[gov_10a_nfbs] General government non-financial balance sheets
Updated by provider on October 22, 2024 (9:00 AM).
[freq] Time frequency
- [A] Annual
[unit] Unit of measure
- [MIO_EUR] Million euro
- [MIO_NAC] Million units of national currency
- [PC_GDP] Percentage of gross domestic product (GDP)
[sector] Sector
- [S13] General government
- [S1311] Central government
- [S1312] State government
- [S1313] Local government
- [S1314] Social security funds
[asset10] Assets (ESA 2010)
- [N11N] Total fixed assets (net)
- [N1N] Produced non-financial assets (net)
- [N1ON] Fixed assets and inventories (net)
- [N21N] Natural resources (net)
- [N22N] Contracts, leases and licences (net)
- [N23N] Purchases less sales of goodwill and marketing assets (net)
- [N2N] Non-produced non-financial assets (net)
[geo] Geopolitical entity (reporting)
- [BG] Bulgaria
- [MT] Malta
- [NL] Netherlands
- [PT] Portugal
- [RO] Romania
- [SE] Sweden
Search filters
Time frequency [freq] (1)
Unit of measure [unit] (3)
Sector [sector] (5)
Assets (ESA 2010) [asset10] (7)
Geopolitical entity (reporting) [geo] (6)
This dataset has 207 series:
- from
- 2000=8,886.8
- to
- 2021=38,650
- min:
- 8,886.8
- max:
- 38,650
- avg:
- 20,941.105
- σ:
- 9,232.916
- from
- 1995=1,383.3
- to
- 2023=7,606.6
- min:
- 1,383.3
- max:
- 7,606.6
- avg:
- 3,566.407
- σ:
- 1,565.05
- from
- 1995=212,680
- to
- 2023=556,734
- min:
- 212,680
- max:
- 556,734
- avg:
- 357,434.062
- σ:
- 96,662.631
- from
- 2003=64,592.4
- to
- 2021=201,264
- min:
- 57,823.2
- max:
- 201,264
- avg:
- 120,024.947
- σ:
- 41,637.842
- from
- 1995=153,602.5
- to
- 2023=461,109.1
- min:
- 153,602.5
- max:
- 461,109.1
- avg:
- 266,795.038
- σ:
- 89,067.669
- from
- 2000=11,694.7
- to
- 2021=42,570.2
- min:
- 11,532.5
- max:
- 42,570.2
- avg:
- 24,084.914
- σ:
- 9,651.81
- from
- 1995=158,866.8
- to
- 2023=469,667.7
- min:
- 158,851.1
- max:
- 469,667.7
- avg:
- 272,973.493
- σ:
- 90,553.653
- from
- 2000=2,807.9
- to
- 2021=3,920.2
- min:
- 2,142
- max:
- 3,920.2
- avg:
- 3,143.823
- σ:
- 526.801
- from
- 1995=5,264.3
- to
- 2023=8,558.7
- min:
- 3,803.3
- max:
- 8,575.3
- avg:
- 6,178.448
- σ:
- 1,649.598
- from
- 1995=32,370
- to
- 2023=102,800.7
- min:
- 32,370
- max:
- 102,941.6
- avg:
- 65,216.876
- σ:
- 21,403.096
Series code | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N11N.BG] | - | - | - | - | - | 8886.8 | 8922.5 | 9745.8 | 9974.8 | 10277.6 | 10995.5 | 12651.6 | 14526.3 | 17369 | 19843.2 | 21023.4 | 22394.7 | 22964.4 | 23053.4 | 23721.6 | 26492.1 | 26648.5 | 30887.5 | 32069.8 | 34045.5 | 35560.3 | 38650 | - | - |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N11N.MT] | 1383.3 | 1514.4 | 1685.3 | 1779.3 | 2025.5 | 2223.3 | 2446.4 | 2508 | 2581 | 2512.2 | 2707.4 | 2964.6 | 3227.6 | 