Monthly – European Central Bank (ECB) – Neither seasonally nor working day adjusted – Net transactions – Aggregate short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-a-vis the domestic currency (including the forward leg of currency swaps), total – All currencies – World (all entities) – Euro [M.4F.N.4.Z20.N.A1.E]

Apply filters
Period Value
1999-12 0
2000-01 0
2000-02 0
2000-03 0
2000-04 0
2000-05 0
2000-06 0
2000-07 0
2000-08 0
2000-09 -1515.707275390625
2000-10 -1566.1868896484375
2000-11 -2920.38037109375
2000-12 -2634.133056640625
2001-01 -2610.22900390625
2001-02 -1934.6358642578125
2001-03 -1713.1361083984375
2001-04 -1526.6317138671875
2001-05 -1499.4058837890625
2001-06 -1176.473388671875
2001-07 -986.2039184570312
2001-08 -932.4886474609375
2001-09 -667.32421875
2001-10 -474.0172119140625
2001-11 -153.7824249267578
2001-12 0
2002-01 0
2002-02 0
2002-03 0
2002-04 0
2002-05 0
2002-06 0
2002-07 0
2002-08 0
2002-09 0
2002-10 0
2002-11 0
2002-12 0
2003-01 0
2003-02 0
2003-03 0
2003-04 0
2003-05 0
2003-06 0
2003-07 0
2003-08 0
2003-09 0
2003-10 0
2003-11 0
2003-12 0
2004-01 0
2004-02 0
2004-03 0
2004-04 0
2004-05 0
2004-06 0
2004-07 0
2004-08 0
2004-09 0
2004-10 0
2004-11 0
2004-12 0
2005-01 0
2005-02 0
2005-03 0
2005-04 0
2005-05 0
2005-06 0
2005-07 0
2005-08 0
2005-09 0
2005-10 0
2005-11 0
2005-12 0
2006-01 0
2006-02 0
2006-03 0
2006-04 -0.003689720295369625
2006-05 0
2006-06 0
2006-07 -2.965606689453125
2006-08 1.4074554443359375
2006-09 2.9449005126953125
2006-10 0.9569549560546875
2006-11 354.30047607421875
2006-12 4.2574462890625
2007-01 11.6788330078125
2007-02 -0.9293212890625
2007-03 -2.079864501953125
2007-04 299.66229248046875
2007-05 600.043701171875
2007-06 16.589447021484375
2007-07 -2.97406005859375
2007-08 -13.25640869140625
2007-09 -4.545928955078125
2007-10 -0.073394775390625
2007-11 720.753173828125
2007-12 1.392578125
2008-01 -25.6767578125
2008-02 -18.85089111328125
2008-03 -22.7734375
2008-04 7.296875
2008-05 12.580078125
2008-06 552.7109375
2008-07 15.064453125
2008-08 6.18359375
2008-09 -16789.703125
2008-10 -19684.359375
2008-11 -20490.9375
2008-12 -23503.71875
2009-01 -22035.6875
2009-02 -13778.375
2009-03 -2190.15625
2009-04 -2988.8671875
2009-05 -3172.8046875
2009-06 -6118.5625
2009-07 -5877.23828125
2009-08 -4200.7265625
2009-09 -860.02734375
2009-10 -734.083984375
2009-11 -352.6953125
2009-12 -134.47265625
2010-01 -40.8175048828125
2010-02 -23.9788818359375
2010-03 46.22119140625
2010-04 43.26953125
2010-05 4.94140625
2010-06 -52.150146484375
2010-07 -88.999755859375
2010-08 -119.349365234375
2010-09 -106.1492919921875
2010-10 -132.3768310546875
2010-11 -28.381591796875
2010-12 -41.1041259765625
2011-01 -20.0283203125
2011-02 -26.019287109375
2011-03 -680.816650390625
2011-04 -49.5517578125
2011-05 -24.700927734375
2011-06 -38.52490234375
2011-07 -80.147216796875
2011-08 -88.5390625
2011-09 -78.6337890625
2011-10 -5.37841796875
2011-11 -1.598388671875
2011-12 -3.03125
2012-01 -29.390625
2012-02 79.109375
2012-03 85.60546875
2012-04 -0.490234375
2012-05 -40.11328125
2012-06 -6.8046875
2012-07 -44.01953125
2012-08 -32.1171875
2012-09 -45.3271484375
2012-10 28.8681640625
2012-11 95.744140625
2012-12 165.41015625
2013-01 175.50244140625
2013-02 144.2451171875
2013-03 96.7099609375
2013-04 123.56640625
2013-05 106.736328125
2013-06 27.787353515625
2013-07 -3.574951171875
2013-08 7.288330078125
2013-09 -18.4306640625
2013-10 0.149169921875
2013-11 72.97021484375
2013-12 116.19970703125
2014-01 33.9503173828125
2014-02 -2.5682373046875
2014-03 21.0174560546875
2014-04 -1.702392578125
2014-05 -17.9697265625
2014-06 -17.344482421875
2014-07 18.1187744140625
2014-08 33.7908935546875