Updated on DBnomics on September 8, 2024 (6:11 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [Q] Quarterly
[ADJUSTMENT] Adjustment indicator
- [N] Neither seasonally adjusted nor calendar adjusted
[REF_AREA] Reference area
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [CY] Cyprus
- [DE] Germany
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PT] Portugal
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
[COUNTERPART_AREA] Counterpart area
- [AT] Austria
- [B6] EU27 (fixed composition) as of 31 January 2020 (brexit)
- [BE] Belgium
- [CY] Cyprus
- [DE] Germany
- [EE] Estonia
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [GR] Greece
- [HR] Croatia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PT] Portugal
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [U2] Euro area (Member States and Institutions of the Euro Area) changing composition
- [W0] World (all entities, including reference area, including IO)
- [W1] Rest of the World
- [W2] Domestic (home or reference area)
[REF_SECTOR] Reference sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S12] Financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S122] Deposit taking corporations, except the Central Bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non MMF investment funds
- [S125A] Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation
- [S128] Insurance corporations
- [S129] Pension funds
- [S12P] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds)
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and Pension Funds
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government excluding social security
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
[COUNTERPART_SECTOR] Counterpart sector
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non financial corporations
- [S12] Financial corporations
- [S121] Central bank
- [S122] Deposit taking corporations, except the Central Bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non MMF investment funds
- [S125A] Financial vehicle corporations engaged in securitisation
- [S128] Insurance corporations
- [S129] Pension funds
- [S12P] Other financial institutions (Financial corporations other than MFIs, insurance corporations and pension funds)
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and Pension Funds
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government excluding social security
- [S1M] Households and non profit institutions serving households (NPISH)
[CONSOLIDATION] Consolidation Status
- [N] Non-consolidated
[ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] Accounting entries
- [A] Assets (Net Acquisition of)
- [L] Liabilities (Net Incurrence of)
[STO] Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows
- [F] Transactions in financial assets and liabilities
- [LE] Closing balance sheet/Positions/Stocks
[INSTR_ASSET] Instrument and assets classification
- [F] Total financial assets/liabilities
- [F3] Debt securities
- [F3FR] Debt securities, fixed rate
- [F3VR] Debt securities, variable rate
- [F511] Listed shares
- [F521] Money market fund shares/units
- [F522] Non-MMF investment fund shares/units
[MATURITY] Maturity
- [L] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year or no stated maturity)
- [LS] Long-term original maturity (over 1 year) with short-term residual maturity (up to 1 year)
- [S] Short-term original maturity (up to 1 year)
- [T] All original maturities
- [Y12] Original maturity over 1 year and up to 2 years
- [Y25] Original maturity over 2 years and up to 5 years
- [Y5A] Original maturity over 5 years and up to 10 years
- [YA_] Original maturity over 10 years
- [_Z] Not applicable
- [_Z] Not applicable
[UNIT_MEASURE] Unit of measure
- [XDC] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity)
[CURRENCY_DENOM] Currency denominator
- [X1] All currencies except national domestic currency
- [XDC] Domestic currency (incl. conversion to current currency made using a fixed parity)
- [_T] All currencies
[VALUATION] Valuation
- [F] Face value
- [M] Market value
[PRICES] Prices
- [V] Current prices
[TRANSFORMATION] Transformation
- [N] Non transformed data
[CUST_BREAKDOWN] Custom breakdown codification
- [C_SX] Social instruments (use of proceeds second party opinion, standard unspecified
- [C_XX] Social instruments (use of proceeds), assurance level unspecified, standard unspecified
- [G_SX] Green instruments (use of proceeds), second party opinion, standard unspecified
- [G_XX] Green instruments (use of proceeds), assurance level unspecified, standard unspecified
- [L_SX] Sustainability-linked instruments, second party opinion, standard unspecified
- [L_XX] Sustainability-linked instruments, assurance level unspecified, standard unspecified
- [S_SX] Sustainable instruments (use of proceeds), second party opinion, standard unspecified
- [S_XX] Sustainable instruments (use of proceeds), assurance level unspecified, standard unspecified
- [_T] Total
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Adjustment indicator [ADJUSTMENT] (1)
Reference area [REF_AREA] (21)
Counterpart area [COUNTERPART_AREA] (25)
Reference sector [REF_SECTOR] (15)
Counterpart sector [COUNTERPART_SECTOR] (15)
Consolidation Status [CONSOLIDATION] (1)
