[AEO.2023] Annual Energy Outlook 2023
Updated by provider on May 4, 2023 (5:04 PM).
The Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) from EIA.gov provides long term forecasts (25 years) of U.S. energy production, consumption, and trade for the United Stated of electricity, petroleum, natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable sources.
[frequency] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[units] Units
- [1982] 1982=1.00
- [19822] 1982-84=1.00
- [1987] 1987 $/MMBtu
- [19872] 1987 $/mi
- [2012] 2012=1.00
- [20122] 2012=1.000
- [2015] 2015=1.00
- [2022] 2022 $/Mcf
- [20222] 2022 $/b
- [20223] 2022 $/gal
- [20224] 2022 cents/kWh
- [20225] 2022 $/MMBtu
- [20226] 2022 $/st
- [20227] 2022 $/ton
- [20228] 2022 $/kW
- [20229] 2022 $ per kWh
- [afue] AFUE
- [bcf] Bcf
- [bill] billion passenger mi
- [bill10] billion miles
- [bill11] billion kWh
- [bill12] billions
- [bill2] billion 2022 $
- [bill3] billion nom $
- [bill4] billion 2012 $
- [bill5] billion sq ft
- [bill6] billion vehicle mile
- [bill7] billion ton miles
- [bill8] billion 2012 $
- [bill9] billion seat miles
- [bkwh] BkWh
- [btu] Btu/kWh
- [btu2] Btu Out/Btu In
- [cdd] CDD
- [cop] COP
- [cu_f] cu ft/minute/Btu
- [eer] EER
- [ef] EF
- [frac] fraction
- [gcop] GCOP
- [gw] GW
- [hdd] HDD
- [hp] HP
- [hspf] HSPF
- [kwh] kWh
- [lb] lb
- [lume] lumens/watt
- [mile] miles
- [mill] million 2022 $
- [mill2] millions
- [mmb] MMb/d
- [mmb2] MMb/d oil eq
- [mmbt] MMBtu/household
- [mmbt2] MMBtu/ton
- [mmbt3] MMBtu/b
- [mmmt] MMmt CO2
- [mmmt2] MMmtCO2
- [mmmt3] MMmtCO2/capita
- [mmst] MMst
- [mpg] mpg
- [mpg2] mpg gas equiv
- [mpg3] mpg diesel equiv
- [nom] nom $/gal
- [nom2] nom cents/kWh
- [nom3] nom $/MMBtu
- [nom4] nom $/Mcf
- [nom5] nom $/b
- [nom6] nom $/ton
- [nom7] nom $/st
- [perc] percent
- [perc2] percent, nominal
- [quad] quads
- [rati] ratio
- [seat] seat mpg
- [seer] SEER
- [sq_f] sq ft
- [st] st
- [tcf] Tcf
- [thou] thousand Btu/sq ft
- [thou2] thousand Btu/2012 $
- [thou3] thousand Btu/$ GDP
- [thou4] thousands
- [thou5] thousand 2022 $
- [thou6] thousand Btu/b
- [thou7] thousand Btu/cu ft
- [thou8] thousand miles
- [ton] ton miles/thousand B
- [tril] trillion Btu
- [unit] units
Search filters
Frequency [frequency] (1)
Units [units] (89)
Series matching your search: 215,441 / 215,441. Showing results 1 to 10.
- from
- 2021=91.047
- to
- 2050=79.914
- min:
- 64.625
- max:
- 91.047
- avg:
- 72.216
- σ:
- 6.029
- from
- 2021=183.026
- to
- 2050=224.298
- min:
- 177.482
- max:
- 224.298
- avg:
- 200.291
- σ:
- 13.141
- from
- 2021=238.514
- to
- 2050=254.817
- min:
- 235.903
- max:
- 254.817
- avg:
- 243.307
- σ:
- 5.593
- from
- 2021=236.184
- to
- 2050=280.798
- min:
- 229.98
- max:
- 280.798
- avg:
- 254.61
- σ:
- 14.923
- from
- 2021=190.613
- to
- 2050=225.437
- min:
- 184.851
- max:
- 225.437
- avg:
- 203.13
- σ:
- 11.899
- from
- 2021=301.472
- to
- 2050=304.987
- min:
- 282.482
- max:
- 304.987
- avg:
- 292.931
- σ:
- 6.754
- from
- 2021=198.446
- to
- 2050=226.725
- min:
- 194.305
- max:
- 226.725
- avg:
- 209.154
- σ:
- 9.244
- from
- 2021=262.543
- to
- 2050=302.898
- min:
- 255.971
- max:
- 302.898
- avg:
- 275.31
- σ:
- 13.956
- from
- 2021=175.235
- to
- 2050=192.815
- min:
- 172.728
- max:
- 192.815
- avg:
- 181.903
- σ:
- 5.581
- from
- 2021=409.238
- to
- 2050=461.791
- min:
- 403.133
- max:
- 461.791
- avg:
- 431.236
- σ:
- 16.699
Series code | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | 2035 | 2036 | 2037 | 2038 | 2039 | 2040 | 2041 | 2042 | 2043 | 2044 | 2045 | 2046 | 2047 | 2048 | 2049 | 2050 |
