[bop_iip6_q] International investment position - quarterly and annual data (BPM6)
Updated by provider on July 16, 2024 (9:00 PM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
- [Q] Quarterly
[currency] Currency
- [MIO_EUR] Million euro
- [MIO_NAC] Million units of national currency
[bop_item] BOP_item
- [FA] Financial account
- [FA__D1__F5] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity and investment fund shares; in Direct investment enterprise
- [FA__D1__F5A] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity other than reinvestment of earnings; in Direct investment enterprise
- [FA__D1__FL] Financial account; Direct Investment; Debt instruments; in Direct investment enterprise
- [FA__D2__F5] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity and investment fund shares; in Direct investor (reverse investment)
- [FA__D2__F5A] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity other than reinvestment of earnings; in Direct investor (reverse investment)
- [FA__D2__FL] Financial account; Direct Investment; Debt instruments; in Direct investor (reverse investment)
- [FA__D3__F5] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity and investment fund shares; between fellow enterprises
- [FA__D3__F5A] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity other than reinvestment of earnings; between fellow enterprises
- [FA__D3__FL] Financial account; Direct Investment; Debt instruments; between Fellow enterprises
- [FA__D__F] Financial account; Direct Investment
- [FA__D__F3] Financial account; Direct Investment; Debt securities
- [FA__D__F4] Financial account; Direct Investment; Loans
- [FA__D__F5] Financial account; Direct Investment, Equity and investment fund shares/units
- [FA__D__F51] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity
- [FA__D__F511] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity; Listed shares
- [FA__D__F512] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity; Unlisted shares
- [FA__D__F519] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity; Other equity (e.g. real estate)
- [FA__D__F51M] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity; Unlisted shares and other equity
- [FA__D__F52] Financial account; Direct Investment; Investment fund shares/units
- [FA__D__F5A] Financial account; Direct Investment; Equity other than reinvestment of earnings
- [FA__D__F5B] Financial account; Direct Investment; Reinvestment of earnings
- [FA__D__F81] Financial account; Direct Investment; Trade credits and advances
- [FA__D__FL] Financial account; Direct Investment; Debt instruments
- [FA__D__FLF] Financial account; Direct Investment; Other debt instruments
- [FA__FGED] Gross external debt
- [FA__FNED] Net external debt
- [FA__F__F7] Financial account; Financial derivatives and employee stock options
- [FA__F__F71] Financial account; Financial derivatives
- [FA__NENDI] Net international investment position excluding non-defaultable instruments
- [FA__O__F] Financial account; Other Investment
- [FA__O__F12] Financial account; Other Investment; SDRs
- [FA__O__F2] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency and deposits
- [FA__O__F21__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency; Intra-Eurosystem technical claims and liabilities
- [FA__O__F21__S__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency; Intra-Eurosystem technical claims and liabilities; short term
- [FA__O__F2__L] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency and deposits; Long term
- [FA__O__F2__S] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency and deposits; Short term
- [FA__O__F2__T__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency and deposits in Euro currency
- [FA__O__F2__USD] Financial account; Other Investment; Currency and deposits; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__O__F4] Financial account; Other Investment; Loans
- [FA__O__F4__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; Loans; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__O__F4__L] Financial account; Other Investment; Loans; Long term
- [FA__O__F4__S] Financial account; Other Investment; Loans; Short term
- [FA__O__F4__USD] Financial account; Other Investment; Loans; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__O__F519] Financial account; Other Investment; Other equity
- [FA__O__F6] Financial account; Other Investment; Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
- [FA__O__F81] Financial account; Other Investment; Trade credits and advances
- [FA__O__F81__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; Trade credits and advances; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__O__F81__L] Financial account; Other Investment; Trade credits and advances; Long term
- [FA__O__F81__S] Financial account; Other Investment; Trade credits and advances; Short term
- [FA__O__F81__USD] Financial account; Other Investment; Trade credits and advances; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__O__F89] Financial account; Other Investment; Other accounts receivable/payable
- [FA__O__F89__L] Financial account; Other Investment; Other accounts receivable/payable; Long term
- [FA__O__F89__S] Financial account; Other Investment; Other accounts receivable/payable; Short term
- [FA__O__F__EUR] Financial account; Other Investment; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__O__F__USD] Financial account; Other Investment; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__P__F] Financial account; Portfolio Investment
- [FA__P__F3] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities
- [FA__P__F3__EUR] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__P__F3__L] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long term
- [FA__P__F3__LL] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long-term original maturity (over 1 year) with long-term residual maturity (over 1 year)