Accounting entries [ACCOUNTING_ENTRY] (2)
Stocks, Transactions, Other Flows [STO] (2)
Instrument and assets classification [INSTR_ASSET] (7)
Maturity [MATURITY] (9)
Unit of measure [UNIT_MEASURE] (1)
Currency denominator [CURRENCY_DENOM] (3)
Valuation [VALUATION] (2)
Prices [PRICES] (1)
Transformation [TRANSFORMATION] (1)
Custom breakdown codification [CUST_BREAKDOWN] (9)
This dataset has 75,518 series:
- from
- 2021-Q1=5974.20610189
- to
- 2024-Q2=5974.20610189
- min:
- -4,729.103
- max:
- 9,745.68
- avg:
- 2,637.558
- σ:
- 4,690.059
- from
- 2021-Q1=-1107.65111454
- to
- 2024-Q2=-1107.65111454
- min:
- -8,594.753
- max:
- -412.475
- avg:
- -3,340.616
- σ:
- 2,702.986
- from
- 2021-Q1=401.66842713
- to
- 2024-Q2=401.66842713
- min:
- -743.801
- max:
- 1,630.501
- avg:
- 225.143
- σ:
- 676.1
- from
- 2021-Q1=6375.87452902
- to
- 2024-Q2=6375.87452902
- min:
- -5,409.829
- max:
- 10,560.987
- avg:
- 2,862.701
- σ:
- 4,784.59
- from
- 2021-Q1=197559.83235401
- to
- 2024-Q2=197559.83235401
- min:
- 166,092.424
- max:
- 198,158.456
- avg:
- 187,742.683
- σ:
- 9,463.277
- from
- 2021-Q1=180852.98076359
- to
- 2024-Q2=180852.98076359
- min:
- 171,429.283
- max:
- 200,613.301
- avg:
- 185,709.175
- σ:
- 9,337.967
- from
- 2021-Q1=21664.3650321
- to
- 2024-Q2=21664.3650321
- min:
- 8,976.884
- max:
- 21,664.365
- avg:
- 15,909.076
- σ:
- 3,459.463
- from
- 2021-Q1=21059.599864
- to
- 2024-Q2=21059.599864
- min:
- 8,877.422
- max:
- 21,059.6
- avg:
- 15,888.336
- σ:
- 3,386.505
- from
- 2021-Q1=4375.30062668
- to
- 2024-Q2=4375.30062668
- min:
- 374.869
- max:
- 4,375.301
- avg:
- 2,848.578
- σ:
- 1,385.829
- from
- 2021-Q1=4337.56175854
- to
- 2024-Q2=4337.56175854
- min:
- 375.954
- max:
- 4,337.562
- avg:
- 2,832.477
- σ:
- 1,373.225
Series code | 2021-Q1 | 2021-Q2 | 2021-Q3 | 2021-Q4 | 2022-Q1 | 2022-Q2 | 2022-Q3 | 2022-Q4 | 2023-Q1 | 2023-Q2 | 2023-Q3 | 2023-Q4 | 2024-Q1 | 2024-Q2 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.F.F3.L._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | 6686.53749601 | 9605.50903926 | 1649.99407916 | 5175.08521952 | 9745.67971514 | 4393.6045528 | -1864.2513319 | -4729.10314373 | 3573.58682587 | 4805.9700415 | -1538.67831886 | -1981.46203582 | -4570.87181841 | 5974.20610189 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.F.F3.LS._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | -871.64052252 | -888.2430062 | -6595.30226067 | -412.4754766 | -1112.03207862 | -2619.30619035 | -4354.01286571 | -8196.8215846 | -1247.68568001 | -3246.79489389 | -5098.4271612 | -8594.75303806 | -2423.47167799 | -1107.65111454 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.F.F3.S._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | -586.903523 | -330.1001 | 470.132443 | 593.092771 | 815.307345 | 1630.50097333 | 387.69561669 | -680.72556978 | 525.58862883 | -743.80126722 | 203.54377381 | -475.94161426 | 941.95083749 | 401.66842713 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.F.F3.T._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | 6099.63397301 | 9275.40893926 | 2120.12652216 | 5768.17799052 | 10560.98706014 | 6024.10552613 | -1476.55571521 | -5409.82871351 | 4099.1754547 | 4062.16877428 | -1335.13454505 | -2457.40365008 | -3628.92098092 | 6375.87452902 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.L._Z.XDC._T.F.V.N._T] | 166092.42405199 | 174705.84026663 | 176507.67898225 | 179157.50310903 | 189355.34020244 | 194198.38042916 | 191473.4945172 | 187310.77704188 | 192365.01545848 | 198158.45644752 | 196456.87225067 | 194623.09022144 | 190432.85344591 | 197559.83235401 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.L._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | 188613.50906209 | 196133.65727763 | 197602.0714584 | 200613.30143498 | 199326.15582058 | 190653.24438352 | 179053.64356133 | 171429.28328009 | 177348.24218953 | 181507.07453477 | 175950.69207019 | 183563.54958717 | 177281.04756186 | 180852.98076359 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.LS._Z.XDC._T.F.V.N._T] | 9369.14561153 | 11647.57935081 | 8976.88420284 | 15306.68918349 | 15623.85046464 | 16258.37584469 | 17661.99667739 | 18460.10853885 | 18476.87401694 | 16942.26218525 | 17996.2608492 | 17383.42626454 | 16959.24126934 | 21664.3650321 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.LS._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | 9284.2809707 | 11788.34460297 | 8877.42213073 | 15951.39423287 | 15935.76813603 | 16507.88493209 | 17809.42038573 | 18468.69537883 | 18537.09043956 | 16922.76257242 | 17895.46756677 | 16887.45934674 | 16511.11420218 | 21059.599864 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.S._Z.XDC._T.F.V.N._T] | 705.83140003 | 374.8694784 | 843.09383027 | 1434.64031133 | 2249.54283535 | 3879.56975566 | 4272.36027822 | 3592.50358928 | 4126.26828185 | 3380.18205232 | 3567.36337978 | 3072.17123078 | 4006.39941234 | 4375.30062668 |
[Q.N.AT.U2.S1.S13.N.A.LE.F3.S._Z.XDC._T.M.V.N._T] | 706.575034 | 375.954093 | 845.398139 | 1438.55625 | 2253.851541 | 3879.5390362 | 4258.89337887 | 3573.62847245 | 4095.36045523 | 3343.67445525 | 3534.47151949 | 3047.67431549 | 3963.53587727 | 4337.56175854 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 75,518