[AEO2022REF.#NAME?.A] | 91.046997 | 79.439453 | 73.821411 | 68.828789 | 66.062378 | 65.081459 | 64.670738 | 64.624664 | 65.284729 | 65.360123 | 66.426491 | 66.619133 | 67.390976 | 68.288727 | 69.069855 | 69.888702 | 70.431389 | 71.384102 | 72.039856 | 72.902527 | 73.632454 | 74.369919 | 75.05114 | 75.706322 | 76.410233 | 77.22715 | 77.888794 | 78.467094 | 79.138306 | 79.914307 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_CMPT_NA_NA_HP.A] | 183.02565 | 177.482483 | 180.981262 | 184.130432 | 187.233612 | 187.343948 | 188.384476 | 189.499695 | 190.657532 | 191.536606 | 192.067932 | 193.100708 | 194.211792 | 195.987915 | 197.860733 | 199.640625 | 201.422394 | 203.028488 | 204.94664 | 206.627396 | 208.248459 | 210.03862 | 211.571503 | 213.108521 | 214.878571 | 216.542419 | 218.348297 | 220.280243 | 222.24295 | 224.298294 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_LCUV_NA_NA_HP.A] | 238.514359 | 235.902756 | 238.203796 | 239.599548 | 240.007278 | 238.360535 | 238.425873 | 238.468262 | 238.563843 | 238.50592 | 238.260269 | 238.29982 | 238.399338 | 238.921066 | 240.106522 | 241.230972 | 242.352356 | 243.293015 | 244.356812 | 245.31395 | 246.231369 | 247.221863 | 248.071228 | 248.914139 | 249.867081 | 250.759277 | 251.7267 | 252.739075 | 253.765793 | 254.817291 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_LRG_NA_NA_HP.A] | 236.184174 | 229.979553 | 233.392929 | 235.940796 | 237.366074 | 237.541107 | 239.083832 | 240.761246 | 242.671646 | 244.254593 | 245.455353 | 247.282883 | 249.214249 | 251.078217 | 253.072311 | 254.958618 | 256.81897 | 258.527771 | 260.555817 | 262.341003 | 264.059631 | 265.953827 | 267.604126 | 269.243256 | 271.111969 | 272.872192 | 274.727631 | 276.720123 | 278.724915 | 280.797943 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_MIDT_NA_NA_HP.A] | 190.612595 | 184.851242 | 187.221359 | 189.141296 | 189.771103 | 189.733887 | 190.078094 | 191.5177 | 193.065552 | 194.339813 | 195.291046 | 196.725479 | 198.254364 | 199.741241 | 201.31488 | 202.799744 | 204.281219 | 205.596329 | 207.197617 | 208.569092 | 209.891357 | 211.624557 | 213.134811 | 214.63797 | 216.348099 | 217.959503 | 219.721207 | 221.572327 | 223.465866 | 225.436539 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_MINI_NA_NA_HP.A] | 301.47229 | 297.224304 | 299.704498 | 301.197266 | 297.67514 | 293.139282 | 291.965027 | 290.234955 | 288.524658 | 286.61969 | 284.368591 | 282.633331 | 282.546051 | 282.482483 | 284.037659 | 285.277893 | 286.735352 | 288.013916 | 289.578644 | 290.897858 | 292.120483 | 293.585999 | 294.816498 | 296.060486 | 297.505371 | 298.863251 | 300.327789 | 301.898285 | 303.421906 | 304.987152 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_NA_NA_NA_HP.A] | 198.44606 | 194.305267 | 197.362122 | 199.089035 | 200.079681 | 199.398956 | 199.871841 | 200.76825 | 201.703583 | 202.330994 | 202.68573 | 203.65625 | 204.602585 | 205.672943 | 206.897537 | 208.191376 | 209.510406 | 210.662018 | 212.155075 | 213.318619 | 214.502228 | 215.907928 | 217.021591 | 218.19458 | 219.58812 | 220.820251 | 222.240585 | 223.726562 | 225.187531 | 226.725143 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_SCT_NA_NA_HP.A] | 262.543182 | 255.970963 | 259.845734 | 261.185455 | 262.535858 | 259.976135 | 261.043182 | 262.062958 | 263.273834 | 264.096405 | 264.382843 | 265.295441 | 266.32959 | 268.438843 | 270.711212 | 272.87323 | 274.917542 | 276.847992 | 279.218201 | 281.309967 | 283.248291 | 285.425781 | 287.231201 | 289.080963 | 291.274597 | 293.357056 | 295.57254 | 297.969116 | 300.379883 | 302.897552 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_SCUV_NA_NA_HP.A] | 175.235092 | 172.727615 | 174.807907 | 176.500946 | 177.168167 | 176.545532 | 176.930801 | 177.315063 | 177.724625 | 177.985092 | 178.0634 | 178.406036 | 178.795837 | 179.176422 | 179.602478 | 180.544403 | 181.497238 | 182.364151 | 183.358658 | 184.225525 | 185.032181 | 185.927292 | 186.683533 | 187.443588 | 188.314209 | 189.130173 | 189.992584 | 190.921356 | 191.848709 | 192.814743 |
[AEO2022REF.ATT_HP_CNV_NLC_TWOS_NA_NA_HP.A] | 409.238464 | 403.132812 | 407.788757 | 411.263245 | 413.97702 | 413.948425 | 415.967865 | 417.376099 | 418.796692 | 419.835541 | 420.360229 | 421.484955 | 423.769989 | 425.849701 | 428.109833 | 430.243286 | 432.544403 | 434.665222 | 437.166077 | 439.314636 | 441.36319 | 443.667603 | 445.595825 | 447.581543 | 449.872498 | 452.034729 | 454.305786 | 456.77475 | 459.255219 | 461.791138 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 215,441