[cens_01neisco] Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, educational attainment level and occupation (ISCO 1988)
Updated by provider on February 9, 2021 (5:22 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [PER] Person
[isco88] International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM))
- [ISCO0] Armed forces
- [ISCO1] Legislators, senior officials and managers
- [ISCO2] Professionals
- [ISCO3] Technicians and associate professionals
- [ISCO4] Clerks
- [ISCO5] Service workers and shop and market sales workers
- [ISCO6] Skilled agricultural and fishery workers
- [ISCO7] Craft and related trades workers
- [ISCO8] Plant and machine operators and assemblers
- [ISCO9] Elementary occupations
- [TOTAL] Total
- [UNK] Unknown
[isced97] International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997)
- [ED0] Pre-primary education (level 0)
- [ED1] Primary education or first stage of basic education (level 1)
- [ED2] Lower secondary or second stage of basic education (level 2)
- [ED3] Upper secondary education (level 3)
- [ED3A] Upper secondary education (level 3A), programmes designed to provide direct access to level 5A
- [ED3B] Upper secondary education (level 3B), programmes designed to provide direct access to level 5B
- [ED3C] Upper secondary education (level 3C), programmes not designed to lead directly to levels 5A or 5B; they lead directly to labour market, level 4 or other level 3 programmes
- [ED4] Post-secondary non-tertiary education (level 4)
- [ED5A] First stage of tertiary education, programmes that are theoretically based/research preparatory or giving access to professions with high skills requirements (level 5A)
- [ED5B] First stage of tertiary education, programmes which are practically oriented and occupationally specific (level 5B)
- [ED5_6] First and second stage of tertiary education (levels 5 and 6)
- [ED6] Second stage of tertiary education leading to an advanced research qualification (level 6)
- [ED_NED] Total of all level ISCED97 and no education
- [NED] No education
- [TOTAL] All ISCED 1997 levels
- [UNK] Unknown
[age] Age class
- [TOTAL] Total
- [Y15-24] From 15 to 24 years
- [Y25-34] From 25 to 34 years
- [Y35-54] From 35 to 54 years
- [Y55-74] From 55 to 74 years
[sex] Sex
- [F] Females
- [M] Males
- [T] Total
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LI] Liechtenstein
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
- [UK] United Kingdom
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM)) [isco88] (12)
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 1997) [isced97] (16)
Age class [age] (5)
Sex [sex] (3)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (27)
This dataset has 53,250 series:
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=3
- to
- 2001=3
- min:
- 3
- max:
- 3
- avg:
- 3
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=0
- to
- 2001=0
- min:
- 0
- max:
- 0
- avg:
- 0
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 53,250