- [FA__P__F3__LS] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long-term original maturity (over 1 year) with short-term residual maturity (up to 1 year)
- [FA__P__F3__L__EUR] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long term; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__P__F3__L__USD] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long term; currency of denomination US Dollar
- [FA__P__F3__L__X4] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Long term; all currencies of denomination except EUR and USD
- [FA__P__F3__S] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Short term
- [FA__P__F3__S__EUR] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Short term; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__P__F3__S__USD] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Short term; currency of denomination US Dollar
- [FA__P__F3__S__X4] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; Short term; all currencies of denomination except EUR and USD
- [FA__P__F3__USD] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; currency of denomination US Dollar
- [FA__P__F3__X4] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Debt securities; all currencies of denomination except EUR and USD
- [FA__P__F5] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity and investment fund shares/units
- [FA__P__F51] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity
- [FA__P__F511] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity; Listed shares
- [FA__P__F512] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity; Unlisted shares
- [FA__P__F52] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Investment fund shares/units
- [FA__P__F5__EUR] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity and investment fund shares/units; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__P__F5__USD] Financial account; Portfolio Investment; Equity and investment fund shares/units; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__R__F] Financial account; Reserve assets
- [FA__R__F11] Financial account; Reserve assets; Monetary gold
- [FA__R__F11A] Financial account; Reserve assets; Gold bullion
- [FA__R__F11B] Financial account; Reserve assets; Unallocated gold accounts
- [FA__R__F12] Financial account; Reserve assets; SDRs
- [FA__R__F2] Financial account; Reserve assets; Currency and deposits
- [FA__R__F3] Financial account; Reserve assets; Debt securities
- [FA__R__F3__L] Financial account; Reserve assets; Debt securities; Long term
- [FA__R__F3__S] Financial account; Reserve assets; Debt securities; Short term
- [FA__R__F5] Financial account; Reserve assets; Equity and investment fund shares/units
- [FA__R__F71] Financial account; Reserve assets; Financial derivatives
- [FA__R__FK] Financial account; Reserve assets; Reserve Position in the IMF
- [FA__R__FR1] Financial account; Reserve assets; Securities (Equity, investment fund shares/units and debt securities)
- [FA__R__FR2] Financial account; Reserve assets; Other reserve assets (currency, deposits, securities, financial derivatives and other claims)
- [FA__R__FR41] Financial account; Reserve assets; Other claims
- [FA__TXF_R__F] Financial account excluding reserve assets and financial derivatives and employee stock options
- [FA__TXF_R__F__EUR] Financial account excluding reserve assets and financial derivatives and employee stock options; currency of denomination Euro
- [FA__TXF_R__F__USD] Financial account excluding reserve assets and financial derivatives and employee stock options; currency of denomination US dollar
- [FA__TXR__F] Financial account excluding reserve assets
[sector10] Sector (ESA 2010)
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non-financial corporations
- [S121] Central Bank
- [S122] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non-MMF investment funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12M] Financial corporations other than MFIs
- [S12O] Other financial institutions
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S12R] Other financial corporations
- [S12T] Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) other than central bank
- [S13] General Government
- [S1A] Affiliates
- [S1M] Households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [S1N] Not sectorised
- [S1P] Other sectors than MFIs and general government
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [S1W] Other sectors than General Government
- [S1X] Monetary authorities
- [S1Z] Sectors other than deposit-taking corporations and general government
[sectpart] Sector (ESA 2010)
- [S1] Total economy
- [S11] Non-financial corporations
- [S121] Central Bank
- [S122] Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
- [S123] Money market funds
- [S124] Non-MMF investment funds
- [S12K] Monetary financial institutions (MFI)
- [S12M] Financial corporations other than MFIs
- [S12O] Other financial institutions
- [S12Q] Insurance corporations and pension funds
- [S12T] Monetary Financial Institutions (MFI) other than central bank
- [S13] General Government
- [S1M] Households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [S1N] Not sectorised
- [S1V] Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households
- [S1X] Monetary authorities
[stk_flow] Stock or flow
- [A_K7A] Assets - revaluations due to exchange rate changes
- [A_K7B] Assets - revaluations due to other price changes
- [A_KA] Assets - other changes in the volume of Assets/Liabilities
- [A_LE] Assets - positions at the end of period
- [L_K7A] Liabilities - revaluations due to exchange rate changes
- [L_K7B] Liabilities - revaluations due to other price changes
- [L_KA] Liabilities - other changes in the volume of Assets/Liabilities
- [L_LE] Liabilities - positions at the end of period
