ENP countries: population - demography [enpr_psdemo]

Documentation on provider website

Updated by provider on February 9, 2021 (7:27 AM)

Frequency [FREQ]
Cooperation statistics indicators [indic_co]
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo]

Dataset has 98 series. Add search filters to narrow them.

Series code 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014
A.1001.AM 3226900 3211800 3208300 3191200 3173800 3156000 3136800 3117400 3097300 3076800 3055200 3034500 3021376 3026879 3017079
A.1001.AZ 8032846 8114347 8191379 8269183 8349069 8447391 8553111 8666071 8779924 8897042 8997586 9111078 9235085 9356483 9477119
A.1001.BY 10002535 9956684 9900414 9830681 9762817 9697475 9630354 9579493 9542412 9513557 9499972 9481193 9465150 9463840 9468154
A.1001.GE 4435200 4401400 4371535 4342600 4315200 4321453 4401292 4394702 4382070 4385429 4436391 4469250 4497617 4483779 4490498
A.1001.MD 3644070 3635112 3627812 3618312 3607435 3600436 3589936 3581110 3572703 3567512 3563695 3560430 3559541 3559497 3557634
A.1002.AM 1545700 1543100 1542400 1543600 1546700 1550600 1554111 1557399 1562557 1568265 1575826 1583584 1449473 1451646 1443497
A.1002.AZ 3927034 3971991 4014998 4057966 4102236 4156167 4213466 4274939 4336751 4400428 4455503 4517055 4583484 4648793 4713548
A.1002.BY 4693655 4668206 4638229 4599623 4562176 4526476 4489208 4460979 4440774 4425287 4418290 4408159 4398293 4397526 4401211
A.1002.GE 2092800 2075800 2061700 2061900 2039000 2043600 2083892 2079545 2078395 2080807 2108914 2127278 2143794 2138800 2141372
A.1002.MD 1744458 1740612 1737551 1733308 1728414 1724841 1719368 1721030 1717459 1714931 1713487 1712106 1711725 1712346 1711506
Dimension codes and labels
[FREQ] Frequency
  • [A] Annual
[indic_co] Cooperation statistics indicators
  • [1001] Population: total
  • [1002] Population: male
  • [1003] Population: female
  • [1011] Population: people aged under 15 as a share of the total population (%)
  • [1012] Population: people aged between 15 and 64 as a share of the total population (%)
  • [1013] Population: people aged 65 or over as a share of the total population (%)
  • [1014] Population: people aged between 20 and 64 as a share of the total population (%)
  • [1021] Crude birth rate (per 1000)
  • [1022] Crude death rate (per 1000)
  • [1023] Natural growth rate (per 1000)
  • [1024] Crude rate of net migration (per 1000)
  • [1025] Number of immigrants (Thousand)
  • [1026] Number of emigrants (Thousand)
  • [1031] Fertility rate
  • [1041] Life expectancy at birth: male (Years)
  • [1042] Life expectancy at birth: female (Years)
  • [1051] Infant mortality rate: number of deaths of children under one year of age relative to 1000 live births
  • [1071] Age dependency ratio, 1st variant (Population aged 0-14 and 65 and more to pop. aged 15-64)
  • [1072] Young-age dependency ratio 1st variant (population aged 0-14 to population 15-64 years)
  • [1073] Old dependency ratio 1st variant (population 65 and over to population 15 to 64 years)
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
  • [AM] Armenia
  • [AZ] Azerbaijan
  • [BY] Belarus
  • [GE] Georgia
  • [MD] Moldova
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