4 periods
- [G4Y] Growth rate, over 4 years
- [GO1] Contribution to growth rate, period on period
- [GO4] Contribution to growth rate, over 4 periods
- [GOY] Contribution to growth rate, over 1 year
- [GY] Growth rate, over 1 year
- [LA] Annual levels
- [N] Non transformed data
[CUST_BREAKDOWN] Custom breakdown codification
- [FND] Direct Investment
- [VFCA] Looking through via financing conduits, extended concept (direct + indirect)
- [VFCI] Looking through (via) financing conduits - indirect approach
- [VIFA] Looking through via investment fund shares, total (direct + indirect holdings)
- [VIFI] Looking through (via) non-MMF investment fund shares - indirect approach
- [_T] Total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (2)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (2)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (33)
Counterpart area [COUNTERPART_AREA] (8)
Reference sector [REF_SECTOR] (22)
Counterpart sector [COUNTERPART_SECTOR] (18)
Consolidation Status [CONSOLIDATION] (4)
Accounting entries [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] (8)
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows [STO] (106)
Instrument and assets classification [INSTR_ASSET] (60)
Maturity [MATURITY] (4)
Unit of measure [UNIT_MEASURE] (19)
Currency denominator [CURRENCY_DENOM] (2)
Valuation [VALUATION] (1)
Prices [PRICES] (6)
Transformation [TRANSFORMATION] (15)
Custom breakdown codification [CUST_BREAKDOWN] (6)
This dataset has 360,242 series:
- from
- 1999=27.381
- to
- 2023=26.348
- min:
- 23.058
- max:
- 29.13
- avg:
- 26.475
- σ:
- 1.355
- from
- 1999=56.068
- to
- 2023=40.301
- min:
- 40.301
- max:
- 58.192
- avg:
- 47.485
- σ:
- 5.616
- from
- 2000=5.68
- to
- 2023=2.526
- min:
- -6.991
- max:
- 13.154
- avg:
- 3.634
- σ:
- 3.944
Series code | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.C.L.LE.F3T4.T._Z.XDC_R_B1GQ_CY._T.S.V.N._T] | 70.69561720510252 | 76.73435988227479 | 77.7920547549732 | 76.45945599281264 | 78.34368535581821 | 75.55321206446331 | 75.67753860232132 | 69.98023698438544 | 72.38484941905753 | 74.64513739152434 | 78.51215991499458 | 77.78559033700589 | 76.27940839291243 | 76.29219183608132 | 76.98019389467083 | 75.05358409964417 | 74.21462005096217 | 73.05570166499699 | 72.37617444025052 | 73.44958108273201 | 72.30505558592904 | 78.0123724008651 | 78.79732444192548 | 74.06462527489884 | 71.36622304260514 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.A.F.F._Z._Z.XDC._T.S.V.FY._T] | - | 6.845487960604757 | 4.393388710172069 | 5.680942211214032 | 7.971301024062899 | 4.1068478730999125 | 7.701153396275768 | 11.561774225806847 | 13.77527700831025 | 6.013452709607553 | -0.8439649781113195 | 5.899226999895742 | 6.143718703364832 | 1.5499396592280472 | 5.793066700559972 | 1.3368586662005069 | 2.581974380739913 | 6.028849218999044 | 5.952906105649363 | 3.3026812364595552 | 2.116128476150456 | 4.149761067532233 | 8.191378144025583 | 1.2773375320091356 | 0.4000990220877341 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.D.P51G._Z._Z._Z.XDC_R_B1G_CY._T.S.V.N._T] | 27.38100432746031 | 29.129980399104728 | 28.635828482020294 | 26.761514335646254 | 28.55748529476087 | 27.989168894633128 | 26.582916630984787 | 25.703669441229433 | 25.9706620542835 | 25.603822005339783 | 23.834136366440344 | 23.05830182960872 | 25.240088291700335 | 25.822217708726512 | 26.237065731385993 | 25.596914542701604 | 25.468568187978054 | 26.13765308714862 | 26.548777491802134 | 26.76743200719798 | 27.684436619069132 | 27.00132998631379 | 27.271773845392307 | 26.54171300549619 | 26.34805038113069 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.L.F.F._Z._Z.XDC._T.S.V.FY._T] | - | 7.404335556945088 | 5.534918830539171 | 4.131753581498676 | 5.4480170182783905 | 2.4758178904085737 | 4.763077101314951 | 6.03974796072037 | 8.220514438766086 | 3.7186722495297047 | -1.647181472931715 | 2.3876277791240885 | 3.9503521502507737 | 0.9456299566674842 | 2.5064471794555025 | 1.1460995093444277 | 1.752642174131857 | 2.9224485305241155 | 3.582459507445812 | 2.511983951511455 | 1.9748023009998938 | 1.188974738878617 | 4.942282339574915 | 1.6225253492623621 | 0.3361079026507401 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.L.LE.FP.T._Z.XDC_R_B1GQ_CY._T.S.V.N._T] | 85.22249840944724 | 91.73764587536837 | 93.13758656635532 | 91.99160886214356 | 94.07054635820397 | 90.87446242858141 | 90.93779126011808 | 87.79107048213889 | 92.5720709791219 | 94.06152835695507 | 95.33100435166997 | 96.52590197702987 | 95.54363558952635 | 94.91947314736129 | 99.72424302792446 | 96.28658540854688 | 95.89704295986245 | 95.9527712420822 | 95.58558987434863 | 96.40003103566222 | 96.0574922707753 | 103.1584423870689 | 104.23426266922158 | 95.56248459251879 | 91.31924053129976 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.L.LE.FP.T._Z.XDC_R_F._T.S.V.N._T] | 56.06773862248385 | 58.13798062435293 | 58.192304406026594 | 56.11208216468165 | 55.525912877837456 | 52.759997296723235 | 49.300618927007 | 44.922187673172836 | 45.295050843931236 | 51.1048849504803 | 48.27401999890329 | 47.32602577099562 | 48.1455318453111 | 46.405021850919596 | 45.69930903025971 | 44.43535760219203 | 45.11545390782941 | 44.19584060172576 | 41.82244215301338 | 42.537870239449525 | 42.31218351242351 | 42.050825839505244 | 40.592660337619485 | 40.500103585182494 | 40.300829149969736 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.L.LE.FPT.T._Z.XDC_R_B1GQ_CY._T.S.V.N._T] | 89.33152911452376 | 96.97994503230001 | 98.82424024229972 | 97.98037979771695 | 100.45810614310433 | 97.50158708409796 | 98.16689510940881 | 97.26787035145975 | 102.245779046346 | 103.27391475261685 | 102.97123375930816 | 105.72023772086337 | 105.48142755624636 | 104.93875964254207 | 111.7052496909298 | 107.1686008169288 | 106.16354099902247 | 107.36798821753143 | 107.69820009227527 | 109.46644963394066 | 107.80154203796516 | 114.45557102153585 | 117.22215906060063 | 108.21160609004976 | 101.86725130161717 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.N.L.LE.FPT.T._Z.XDC_R_F._T.S.V.N._T] | 58.77106302465196 | 61.460244716749756 | 61.74532197886702 | 59.76505020121133 | 59.29622252149379 | 56.60758076039314 | 53.21977386929275 | 49.77141185887569 | 50.02834776728824 | 56.11009755007819 | 52.14290389170239 | 51.83394915163804 | 53.1532989943586 | 51.30333400250166 | 51.18968638848108 | 49.45730582117094 | 49.94540178510032 | 49.45368884675703 | 47.12218389051957 | 48.303611317087544 | 47.48529783366376 | 46.65591271074717 | 45.6506254751339 | 45.86089692470256 | 44.95585669349055 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1.P.L.LE.FP.T._Z.XDC_R_B1GQ_CY._T.S.V.N._T] | 74.78642713643889 | 80.78272364073506 | 81.76291168252042 | 80.45389512350553 | 82.4366511394879 | 79.53838344315861 | 79.5470885167172 | 74.1226235949893 | 76.40953719295977 | 78.31213728761794 | 82.3549801286663 | 81.58425619950847 | 79.9238603628139 | 79.92276179117613 | 80.41988418137326 | 78.6626460258603 | 77.74065932625682 | 76.67651851745599 | 75.72525439913285 | 76.78853050626812 | 75.49554939533625 | 81.27963925555815 | 81.84459741682892 | 76.78757138561865 | 73.82698883754756 |
[A.N.AT.W0.S11.S1._Z.B.B1N._Z._Z._Z.XDC._T.S.V.GY._T] | - | 5.679577681218362 | 4.436689428384466 | 2.25133901174992 | 2.731447149566568 | 4.141678816488414 | 5.206611893890134 | 7.267818956388061 | 7.057338544219505 | 2.8457148969341928 | -5.506687761585393 | 2.8895333421162794 | 6.262095323303751 | 2.158068179304906 | 0.06957736973651762 | 3.119554059538321 | 3.651617925374606 | 5.430158598321122 | 2.6344238712141532 | 5.808042530217716 | 2.664021746220535 | -6.99083236692859 | 7.718090383606158 | 13.154338629167928 | 2.526263852129418 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 360,242