- [NE_LE] Net liabilities (liabilities minus assets)
- [NI_LE] Net FDI inward - positions at the end of period
- [NO_LE] Net FDI outward - positions at the end of period
- [N_K7A] Net revaluations due to exchange rate changes
- [N_K7B] Net revaluations due to other price changes
- [N_KA] Net other changes in the volume of Assets/Liabilities
- [N_LE] Net positions at the end of period
[partner] Geopolitical entity (partner)
- [AR] Argentina
- [AT] Austria
- [AU] Australia
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [BR] Brazil
- [CA] Canada
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CN_X_HK] China except Hong Kong
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [EU28] European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- [EUI] Institutions and bodies of the European Union
- [EXT_EA19] Extra-euro area - 19 countries (from 2015)
- [EXT_EA20] Extra-euro area - 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EXT_EU27_2020] Extra-EU27 (from 2020)
- [EXT_EU28] Extra-EU28 (2013-2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [G20_X_EU27_2020] Group of Twenty except the EU27 countries (from 2020)
- [HK] Hong Kong
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [ID] Indonesia
- [IE] Ireland
- [IMF] International Monetary Fund
- [IN] India
- [IT] Italy
- [JP] Japan
- [KR] South Korea
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [MT] Malta
- [MX] Mexico
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [OFFSHO] Offshore financial centers
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RU] Russia
- [SA] Saudi Arabia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [US] United States
- [WRL_REST] Rest of the world
- [ZA] South Africa
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AL] Albania
- [AT] Austria
- [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina
- [BE] Belgium
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany
- [DK] Denmark
- [EA19] Euro area - 19 countries (2015-2022)
- [EA20] Euro area – 20 countries (from 2023)
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [EU27_2020] European Union - 27 countries (from 2020)
- [EU28] European Union - 28 countries (2013-2020)
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HR] Croatia
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IS] Iceland
- [IT] Italy
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [ME] Montenegro
- [MK] North Macedonia
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [RS] Serbia
- [SE] Sweden
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [TR] Türkiye
- [UK] United Kingdom
- [XK] Kosovo*
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (2)
Currency [currency] (2)
BOP_item [bop_item] (97)
Sector (ESA 2010) [sector10] (21)
Sector (ESA 2010) [sectpart] (16)
Stock or flow [stk_flow] (15)
Geopolitical entity (partner) [partner] (59)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (42)
This dataset has 1,841,517 series:
- from
- 2013=1262691
- to
- 2021=1262691
- min:
- -1,339,215
- max:
- 1,262,691
- avg:
- 177,474.889
- σ:
- 901,882.402
- from
- 2013=-576332.6
- to
- 2023=-576332.6
- min:
- -1,342,248.2
- max:
- 1,261,520.8
- avg:
- 143,713.445
- σ:
- 881,942.159
- from
- 2015=-1028.9
- to
- 2023=-1028.9
- min:
- -1,028.9
- max:
- -26.1
- avg:
- -286.433
- σ:
- 312.894
- from
- 2013=-7306
- to
- 2023=-7306
- min:
- -20,269
- max:
- 22,209
- avg:
- 1,109
- σ:
- 13,795.955
- from
- 2012=-18936
- to
- 2023=-18936
- min:
- -66,933
- max:
- 46,871
- avg:
- 2,666.833
- σ:
- 36,021.04
- from
- 2010=-284
- to
- 2023=-284
- min:
- -657.6
- max:
- 887.1
- avg:
- 110.771
- σ:
- 464.031
- from
- 2013=-393.8
- to
- 2023=-393.8
- min:
- -11,119
- max:
- 18,812
- avg:
- 2,097.5
- σ:
- 8,583.555
- from
- 2013=6137.2
- to
- 2023=6137.2
- min:
- -16,785.1
- max:
- 7,757.9
- avg:
- 396.636
- σ:
- 6,180.846
- from
- 2013=-48781
- to
- 2023=-48781
- min:
- -218,652
- max:
- 163,455
- avg:
- 12,671.182
- σ:
- 124,226.807
- from
- 2012=-13305.5
- to
- 2023=-13305.5
- min:
- -40,157.7
- max:
- 31,683.6
- avg:
- 1,323.325
- σ:
- 22,664.191
Series code | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.EXT_EA19.EA19] | - | - | - | -186569 | 1053198 | 956020 | 172787 | -1339215 | 540442 | 424701 | -1286781 | 1262691 | - | - |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.EXT_EA20.EA20] | - | - | - | -437050.4 | 1034137.5 | 1062138.8 | 249457.3 | -1342248.2 | 540353.6 | 398774.4 | -1297471.5 | 1261520.8 | 687568.2 | -576332.6 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.AL] | - | - | - | - | - | -60 | -38.2 | -346.1 | -476.6 | -38.8 | -126.5 | -26.1 | -436.7 | -1028.9 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.AT] | - | - | - | -14181 | 12923 | 22209 | 3836 | -19248 | 2239 | 5737 | -20269 | 15746 | 10513 | -7306 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.BE] | - | - | -6158 | -29712 | 44478 | 43415 | 6881 | -66933 | 17860 | 13242 | -48961 | 46871 | 29955 | -18936 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.BG] | 751 | 272.3 | -17.5 | -563.2 | 347.6 | 373.7 | 132.7 | -526.1 | 142.5 | 105.5 | -657.6 | 887.1 | 586.8 | -284 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.CY] | - | - | - | 1486 | 11339 | 18812 | 4606 | -11119 | 7159 | 1219.9 | -9177.1 | 6346.8 | -7206.3 | -393.8 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.CZ] | - | - | - | 7757.9 | 3401.3 | -483.8 | 1501.5 | -16785.1 | 530.7 | 2515.3 | 3729.9 | -2082.7 | -1859.2 | 6137.2 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.DE] | - | - | - | -85445 | 148061 | 153201 | 15057 | -218652 | 49631 | 55081 | -172496 | 163455 | 80271 | -48781 |
[A.MIO_EUR.FA.S1.S1.A_K7A.WRL_REST.DK] | - | - | 3769.4 | -13262.4 | 22428.1 | 27786.6 | 2916.4 | -39235.1 | 8994.2 | 10879.1 | -40157.7 | 31683.6 | 13383.2 | -13305.5 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 1,841,517