3304.2 | 3300.1 | 3305.7 | 3423 | 3566 | 3687.1 | 3895.1 | 4200.3 | 4362.8 | 4531.6 | 4805.9 | 5100 | 5499.6 | 6243 | 7036.5 | 7606.6 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N11N.NL] | 212680 | 212855.2 | 214745.6 | 224029 | 232473 | 245749 | 262264 | 278944 | 292002 | 299767 | 307866 | 322521 | 337693 | 357623 | 368813 | 383648 | 395324 | 403545 | 410698 | 413254 | 415003 | 415877 | 425331 | 439031 | 453364 | 464678 | 487761 | 531315 | 556734 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N11N.RO] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 64592.4 | 57823.2 | 74072.6 | 91628.4 | 102159.5 | 110340.2 | 110293.8 | 105658.3 | 113630.8 | 99270.6 | 91561.9 | 100790.4 | 114664.5 | 137046.6 | 149823.7 | 177267.6 | 193528.1 | 185057.4 | 201264 | - | - |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N11N.SE] | 153602.5 | 157847.8 | 162465.4 | 154275.7 | 177865.8 | 178120.7 | 177418.3 | 189098.6 | 197136.1 | 208183 | 207552.5 | 227252.3 | 230925.6 | 214197 | 231682.4 | 277067.2 | 292009.2 | 311839.2 | 314233.8 | 306015 | 319561.7 | 325514.1 | 333719.3 | 341101 | 348112 | 377082.9 | 423501.1 | 438566.8 | 461109.1 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N1N.BG] | - | - | - | - | - | 11694.7 | 11532.5 | 12296.7 | 12302.1 | 12436 | 13137.4 | 15231.4 | 17612.4 | 20747.6 | 23323.4 | 24834 | 26221.7 | 26440.5 | 26141.4 | 27023.8 | 29944.3 | 30125.8 | 34297.5 | 35348.7 | 37438.3 | 39167.7 | 42570.2 | - | - |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N1N.SE] | 158866.8 | 163135.8 | 167762.2 | 158851.1 | 182987.8 | 183012.1 | 181978.8 | 193624.9 | 200939.4 | 212224.9 | 211803.4 | 231706.1 | 235774.2 | 218582.6 | 236725.8 | 283230.8 | 298877.3 | 319121.4 | 321162.5 | 313760.8 | 327697.9 | 333887.9 | 341497.4 | 348752.8 | 355989.7 | 385612 | 432076.4 | 446920.8 | 469667.7 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N1ON.BG] | - | - | - | - | - | 2807.9 | 2610.1 | 2550.9 | 2327.4 | 2158.3 | 2142 | 2579.8 | 3086.2 | 3378.6 | 3480.2 | 3810.6 | 3827 | 3476.1 | 3088 | 3302.2 | 3452.2 | 3477.2 | 3410.1 | 3278.8 | 3392.9 | 3607.4 | 3920.2 | - | - |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N1ON.SE] | 5264.3 | 5288 | 5296.8 | 4575.4 | 5122 | 4891.5 | 4560.5 | 4526.3 | 3803.3 | 4041.9 | 4250.8 | 4453.8 | 4848.6 | 4385.6 | 5043.4 | 6163.6 | 6868 | 7282.2 | 6928.7 | 7745.8 | 8136.2 | 8373.8 | 7778.1 | 7651.8 | 7877.6 | 8529 | 8575.3 | 8354 | 8558.7 |
[A.MIO_EUR.S13.N21N.SE] | 32370 | 34895.6 | 36744.6 | 35859.8 | 42349.8 | 40623.6 | 40366.4 | 42735.8 | 46326.1 | 63285.7 | 65908.3 | 74375.9 | 59998.6 | 52151.9 | 58097.4 | 71127.9 | 70542.8 | 70887 | 76140.8 | 71382.1 | 74370.4 | 77763.2 | 79183 | 78776 | 92571.4 | 101211 | 102941.6 | 95502 | 102800.7 |
Showing results 1 - 10 / 207