[cens_01nhctzcomp] Private households by composition and citizenship
Updated by provider on February 9, 2021 (5:22 AM).
[FREQ] Frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [NR] Number
[hhcomp] Household composition
- [CSU_NCH] Household composed of couple in consensual union without resident children
- [CSU_YCH] Household composed of couple in consensual union with at least one resident child under 25 years
- [F1_CH] Household composed of lone mother living with at least one child
- [FAM1] Household composed of one-family nucleus
- [FAM_GE2] Household composed of two-or-more-family nucleus
- [M1_CH] Household composed of lone father living with at least one child
- [MAR_NCH] Household composed of married couple without resident children
- [MAR_YCH] Household composed of married couple with at least one resident child under 25 years
- [MULTI] Multiperson household other than family nucleus
- [NFAM] Household composed of non-family nucleus
- [P1] One-person household
- [P1_CH] Household composed of lone mother or father living with at least one child
- [TOTAL] Total
[citizen] Country of citizenship
- [EU15_FOR] EU15 countries (1995-2004) except reporting country
- [EXT_EU15] Extra-EU15 (1995-2004)
- [OTH] Others
- [TOTAL] Total
- [UNK] Unknown
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [AT] Austria
- [BE] Belgium
- [CH] Switzerland
- [CY] Cyprus
- [CZ] Czechia
- [DE] Germany (until 1990 former territory of the FRG)
- [DK] Denmark
- [EE] Estonia
- [EL] Greece
- [ES] Spain
- [FI] Finland
- [FR] France
- [HU] Hungary
- [IE] Ireland
- [IT] Italy
- [LI] Liechtenstein
- [LT] Lithuania
- [LU] Luxembourg
- [LV] Latvia
- [NL] Netherlands
- [NO] Norway
- [PL] Poland
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SI] Slovenia
- [SK] Slovakia
Search filters
Frequency [FREQ] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (1)
Household composition [hhcomp] (13)
Country of citizenship [citizen] (5)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (26)
This dataset has 972 series:
- from
- 2001=2580
- to
- 2001=2580
- min:
- 2,580
- max:
- 2,580
- avg:
- 2,580
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=2311
- to
- 2001=2311
- min:
- 2,311
- max:
- 2,311
- avg:
- 2,311
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=208
- to
- 2001=208
- min:
- 208
- max:
- 208
- avg:
- 208
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=52
- to
- 2001=52
- min:
- 52
- max:
- 52
- avg:
- 52
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=9000
- to
- 2001=9000
- min:
- 9,000
- max:
- 9,000
- avg:
- 9,000
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=309
- to
- 2001=309
- min:
- 309
- max:
- 309
- avg:
- 309
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=17
- to
- 2001=17
- min:
- 17
- max:
- 17
- avg:
- 17
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=358
- to
- 2001=358
- min:
- 358
- max:
- 358
- avg:
- 358
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=4452
- to
- 2001=4452
- min:
- 4,452
- max:
- 4,452
- avg:
- 4,452
- σ:
- 0
- from
- 2001=75
- to
- 2001=75
- min:
- 75
- max:
- 75
- avg:
- 75
- σ:
- 0
Showing results 1 - 10 / 972